香港一直重視經濟發展,生態環境的嚴重被破壞,但政府、商家往往對情況視而不見,幸而高鐵,港珠橋,三跑等事件再次喚起市民的保育文化的熱心。 十分欣賞The Ocean的良心經營理念,如海洋公園某幾問海洋餐廳一樣,堅持選用新鮮海產的同時不忘保育的重要,海鮮全選用可持續的海產以保護海洋生態。 餐廳的裝修可說是無懈可擊,一入門口就見到白水母,水母一開一合的舞姿十分搶眼,餐廳內用了大型的落地玻璃窗,飽覽整個海灣。 牆身顏色、咕𠱸、餐具都被海洋染上了一片藍色,餐廳中間位置有兩間半私人的房間 VIP Room更可以被水母包圍,如在海洋中心用餐,餐枱底層設計別緻,木架創計如連綿起伏的波浪,如還有長型魚缸餐廳的坐椅如珊瑚一樣,餐廳感覺令客人猶如置身岸邊,快要出海擁抱海洋一樣。 Set Sail Snacks炸蝦做得好好,薄薄的一層炸粉,炸得香口但不會油口,日本白蘿白包住的龍蝦他他,口感十分清新玻璃杯上的蜆配上熱情果汁,第一次食這種的配搭,酸甜的味道,令蜆另有一番風味,最中意是迷你蟶子,配上辣椒令帶子帶點微微的辣味,不錯。最後是味道較濃的黑松露泡夫,味道十分香濃 Sea Breeze扇貝厚身,外
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十分欣賞The Ocean的良心經營理念,如海洋公園某幾問海洋餐廳一樣,堅持選用新鮮海產的同時不忘保育的重要,海鮮全選用可持續的海產以保護海洋生態。
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VIP Room更可以被水母包圍,如在海洋中心用餐,餐枱底層設計別緻,木架創計如連綿起伏的波浪,如還有長型魚缸餐廳的坐椅如珊瑚一樣,餐廳感覺令客人猶如置身岸邊,快要出海擁抱海洋一樣。
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Set Sail Snacks
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Sea Breeze
扇貝厚身,外層微微煎香, 配上洋蔥濃湯及烤洋蔥,上枱後再為客人配上清湯。扇貝的肉質甜美,配上帶微甜的烤洋蔥,味道更新甜。
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First Wave
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Blue Lagoon 
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Great Reef

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Coastal View 
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Back to the Bay
以用心製作,味道不錯的Petit Four,完美作結。

