11:30 - 21:00
11:30 - 21:00
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🇭🇰 Ma On Shan 馬鞍山|Sick BurgerIt is rare for us to go so far to Ma On Shan 🏃♂️ but there is this burger 🍔 place called “Sick! Burger” that is worth going all the way to check it out! 👀 There is another Sick! Burger in Causeway Bay but what’s so unique about this one is their Sick! Mian. 🍝 Here are what we ordered:🍜 Sick! Mian 🍜This is their signature dish which can only be found in this branch! 😉 Their noodles are made by hand ✋ and so is their broth, which is made with beef 🥩 and chicken 🍗 bones for hours! Breaking the egg 🍳 and mixing the minced beef and broth all together tastes amazing, 🤩 with a heavy beef taste! This is definitely a must-try and only available during lunch time! 😆 It also comes with some popcorn chicken on the side too! 😋🍔 Sick! Burger (Combo) 🍔This is their iconic burger with the usual stuffings and a juicy patty! 🤤 Their patty is marinated perfectly and tastes flavourful, with the sauce being paired fittingly. 😌🥤 Milksick 🥤They also have seasonal milkshake of choice and this time, they have Choco! Sick, which is chocolate 🍫 milkshake! I love that they are made with dark chocolate and evaporated milk, 🥛 so that even though the entire drink is filled with chocolate and cream, it won’t be too heavy or sweet! ☺️🍟 French Fries 🍟 As one of the best sides for burgers, they do not disappoint too! 🥹 They are quite crispy and perfect for going with the burgers! 👍📍Shop G04, G/F, MOSTown (Phase 5), 18 On Luk Street, Ma On Shan💲Price per person: $122
早幾日,我自己一個下晝4:30去咗Sick Burger食下午茶餐當埋晚餐,我嗌咗一個$48嘅下午茶餐,有一個經典芝牛漢堡和一罐汽水。小店只有幾張枱,想有位坐都要碰運氣。呢個經典芝士牛肉漢堡唔算太大個,但係對我嚟講都夠飽,牛肉係手打牛肉,非常美味,加埋芝士同個包,真係好好食,好味過麥當勞一百倍!跟餐附送嘢飲🧃,我新join咗會員仲送一罐,所以我有兩罐汽水。總括嚟講,呢間小店值得大家嚟馬鞍山幫襯,下午茶餐非常抵,下次有機會我都會再去食!希望大家多啲支持小店啦!
估唔到美食沙漠都竟然搵到好嘢食,之前都聽過呢間漢堡包店,但一直未搵到機會去試,今日終於扚起心肝去咗食佢哋嘅burger估唔到仲發掘咗Hidden Gem🫡.先講咗我個人最愛嘅開心果麻糬西多士,睇圖都見到幾咁足料啦,無論係開心果碎同開心果醬都好多。中間切落去會見到麻糬,有少少拉絲嘅感覺,西多士係新鮮整嘅所以會帶少少脆口,再配埋開心果碎同開心果醬食落真係好正啊!.再嚟嘅係金沙咸蛋黃紫菜薯條,除咗因為係新鮮紮起,所以特別好食之外,佢炸之前感覺上好似裹咗一層鹹蛋黃喺外面,食落帶有鹹蛋黃嘅香味。再配埋蛋黃醬,真係好正🤤呢個聽講係馬鞍山先有嘅,佢都係一個手工嘅蛋麵食落煙煙韌韌。上面仲配搭咗牛肉碎同埋蛋黃,食落去有少少日式嘅感覺,再配埋濃郁嘅蕃茄湯底食落酸酸甜甜。作為午餐,都係一個幾好嘅選擇。
特登入美食沙漠試sick burger, 間鋪多數都係做外賣,只得3個對街位可以堂食沙律菜好新鮮,黃金薯條炸得好脆,但咸旦黃味唔夠,漢堡包好香脆,塊肉十分juicy, 推薦可以試👍黃金薯條田園沙律單層牛肉漢堡加煙肉雙層牛肉漢堡 @sickburger_hk
難得入到馬鞍山梗係要試下著名既sick burger佢好似已經紅到出銅鑼灣我叫咗最經典既單層牛肉漢堡牛肉係smashed 所以壓扁再煎香,邊位有啲焦但又唔會好多好誇張,食落唔會落,而係好juicy好香!口感唔會太散,真係好好食最正係個包,煎得好香脆!配埋啲洋蔥、醬汁,好有層次感,真係覺得物有所值!佢另有其他款但我食單層牛已覺得好飽,如果轉埋套餐相信會食唔晒啲配料位就唔多,得4個左右,想食到都要碰碰運氣呢