港鐵香港站 C 出口, 步行約4分鐘; 酒店正門: 士丹利街21號 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 02:00
12:00 - 00:00
Visa Master 現金 AE 銀聯
Wi-Fi 詳細介紹
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
切餅費 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (86)
📍中環 - 【The Envoy】中環皇后大道中74號中環石板街酒店3樓⁡呢日同事話要食好嘢,帶咗我嚟呢一間係石板街酒店裏面嘅餐廳食lunch,一入去已經覺得環境好靚,好有情調,座位又夠寬敞,有室外有室內,室內燈光暗暗地,非常適合情侶同朋友喺度食嘢傾偈談心,而且服務員態度又好,嘢食都唔錯,但係好可惜,當日服務員見到我係咁影相,竟然話俾我哋聽佢哋就快結業🥹 希望大家趁佢結業之前,都去食個飯/飲返杯嘢支持吓🥺⁡⁡ 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-03-13
665 瀏覽
Weekend 想Chill 下,訂咗中環石板街酒店The Envoy,入到lobby 已經好有氣氛,英倫格調好有高貴既感覺😚Weekend 有brunch 選擇,係happy hour嘅好選擇🤩 Small Plates 款式都幾多,每款可以試吓,啱心水可以再encore😂Tuna Wonton Cups 幾好食,吞拿魚辣辣地,好開胃😙串燒都唔錯,好啱送酒🥂Big plate 可以選一款,其實都好夠飽🤣點左Mushroom spaghetti 同Rib eye, 2款都唔錯☺️ overall 餐廳氣氛都唔錯,好啱同朋友黎Chill 下😎 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2023-07-23
1904 瀏覽
本身星期日已經好多bar唔開 佢唔單止開,仲要開咁早環境安靜,裝修都靚隱藏係puttinger hotel嘅三樓入面,要搭lift先可以入去成間bar嘅感覺都好神奇d cocktail全部都好得意 個dinossaur好似恐龍蛋咁 中間係香濃朱古力酒,仲有雪糕另外一杯就有tofu foam,同下面嘅cocktail一齊飲有種奇妙嘅對比而且仲有snack menu,雖然我地冇試係好適合姐妹聚腳傾計飲酒嘅好地方ps 有興趣可以試埋隔離 room 309,可以係the envoy到囉房卡進入,位置就係隔離房,不過兩間試完我私心更加鍾意the envoy呢 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-06-20
2191 瀏覽
I didn’t take pictures but I love the style of the interior design of the hotel. And for The Envoy, the size is not big, and i’d say it’s rather narrow and compact. But they have quite an alfresco dining area, but too bad, not for this hot and rainy summer day. Wouldn’t it be a bit risky to put the bottle of sanitiser next to the vinegar? Love this tuna salad. The tuna is really tasteful as an appetiser. But the bread bucket is not very satisfactory. The baguette is rather stringy and doesnt taste fresh. We ordered snapper, pork tenderloin and steak. Well, we’d say they are all just so-so… the snapper was not tender and my friends said the tenderloin and steak were rather bland themselves though the mango sauce was good and the presentation of these three dishes was lovely. The velvet cake and Nee York cheesecake were not surprising. The service was good and very attentive. But I’m afraid they need to improve a bit on the food 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2023-06-08
1517 瀏覽
We booked weekend brunch for 5 people to celebrate a friends birthday. Just after we finished main course, waitress told us brunch time was up. Without other option, we got offer to sit outdoor. It's 34'C, not many would want to sit outside honestly. We asked if there's other choices? Waitress suggested outdoor. 30 minutes later, we found that tables at the restaurant were completely empty. We spoke to the manager - why can't they offer us those table indoor? Manager said - it's reserved at 16:30 (another 30 mins from now on).We haven't had the birthday cake that we ordered and sent to outdoor table. Without any apologies, the restaurant manager insisted - we didn't order cake and there's no table available indoor. We complained and spoke to the waitress who took birthday cake order upon arrival. Cake was served eventually but it was really bad dining experience. As customers, we don't see the reason of not being treated fairly and politely, especially at a restaurant that costs you HKD800+. Same letter sent to the restaurant. 繼續閱讀
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