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2016-04-18 1911 瀏覽
今天來淺水灣,完全是為了拜訪The Ocean,其實想幫襯這間餐廳很久了,可惜一直苦無機會。得知他們邀請了來自瑞士的名廚來cross over,於是便立即訂位,和老公前來撐枱腳。一直都想來的原因很簡單,非常欣賞The Ocean的宗旨,這𥚃只採用可持續發展海鮮為食材,用極精緻漂亮的手法去創造美食,令食客可享受口腹之樂之餘,亦不會破壞地球生態。踏入The Ocean,我們彷彿走進了海底世界,餐廳內養了大量水母及珊瑚,亦用了湖水藍為主要色調,加上貝殼形的座椅,環境這項PJ 都比100分。The Ocean 位於淺水灣,位置雖然有點不方便,但勝在景觀一流,可飽覽美麗的日落景色,如果駕車,只要在 The Pulse 內消費夠$2000便可享有整日免費泊車服務。The Ocean 平日主打 fusion日式美食,今晚我們吃的Menu十分特別,是由兩位大廚合力炮製而成的精心傑作。這$1288 的 6 course menu 分別有兩款頭盤、兩款主菜、兩款甜品,用這價錢可一次過吃到兩位大廚的手勢,真的非常幸運。在此簡單介紹一下於瑞士非常有名的意大利餐廳 La Bottega。Chef Frances
今天來淺水灣,完全是為了拜訪The Ocean,其實想幫襯這間餐廳很久了,可惜一直苦無機會。得知他們邀請了來自瑞士的名廚來cross over,於是便立即訂位,和老公前來撐枱腳。
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一直都想來的原因很簡單,非常欣賞The Ocean的宗旨,這𥚃只採用可持續發展海鮮為食材,用極精緻漂亮的手法去創造美食,令食客可享受口腹之樂之餘,亦不會破壞地球生態。
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踏入The Ocean,我們彷彿走進了海底世界,餐廳內養了大量水母及珊瑚,亦用了湖水藍為主要色調,加上貝殼形的座椅,環境這項PJ 都比100分。The Ocean 位於淺水灣,位置雖然有點不方便,但勝在景觀一流,可飽覽美麗的日落景色,如果駕車,只要在 The Pulse 內消費夠$2000便可享有整日免費泊車服務。
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The Ocean 平日主打 fusion日式美食,今晚我們吃的Menu十分特別,是由兩位大廚合力炮製而成的精心傑作。這$1288 的 6 course menu 分別有兩款頭盤、兩款主菜、兩款甜品,用這價錢可一次過吃到兩位大廚的手勢,真的非常幸運。
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在此簡單介紹一下於瑞士非常有名的意大利餐廳 La Bottega。Chef Francesco Gasbarri 善於烹調令人窩心的意大利菜式,用最新鮮的食材,將食物本身的味道發揮到極致。我們都非常欣賞他主理的菜色,散發着非常comforting的味道。至於The Ocean,Chef Augustine Balbi 善於用食物去講故事,帶領著食客穿梭於他的美食國度,food styling亦是他的強項。
6 course set menu
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雖然餐牌上說明這是六道菜的晚餐,但這裏的餐前小食已有三款,加埋最後免費的petite fours,實際上我們一共吃了十道菜。菜式無輪是味道或賣相,都有着上乘的水準,整晚驚喜不斷,十分推介大家前來。亦向大家資料提供,這裏的午餐由$500起,比晚市平宜很多的啊。
第一款 Amuse Bouche 的造型實在是太靚了,將BB蟶子輕輕灼熟,然後加了一些食用花瓣及辣椒調味,再將蟶子肉連殻放在石頭堆上,用最自然的方法將海鮮呈現於我們面前。吃之前,服務員在石隙注入清水,令菜式被煙霧包圍着,整個畫面像仙境一樣漂亮。
Amuse Bouche - razor clams
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好看歸好看,味道才是最關鍵之處。The Ocean 無疑是極着重 presentation,但對於食物的味道,他們也同樣重視。這小小的蟶子肉充滿着貝殼類獨有的鮮甜,加了少量辣椒,巧妙地將鮮味提升,蟶子肉質嫰滑,是令人非常滿意的餐前小食。
Amuse Bouche - razor clams
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接着是大堆頭的五款小食,十分欣賞The Ocean用了仿製珊瑚為器皿,非常切合主題。
Amuse Bouche
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小食的骰精緻,我們都一致認同那件炸蝦做得最好,炸得香口,蝦殼極度香脆,而且帶有淡淡的蛋黃香。貝殼上的那件是白蘿蔔包着龍蝦肉,味道較清淡。木盒內的是黑松露芝士泡芙,味道香濃,亦夠 puffy。
Amuse Bouche
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Amuse Bouche
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First course - scallop, onion purée, Roasted onion, consommé
說了這麼久,終於輪到餐牌上的第一道菜了。打頭陣的,是由瑞士大廚主理的北海道帶子配洋蔥湯,用了 The Ocean 經典透明 bubble plate 盛着,顯得份外矜貴。北海道帶子超級巨型,煎得恰到好處,洋蔥湯非常鮮甜,啖啖精華。帶子夠厚肉幼滑,是最抵讚的地方。
scallop, onion puree, consomme
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Table Bread
這𥚃就連 table bread 也比別人做得精緻。麥皮麵包外型有點像海膽,橄欖油也用了海膽造型的小杯盛着。那牛油混合了忌廉,所以特別軟滑。
Table Bread
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Table Bread
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Second Course - White asparagus with uni and mushroom
終於輪到The Ocean 大顯身手了,選用了春天的白虂荀,雖然用料不算粗壯,但勝在夠嫰,不會吃到成口渣。Chef Augustine 又再一次發揮他 food styling 的功力,將海膽及法國羊肚菌精美地排列在白露荀上,真係靚到嘩嘩聲。
White asparagus with uni and mushroom
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White asparagus with uni and mushroom
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Third Course - Mezzelune of potato, smoked cod cream
這應該是我吃過最軟滑的意大利雲吞,雲吞內的是薯仔蓉,那海鮮汁稀稠適中,充滿着鱈魚肉,整體上的口感又軟又滑,令人有家的感覺,吃罷令人身心舒暢。瑞士大廚的作品雖然沒有華麗的 presentation,但這道菜擁有着一股攝人的魔力,令人有追吃下去的意慾。
Mezzelune of potato
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Mezzelune of potato
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Fourth Course - Tubot fish, herb crust, green peas, rump butter, spring onion
輪到 The Ocean 的主菜了,選用了經人手逐條釣的 turbot fish,這裏是絕對不會供應用大型魚網捕捉的海鮮,因為過度捕魚已成為海洋生態最大的問題,希望大家也多多支持供應可持續海鮮的餐廳吧。Turbot fish 魚味淡,但勝在肉質夠嫰,最欣賞那些燒過的牛油汁。
Tubot fish
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Fifth Course - White Chocolate ice-cream with grapefruit
White Chocolate ice-cream with grapefrui
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White Chocolate ice-cream with grapefrui
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Sixth Course - Guava ice-cream, raspberry fluid gel
最後是由 The Ocean 主理的番石榴雪糕,造型一如以往的令人驚艷。大廚巧妙地用了一層薄薄的糖衣外殼包着番石榴雪糕,放在透明的 bubble plate 上,有如一粒水上明珠。
Guava ice-cream
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Guava ice-cream
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Petite Fours Trolley
最後的小甜點,由服務員用手推車推過來給我們選擇,我們當然是毫不客氣地來一個 all-in!
Petite Fours & Cheese Trolley
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petite fours
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服務員細心地將 petite fours 放在金色小盒子內給我們品嚐。先評外型,全部都的骰精緻,very appetising...
petite fours
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petite fours
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The Ocean 無論是環境、食物、以及服務都是一流,收每位$1288,我們都認為物有所值。五月便是J媽媽的生日,J爸爸亦在煩惱生日晚宴的地點,相信 The Ocean 應該合他們兩老心意。尤其是這間VIP房,除了私隱度十足外,亦設有私人水母館,午市的最低消費為每位$1000,晚市就要每位$2000。
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但我略嫌獨立房有點侷促,反而更喜歡這個 semi private 的角落,開陽舒服。
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1500 (晚餐)
6 course set menu
$ 1288
Amuse Bouche - razor clams
Amuse Bouche - razor clams
Amuse Bouche
Amuse Bouche
Amuse Bouche
scallop, onion puree, consomme
White asparagus with uni and mushroom
White asparagus with uni and mushroom
Mezzelune of potato
Mezzelune of potato
White Chocolate ice-cream with grapefrui
White Chocolate ice-cream with grapefrui
2016-04-07 3372 瀏覽
Since I live on the Southside, I'm always keen to try any new restaurants at The Pulse so I went to check out The Ocean with a group of friends for a birthday celebration over weekend lunch! The Ocean is part of the Le Comptoir restaurants that also brought us Bibo, Hotshot and Tri which are all known for their fantastic interior designs so I wouldn't expect anything less for this venue. My assumptions were confirmed once I stepped into restaurant which made me feel like I was riding the waves w
Since I live on the Southside, I'm always keen to try any new restaurants at The Pulse so I went to check out The Ocean with a group of friends for a birthday celebration over weekend lunch! The Ocean is part of the Le Comptoir restaurants that also brought us Bibo, Hotshot and Tri which are all known for their fantastic interior designs so I wouldn't expect anything less for this venue. My assumptions were confirmed once I stepped into restaurant which made me feel like I was riding the waves with its gorgeous 50 shades of blue, bright sunlight from the vast floor to ceiling windows and curving walls.
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The seating was mostly round sofa booths which faces the windows with beautiful views of the beach.The tableware, cushions and blanket throws used were exquisitely fine which turned out to be Hermes (ooh la la).The entire restaurant was super long and, after walking past two private rooms sharing a marine reef aquarium, I reached The UMI Bar which offers omakase sushi. Beyond the bar was the third private room which was basically surrounded by a huge jellyfish aquarium! It was definitely 5 stars for aesthetics and decor but how did the food fare?

