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食評 (14)
等級3 2019-07-10
2533 瀏覽
唔好以為sugarfina只係有糖果賣其實佢有雪糕同埋野飲今次就試左荔枝薄荷特飲首先,佢個杯好特別!完全係會想留返再用的!味道方面好fresh, 有荔枝果肉同埋薄荷葉,所以味道一點都不會假,推介 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-05-26
1171 瀏覽
平時經過IFC嘅人應該都有見過呢間sugarfina 啦,係一間糖果舖,啲糖係非常之鮮色,又擺到一格格咁嘅。呢度呢除咗賣糖之外,仲有賣埋嘢飲,而且啲嘢飲亦都未必係好甜嘅。我就試咗杯熱竹炭爆谷拿鐵。其實我覺得杯野都幾容易整,首先將竹炭同奶溝埋一齊,再到啲爆谷入去,最後就將白雪雪嘅鮮奶再到落去拉花,就係咁簡單。我覺得唔值呢個價錢。感覺上好似個價錢包左隻杯個設計添,但係花錢係唔實際嘅包裝上面,我又覺得唔抵。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2019-05-24
880 瀏覽
First knew about this “candy shop for grown ups”, when I walked into their beautiful shop in NY, so I was pretty stokedwhen they came to HK, and even more when they introduced the new Treat Bar with desserts and drinks 🍫🍦So I had to try their “ice cream for grown ups”, which was made with real rosé wine, topped with gold foil and their signature rosé gummybear 🌹It really did taste like a glass of rosé, just slightly lighter and sweeter with the mildness lof fruit and flowers mixed together,which (imo) made it better than the real thing, as I don’t need to worry about getting drunk 😂 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-04-19
1026 瀏覽
When I first heard of this brand, it reminded me of barrafina in UK.Sugarfina is actually a confectionery brand from USA.There are now two branches in Hong Kong, Harbour City and IFC.The one at Harbour City is not that accessible because it is not close to the MTR station or the ferry, while the ambiance in Kowloon  is crap so it's not fun holding a drink in your hand with lots of people walking past.Went to the Central branch where Grom used to be.It was really difficult deciding which drink to get especially the cold drinks which are served in a plastic cocktail shaker.On closer inspection, the cocktail shakers are reusable but it won't last for long as they are not made for long term use which is understandable.For the hot drinks, there was charcoal popcorn latte, red velvet hot chocolate and honey lemon latte.The first two I could imagine how it would taste so got the third.There was a slice of lemon on top floating on whipped cream.It was good how the whipped cream separated the lemon slice from the drink so the drink wouldn't go bitter because of the rind.I loved it because it tasted like a lightly sweet lemon meringue drink so I am so glad I chose this.Hong Kong only!Cactus gummies! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2019-04-02
944 瀏覽
其實我真係好鐘意依間鋪頭雖然完全係被包裝呃,係一個marketing下陣亡既傻仔,但我又真係好鐘意行入去個感覺好舒服,啲糖又擺得靚同整齊望住都覺得好治癒用一個好靚既盒裝啲好普通既糖,就可以升價十倍坦白說,Champagne味既熊仔糖同嗰個雪糕,我食完都唔係真係好推介😂只係幾得意吖,屎忽真係好痕就會去買下咁💆🏻‍♂️今次就試依杯依杯凍粉紅西柚汽泡特飲 $46放心,都係得個樣同一啲無謂既包裝😂😂😂味道都係唔討好的🤦🏻‍♂️😂不過都仍不改我對依間鋪頭既鐘情我係依然屎忽痕就會去買 繼續閱讀
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