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食評 (34)
等級4 2025-02-24
206 瀏覽
在中環開餐,除了蘭桂方外,自動電梯兩旁也是好選擇。兩邊開滿了各式各樣的食肆,而且非常有特色;是夜到了一間墨西哥餐廳用餐,質素有驚喜。安排在餐廳最入的位置,熱鬧中帶着一點安靜,甚合我心。侍應哥哥介紹了這客 Sunset Rolls $108是份巨型的墨西哥春卷,外層炸得香脆,饀料豐富,有驚喜。 配搭了牛油果醬及乳酪醬,兩者皆美味,小編比較偏愛牛油果醬,食得非常開心。Taco 是墨西哥的傳統食物,點了Carne Asada Taco 🌮 $138,餡料是洋蔥🧅、雜菜炒牛肉粒,味道出色,Taco 香軟,好食😋再來一份Baja Fish Taco 🌮 $128顏色賣相吸引,夾著魚柳及炸蝦🍤的Taco, 是吃過最好味的墨西哥夾餅 👍🌮😋主菜時Taco Steak Salad 🥗 $178,牛扒🥩切片連同牛油果🥑鋪得滿滿的,視覺上非常吸引。牛肉🥩零韌度,內裏透著誘人的粉紅色,正👍!牛油果🥑熟透柔滑,配合新鮮爽口的沙律🥗菜,非常好味。Mango 🥭 Soda $58,芒果味道濃,清涼解渴。Berry Lemonade $68,藍莓🫐大大粒,略略打碎,仍吃到粒粒的藍莓🫐,味道清甜不酸,甚好! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2025-02-20
242 瀏覽
Santa monica cantina😘😘😘墨西哥fusion菜中環SOHO地帶、些利街新開fusion墨西哥菜、開放式門面、環境優雅簡潔、仲可以選擇、一邊品嚐美食、一邊欣賞街景、別有一番風味🤩✨StartersQuesadilla Tres Quesos$128墨西哥芝士餡餅、粟米粉製成的薄餅夾着起司烤製而成、混合香料蔬菜夾在薄餅中、可追加雞肉、賣相吸睛、餡餅底面、烤焗金黃鬆脆、蘸上墨西哥特色醬、(酪梨沙沙醬、墨西哥沙沙醬、酸奶油)、口感各有特色、味道又夾、滋味有惹味😛😛Add on chicken$38✨TacosSpicy Shrimp Tacos$138辣脆蝦墨西哥玉米餅🌮、以玉米粉製作成薄餅、油炸之後、脆卜卜、包裹餡料、鮮甜美味烤烘蝦球、橄欖、淋上辣蛋黃醬、放上香菜點綴、色彩鮮艷、辣得過隱、享用時還可蘸上地道墨西沙沙醬、層次分明、帶出味蕾新口味!creamy yummy ✨EntreesCarne Asada$198草飼牛、肉質鮮粉紅、嫩中帶嚼口、牛肉味濃郁、蘸酪梨沙沙醬、味道特色又幾夾、配埋有嚼口飯底、薄片墨西哥卷餅、地道菜配搭、CP值高質素!✨Cocktail Lychee Martini$98美味清爽雞尾酒、淡酒精味vodka x 香甜荔枝x馬丁尼、清新茘枝香氣、原粒茘枝肉、易入口微醺之選❤️✨Fruit Soda$58Strawberry Soda果味濃香草莓蘇打水、任何時享用、清涼怡人、迷人色彩!Santa Monica Cantina中環些利街9號地舖港鐵香港站C出口、步行約10分鐘 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-12-28
752 瀏覽
好耐冇食過墨西哥菜,中環有齊曬好多西餐菜式,今次就食好耐冇食過嘅墨西哥菜。菜式比人感覺好新鮮,因為平時太少食,充滿地道風情。用餐前店員更會為客人推介數款醬汁,適合吾同墨西哥菜式。✿ QUESADILLA TRES QUESOS $128聽都未聽過呢道菜😂其實就類似pizza🍕餡料可以揀豬/ 牛/ 雞/ 蝦,我地就揀咗雞肉🐔裡面好多芝士好cheesy💛🧀配以牛油果醬🥑莎莎醬 酸忌廉,個人就中意沾上牛油果醬 健康美味💚酸忌廉就同薄餅較能搭配。✿ SURF & TURF TACOS $128Tacos系墨西哥名菜,有燒蝦肉🦐牛肉🐮牛油果醬 芝士,Tacos皮十分軟稔🌮蝦肉爽口彈牙,牛肉牛味香濃❤️加埋牛油果醬好開胃~✿ CARNE ASADA有燒牛肉🐮米飯🍚青豆醬 牛油果醬 玉米餅,燒牛肉牛味濃郁,米飯亦吾系一般米飯,有中東feel😹但感覺好特別。✿ STRAWBERRY MARGARITA $98酒精濃度高🍸有Tequila同埋青檸汁🍋‍🟩杯周邊有鹽,賣相吸睛👀適合嗜酒人士。✿ NO-JITO $68自己就揀咗mocktail,有青瓜🥒加薄荷🌱好清甜解膩。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-12-24
854 瀏覽