For lunch, the restaurant offered a 3-course lunch menu for $488 where we can choose our own dishes under each category: first waves, great reef and coastal view which just code names for starters, mains and dessert with 4 options each to choose from. You can also add $588-$1,288 for free flow champagne to enhance your lunch experience from 12:30pm-3:30pm daily which wouldn't be a bad way to spend your afternoon actually, but we all behaved and drank non-alcoholic drinks.

Our amuse bouche were beautifully presented on coral and seashells and we were instructed to start with the lobster tartare that was wrapped in daikon on the seashell. Next up was the truffle puff pastry in the wooden box where had a rich creamy filling. The last series on the coral were the cousa with potato, leak and coriander, the beetroot and carrot spicy tart, and deep fried rice with cheese. Not a bad start but I wasn't sure all the bites packed the flavors they were supposed to deliver.
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The homemade honey oat bread with fluffy soft butter and olive oil was divine to eat though.
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First Waves

For the appetizers, J chose the slow cooked salmon with avocado, caviar, fennel seeds, creme fraiche, lemon and capers which was light and well-balanced in flavor.
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I chose the recommended pan-roasted langoustine with traditional potato gnocchi, maitake mushrooms and ocean broth. The langoustine was nicely cooked but it could more rare while the gnocchi was too soft and could have been more chewy as well. The overall flavors were very safe and not offensive but also not memorable either.

