港鐵上環站 E1 出口, 步行約10分鐘 繼續閱讀
15:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 23:00
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食評 (18)
等級2 2013-01-05
506 瀏覽
HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE,提早同26號生日既弟弟慶祝生日~已經唔系第一次光顧了,早餐都試過兩次,是不錯的選擇今次第一次試SET DINNER..頭盤->湯->主菜->甜品->COFFEE OR TEA主菜有兩款,分別系龍蝦同焗蠔;我簡左龍蝦湯得一款;龍蝦意大利雲吞湯~主菜有三款,分別系牛扒配鵝肝..另外一個系好似3文魚,同埋總有火雞~我簡左牛扒配鵝肝,牛扒7成熟.肉很淋...不錯甜品,不能不提,朱古力CAKE配上雪糕..十分夾..即使很飽也要吃Drink,i choose hot chocolate家人簡左香檳,需另加錢~同場加映,弟弟的birthday cake,來自four season hotel^^ 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2012-05-09
264 瀏覽
周日朗晴,與食家到港島走走。想試試All Day Breakfast,上開飯搵到呢間Sashay。在上環碼頭行了半小時才到,身水身汗,幸好即到即有位。想不到下午三點還有不少食客,我點了House Mix,而食家就要了Egg Benedict。House Mix $80製作簡單,沙律、荷包蛋一隻,煙肉一片再加多幾粒煎腸及彼得包,份量偏細,似下午茶多一點,吃後如一陣風。食家的Egg Benedict $82是漢堡包皮加煙肉再加蛋而成,蛋煎得軟滑,她說與在外國吃的相差甚遠,這價錢來說份量太少。座位舒適冷氣夠,亦可幸Latte $40 及 Cappacinno $42 味道不錯。未必是這店的問題,也許只是我倆不懂閒適情趣,這種飲食文化還是試一次便夠。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2011-10-29
166 瀏覽
半年前,同學特意從報紙剪下介紹這家咖啡店的文章,雖然當時滿懷興趣,但是那時的我還未有覺悟單單為了吃,而過海。現在,「過海搵食」已經變成例行公事,加上現在已經熟悉了過海巴士的路線,於是決定於今天兌現半年前對自己許下的承諾。這家店子很接近蘇豪區,雖然比較偏遠,但是靠著店舖號碼不難找到。以咖啡店來說,店子面積比較小,勝在店內環境佳,服務周到,工作效率高。快速地掃瞄餐牌,食物大多屬輕食類,也有意粉等比較像正餐的食物,價格以地域以言是合理的。要說最昂貴的,莫過於飲品,咖啡平均四十元杯。起床的第一餐想要吸收點蛋白質,於是點了客Egg Florence(English Muffin With Spinach AND Poached Egg & Hollandaise),星期六及日不供應套餐。不消十分鐘食物便上桌,賣相當然十分吸引,質素更是令人讚嘆。這裡的水煮流心蛋,火候和時間都掌握得很好。輕輕切開外皮,內裡的蛋黃傾瀉而出,流經下層的水煮菠菜再被英式鬆餅吸收,蛋黃味濃自不用說,更起了強烈的層遞呼應作用,流心蛋的美味由上延續到底,蛋是以大路的黑胡椒調味,十分討喜迷人。許多人都不喜菠菜的強烈草青味,由於我本已對這種味道沒有抗拒,因此很易發現這裡的菠菜的味道較一般淡弱,比起有鹹鹹的煙肉的Egg Benedict,還是選這個比較合適。沒有沾上蛋黃液的鬆餅香脆,沾上蛋黃液的鬆餅鬆軟,這部分則起了個明顯的對比作用。拌菜的黑醋汁油份較低,酸度適中,很開胃,不過汁與菜的比例失衡,菜的份量甚多。有蛋相伴,怎能沒奶同行呢?因此,注目點落在Homemade Yogurt With Fresh Fruit & Muesli之上。乳酪是草莓味,質感上介乎在希臘式與美式之間,而味道顯然是美式乳酪,因味道較為濃郁。草莓味雖微弱但自然,酸度較高,甜度適中,奶味則被酸味蓋過。拌上新鮮的水果和甜甜的乾果,教人著迷,十分喜歡這裡的Muesli。老實說,再加甜會更美味。查詢過後,今天的甜點沒有Today's Special,便隨意點了客Tiramisu作結。發現Tiramisu是以件裝上的時候心知不妙,質素果然讓人失望。如圖所見,Tiramisu夾了兩層厚厚的清蛋榚片,而非手指餅,更糟榚的是清蛋榚片沒有被掃上咖啡液,因此兩層蛋榚均十分乾燥,蛋味亦過份了。芝士層沒有濃郁的馬斯卡邦芝士味,事實上連它是甚麼味道也無從得知,因為連面層的可可粉和伴碟的朱古力醬也比芝士層本身的味道還要濃郁。要說最美味的部分則是旁邊大大顆的原草莓粒,不推薦來此吃Tiramisu。總結來說,來這裡乖乖地吃個Brunch比較明智,至於甜點還是選些比較穩陣妥當的款式較好。順帶一提,帶手機以外的相機到此用餐,可享88折優惠,十分有趣的設定。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2011-10-02
195 瀏覽
Strolling around SoHo one afternoon looking for a new bakery just round the corner, and found this little cafe. Which is famed for giving patrons with a camera (but...not mobile phones!) a 12% discount off the bill. The liittle cozy cafe is meant to be camera-friendly, look at this beautiful graffiti, and the mosaic table and so on...how can foodies who love both food and taking pictures like me not feel like home here? There were some amazing Brunch items on the menu, but given that I'd just had lunch I had to sadly forgo those. I could still manage a yogurt though (Homemade Yogurt with Fruit & Muesli $34). To wash that down there was the Iced Black Coffee ($36), The yogurt was a strawberry flavored one and topped with fresh diced strawberries and muesli, I presume it would be healthier than the popular frozen yogurts out there (OK these are 2 different entities but anyway), tasted okay - slightly thicker than some store-bought varieties but the taste wasn't too different - and strawberry yogurt & strawberries was a bit too matchy-matchy. I'd have preferred a plain yogurt if I had known. Muesli was crunchy, not bad. The iced coffee was so-so, I ordered it just because it lasted longer than a hot one.The other thing I Iiked about Sashay was that they got free wifi in-house. And that was when I knew about its fabulous Superb Delicious Hot Chocolate ! (yes with the exclamation mark) (small size $38) from one of my Facebook friends. So here it is:I asked the lady on the floor to make it less sweet. It wasn't really very sweet but still a little too so for my liking, but that's a matter of preference; it was rich and cocoa-y and the highlight was the real chocolate shavings - and not cocoa powder - on top! I was glad that I had it.To prove that I really brought my camera with me, let me show you this picture I took with my film camera *old school*. At first the 12% camera discount wasn't on the bill, until I reminded the lady of that. Perhaps that was because the staff were happily throwing a birthday party for the owner/manageress at that time? By the way, the restroom was photogenic too but I'm not gonna take pictures there... 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2011-09-17
64 瀏覽
有一日, 我同朋友想到博洛尼亞食lunch, 點知到左先知close左, 所以,我經過中午見個餐牌有早餐食, 供應一系列不同種類的早餐 特別想吃英式早餐, 我立刻叫左english breakfast set. 朋友叫左Eggs Benedict. egg Benedict好食,蛋味香濃, english breakfast set, 蛋好滑, 多士要立即吃, 味道都 ok. 繼續閱讀
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