香港聖誕氣氛最濃厚的地方之一中環,半山扶手電梯旁有不少食店,Santa Monica Cantina位處蘇豪區,氣氛不俗。香港墨西哥菜餐廳不多,Santa Monica Cantina提供的菜式算是比較大路的選擇。Santa Monica Sunset Berry LemonadeSanta Monica Sunset顏色很美,真的有如日落一般,橙汁混上紅石榴糖漿,橙紅色的很美,龍舌蘭酒的味道不太重。Berry Lemonade味道較輕盈,配搭濃味食物很合。Quesadilla Tres Quesos 暖暖的墨西哥餡餅夾上芝士及肉碎,配上經典牛油果醬、番茄莎莎及酸忌廉,每種醬就算單獨食,味道都很好。Santa Monica Chop 自家製沙律用上木碗盛載,材料十分豐富,計有牛扒粒、牛油果、粟米、番茄、青瓜、芝士及沙律菜,調味配搭得宜。Spicy Shrimp Tacos墨西哥粟米餅餅皮輕薄鬆脆,做得很好。烤蝦配上芝士、芫荽及牛油果醬,微辣惹味。墨西哥粟米餅可配多款不同辣度的辣醬。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-12-24
428 瀏覽
Today, I ventured out with friends to explore Central, discovering unique spots like the Medical Museum and PMQ. We stumbled upon a vibrant Mexican restaurant, Santa Monica Cantina, nestled near Tai Kwun. Intrigued by the cuisine, which is not something I often indulge in, we decided to give it a try.The atmosphere was relaxed, likely due to the early hour with few patrons. The modern decor added a touch of elegance, and I can only imagine how lively it becomes in the evening. The bar, centrally located, serves as the restaurant's focal point, inviting guests to unwind with a drink.What We OrderedWe opted for the set salad, Santa Monica burger, beef tacos (with both beef and chicken options), and a side of chips.Set Salad: Fresh and crisp, it was a delightful start. The combination of ingredients was refreshing, perfectly dressed to enhance the flavors without overpowering them.Santa Monica Burger: This was a standout! Juicy and well-seasoned, the burger was complemented by fresh toppings and a perfectly toasted bun. It delivered a satisfying bite that left us wanting more.Beef Tacos: The tacos were a highlight of our meal. The beef was tender and flavorful, while the chicken option offered a nice contrast. Served with vibrant toppings, each bite was a delicious explosion of flavor.Chips: Crispy and addictive, the chips were the perfect accompaniment to our tacos, providing a satisfying crunch.Overall ImpressionSanta Monica Cantina offers a delightful experience with its unique Mexican offerings in a stylish setting. The mix of flavors and the quality of ingredients made for a memorable meal. I appreciate the variety in the menu, including their lunch sets and extensive drink options, which are essential in the SOHO area. I look forward to visiting again, perhaps in the evening when the atmosphere truly comes alive. 繼續閱讀
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