Great Reef

The artic char en croute with broccoli, celery and micro green salad was possibly the best dish of the meal! It was like a fish version of a beef wellington as the fish was placed inside a crispy pastry crust which was very well-executed in both flavors and textures.
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The recommended charcoal grilled sea bass with quinoa collection, pear onion carnival and salsify textures was less impressive though as the fish was slightly overcooked.

Coastal View

Moving onto desserts, the recommended passion fruit with champagne granite, coconut foam and crispy meringue was definitely my favorite of all the desserts as it was light with sweet and tangy flavors that was nicely complimented with a variety of textures.

The peanut parfait with spiced bread toast, milk meringue and infused red apple looked and sounded amazing but somehow just fell flat on execution. I was looking forward to the spiced bread toast but couldn't taste it while the peanut flavor needed to be counter-balanced as the flavors were quite one-dimensional here.
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Service was awesome though and after I told them that it was our friend's birthday that day, they offered to do something special for him with a very delicious cream and berries puff pastry cake! 

Our petit fours were then wheeled to our table on a cart as the finale of our meal. We got a bit of everything to try which was placed in an elegant red and golden box for us.The cannele, lemon meringue tart and mixed berries tart were lovely to eat and a nice ending to our meal.
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Verdict - I was definitely more impressed with the look and feel of everything here than the flavors of the food which wasn't bad but just not particularly impressive or memorable except for a few dishes. The flavors were very safe in general so they weren't offensive but I think they could have been bolder as well for the price I was paying. The dining experience on the whole was very exceptional though especially with the enchanting decor and attentive service, so I wouldn't mind coming here again to sip unlimited champagne on the weekends while curling up on the sofa booth with a Hermes blanket!

Follow me on Facebook: supertastermel

Follow me on Instagram @supertastermel

題外話/補充資料: More on http://supertastermel.blogspot.com
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2016-03-25 1454 瀏覽
在Dolce Vita上看到後專程來試吃晚餐,餐廳主打海洋主题,装修很艺术,全套爱马仕餐具;菜式非常创新和用心,带来多次惊喜,個人最鍾意main course的螯蝦,bbq也可以做出很高級的感覺;幾款開胃海鮮小食的擺盤用的珊瑚和海螺殼,waiter介紹用的都是挪威貨;甜品雪芭非常清爽,很配合第二款maincourse。不虛此行!
在Dolce Vita上看到後專程來試吃晚餐,餐廳主打海洋主题,装修很艺术,全套爱马仕餐具;菜式非常创新和用心,带来多次惊喜,個人最鍾意main course的螯蝦,bbq也可以做出很高級的感覺;幾款開胃海鮮小食的擺盤用的珊瑚和海螺殼,waiter介紹用的都是挪威貨;甜品雪芭非常清爽,很配合第二款maincourse。不虛此行!
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1500 (晚餐)
2016-02-28 2174 瀏覽
一直都好想去The Ocean 今日終於去咗一入去 Decoration, color tone , wooden floor 仲有水母缸都好有feel 淨係tableware同furniture 都係細心挑選 Hermes cutlery &furniture; Baccarat水晶杯, 淨係食個Decor 都值 當然Food &Service Quality 都好好 啲staff會recommend & 介紹菜式 and 同你傾下計 雖然係 fine diningG, 但係唔會有負擔感, 幾relaxing3 Course Lunch, including service charge, $550/pax, I will be back again餐前小食n the Sea Shell: Daikon With Lobster wrap -Very light, Can feel the lobster & Daikon At the same time; Very Cute presentation龍蝦蘿蔔小餃,清新有龍蝦味又仲食到蘿蔔味On Coral:Greenarsley
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一直都好想去The Ocean 今日終於去咗
一入去 Decoration, color tone , wooden floor 仲有水母缸都好有feel 淨係tableware同furniture 都係細心挑選 Hermes cutlery &furniture; Baccarat水晶杯, 淨係食個Decor 都值 當然Food &Service Quality 都好好 啲staff會recommend & 介紹菜式 and 同你傾下計 雖然係 fine diningG, 但係唔會有負擔感, 幾relaxing

