港鐵上環站 E1 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
Soiree caters to a suave cocktail sipping clientele: the Soiree signature is a selection of “Soiree Sensations”, being an innovative selection of fresh fruit Martinis &Daiquiris with decadent chocolate rim/edible gold foil and the like; the menu also allows you to commit one or more of “Seven Sins” (ala Greed,Gluttony), balanced by “Seven Chakras”, as well a selection of cocktails from “Seven Classics”. An early week relaxed pre or post dinner cocktails. 繼續閱讀
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食評 (10)
Found a highly underrated cocktail place in the hinterland of Central/Sheung Wan 🥂, perfect for a cosy girls night out or a romantic date 💕 The ambience is classy with a touch of warmth to it with its golden, regal decor. Their signature daiquiris 🍹 are to die for if you're a fan of refreshing alcoholic fruity shakes served with halos of chocolate-coated rims. Each of the fruit combos are authentic in their own ways and best of all they're all modestly priced 😍 at $58 per glass (quite a huge glass!) during happy hours (Mon-Thur 6-9pm)⁣ Btw, am super impressed with the staff's non-pushy hospitality, she kept offering to refill free snacks and peanut for us. Definitely coming back for more next time, maybe other cocktail drinks小妹覺得呢間酒吧完全係 臥🐯藏🐉,極之 underrated ,😌 值得更多人識~之前見到@missfoodies 介紹呢間最出名自家製 Daiquiri 嘅酒吧,同友人 K 好癲咁試齊晒 Menu 上嘅 5款 Daiquiris 埋單都只係每人$89 😱😍😱😍 💏 人情味滿分嘅 Triple 優惠 💏⁣⁣⁣佢哋嘅 Happy Hour 時段為 Mon-Thur 6-9pm,逢星期二 Ladies Night 每人更可以免費享用第一杯 Daiquiri,除此之外只有係 FB/IG 分享係佢地都飲嘢嘅相 + tag 番 @soireesoho 就可以系 HH 時段內再 free 多杯嘢飲,或者系非 HH 時段以 HH 價叫多杯嘢飲。嗌嘢飲酒吧仲會免費提供花生零食🥜俾客人添⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣但其實呢間 Bar 嘅重點唔系價錢,而係飲品🍹,每杯 daiquiri 都各有特色 😆,只要你平時系鍾意飲水果味嘅cocktail/mocktail,🤗 就梗有一杯岩你 🥂⁣⁣Daiquiris (HH Price = $58 for each) 🥂 💕 Guava x Rose⁣⁣RATING: 9/10.酸味同花香最平均嘅系呢款,石榴嘅酸味好好入口,同有別於熱情果嘅酸味,石榴嘅系酸到點到即止 😗 覺得玫瑰味其實唔太明顯但咁更好,因為再強烈啲就會假了。另外呢杯嘅口感比較綿密同濃厚,比較實在 ⁣💕 Passion Fruit x Mint⁣RATING: 9/10.呢杯我哋一致評爲第二百搭,熱情果嘅酸味比較強烈,但一樣清甜,最清新醒神嘅一定系呢杯,同薄荷味嘅餘韻點綴都非常之夾⁣💕 Mango x Tiramisu⁣RATING: 8/10.芒果味比較唔揀人,唔甜唔酸,味道最平實,但同石榴一樣都比較濃厚。唔知關唔關生果本身嘅果肉事,tiramisu 嘅甜味道令呢杯嘅果香相對冇咁原形畢露。呢杯同杯邊嘅朱古力最夾,似食甜品💕 Blackberry x Violet⁣RATING: 7.5/10.店員介紹黑莓味好多男仔鍾意飲,而顧客通常一系好鍾意一係就完全唔岩飲。覺得最神秘同獨特嘅就系呢款,味道嘅餘韻最明顯,層次感重,好似有自己嘅故事想講咁耐人尋味💕 Strawberry x Jasmine⁣RATING: 7/10.呢杯其實係第二杯飲嘅,覺得佢嘅酸味最刺激,比較搶鏡,但相比之下茉莉茶味同酒味都被大大削弱咗。如果你系比較嗜甜的話,都可以考慮呢杯 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2018-07-02
1068 瀏覽
有次星期六喺中環趁未夠鐘食晚飯,同老婆去happy hour飲杯cocktail消磨下時間...今次happy hour唔係飲啤酒,想飲D有果味嘅cocktail。店內位置未算舒適,但鍾意飲cocktail嘅朋友一定要試,首推熱情果同士多啤利兩款口味;酒同果汁比例啱啱好,入口幾舒服,有酒味但唔算濃烈。Smoothie打得好滑,水果味濃郁又唔會太甜,好適合唔鍾意飲太甜嘅香港人。酒杯邊鋪咗少少朱古力粉,大大增加cocktail嘅層次感,整體嚟講杯酒口感好豐富,特別適合女仔飲(但應該唔太啱男士),尤其喺炎炎夏天飲就特別開心,解暑又夠大杯,性價比唔錯。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2018-03-13
984 瀏覽
星期五嘅中環區 想搵個靜靜地嘅地方飲下酒傾下計都難。經過小斜路嘅呢間酒吧soiree,地方細細,但環境清幽有別於鬧市的繁雜,餐橫亦格有情調而且讓人有種非常relaxing的感覺,係閏蜜girls talk 嘅好地方~嗌左杯guava/rose,賣相粉粉的,超可愛~~友人嗌左mango/ tiramisu, 同樣杯邊都係沾滿tiramisu粉,deco之餘仲令口味層次加倍!味道也是超好喝的~~😋店內侍應亦非常健談,會主動同我地傾計,加分加分! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
想飲野,又想傾下計呢度就最適合,先講環境裝修,金色畫框令到整間店甚有氣派,滿有歐洲風格,座位亦舒適,色調以金黑色為主。先點一杯, 因為happy hour 幾十蚊就有一杯同埋佢係入座計,即係你8點前order, 坐到10點都係收happy hour價錢,好抵飲。重點係飲品賣相好靚好吸引,杯邊有一層chocolate rim, 配合飲品既生果fresh感覺,味道唔會過甜,製作有誠意,所以放工或週末都喜歡黎呢度relax一下,有時仲會有live music聽下😃 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2017-09-16
665 瀏覽
This is my second visit to this cozy bar in Soho, and once again, I very much enjoyed it.Soiree has always been famous for their signature daiquiris. Walking into the bar, you can see glasses of daiquiris on every single table. We ordered 3 different flavours, strawberry, guava and blackberry:My personal favourite would be the guava flavour, as it mixed super well with the tint of rose and the chocolate powder on the glass. The blackberry one was fine but nothing special. The strawberry one to me though, tastes kinda like cough syrup so it's the one to avoidFYI the daiquiris are just $54 during happy hour so the value for money is REALLY GOOD, especially when compared to other bars in soho/lkf.One more thing to mention is the service at this bar. Both the owner and the staff are super friendly and helper. They explained the menu to you and gave good advice on what drinks to get based on your preferences. And they even gave us complimentary shots!! Will definitely be back again for the sweet and delicious daiquiris 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)