3 Course Lunch, including service charge, $550/pax, I will be back again
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On the Sea Shell: Daikon With Lobster wrap -Very light, Can feel the lobster & Daikon At the same time; Very Cute presentation龍蝦蘿蔔小餃,清新有龍蝦味又仲食到蘿蔔味
On Coral:
arsley & Basil Mash ball (Green)
-Great texture, smooth mash
Brown: Deep Fried Rice Ball (Brown)
-My favourite chewiness of the rice with slight cheese Perfect Combination!! 平時啲炸飯太淋 喱個口感十足
Red: Beet Root and Carrot Tartlet (Red) -Very refreshing like pickles 平時唔食beet root 嘅小熊都好鍾意食
In the box: Truffle Puff - rich in Truffle esp with the truffle cream inside and sea salt on top
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麵包外脆內軟, the butter + cream + honey spread 好正
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Appetizer:Slow Cook salmon, avocados, caviar, fennel seeds, creme fraiche, lemon, capers
Super texture, smooth salmon, the mussels sauce <3
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Appetizer: Snapper Crudo, lime, peanuts, Leche de Tiger, Vegetables Escabeche, Sesame oil, salmon roe
Refreshing,Snapper 嘅口感一流 十分開胃 個味同拍黃瓜有啲似 好好食
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Main:Charcoal grilled sea bass, quinoa collection, pearl onion carnival, salsify texture
滑滑海鱸魚 超脆皮 將小小pearl onions都分開每層染色 好有心機 牛蒡puree 都好新奇 好好食
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Main: arctic char en croute, brocoli, celery ,micro green salad
高難度酥皮菜式 好難魚剛好熟 出面亦能保持金黃色 魚嘅香滑同Truffle 一齊好正 又唔會太濃 just right
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Dessert: Peanut Parfait,spiced bread toast, milk meringue, infused red apple
好似食緊花生醬咁 個蘋果令到成個甜品無咁膩 又鹹又甜 好特別好好食
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Cart full of Petit Four, Love the Canelé and Sesame Macarons
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Lemongrass and Ginger Tea
好香, 仲好細心咁預先溶咗啲蜜糖比我地加入去
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$550 (午餐)
  • arctic char en croute
Service and luxury begin long before you enter the front door of The Ocean restaurant over in beachside Repulse Bay. It's a little known secret that I'm about to expose, but there is a limousine service available from the newly opened restaurant by fine dining restaurant group Le Comptior. With a fleet of Tesla electric motor vehicles, the group combines luxury and an environmentally friendly approach that is reflected in the group's food philosophy.Since my first visit to The Ocean, which was a
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Service and luxury begin long before you enter the front door of The Ocean restaurant over in beachside Repulse Bay. It's a little known secret that I'm about to expose, but there is a limousine service available from the newly opened restaurant by fine dining restaurant group Le Comptior. With a fleet of Tesla electric motor vehicles, the group combines luxury and an environmentally friendly approach that is reflected in the group's food philosophy.

Since my first visit to The Ocean, which was a little bit of a mixed bag (see post here), we've been over to Chef Agustin Balbi's fine dining seafood restaurant a couple of times. It's fair to say that we've come to love the inventive styling of Chef Balbi and his dedication to creating delectable and creative plates of food, centering on seafood.

So it was great excitement that we travelled from our apartment courtesy of the limousine service to the special collaboration event planned by Chef Balbi and the way-out-crazy-dudes from Pure Berlin.

If you've never heard of Pure Berlin, then your probably not alone, but the avant garde concept group out of the German capital are looking to establish Germany as the next international culinary trend destination. Chief idea maker of Pure Berlin and food designer Miles Watson (actually a Kiwi) had decided to take their ideas on the road and the collaborative meal at The Ocean was a stop on the tour.
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We hardly noticed the cold and stormy night outside the quiet luxury of our Telsa, save for those few moments that it took to leave the cocoon of warmth to scramble through the rain to the entrance of the restaurant. Once we stepped out of the elevator to the spacious entry of The Ocean, we were greeted so warmly, it felt that we were amongst long lost friends. As we were shown to our table, we were taken to the back of the restaurant, which surprised me by being much larger than I'd previously thought.

There was no need to contemplate which of the numerous menu options that were usually available at The Ocean, we knew that the eight course tasting menu was a collaborative effort between Chef Balbi and Chef Watson. Each had been meticulously planning their contribution to the tasting menu for some time and I was keen to see what the outputs of that teamwork would produce.

After drinks were served, a plethora of amuse bouche started to make it's way from the table and before long, our large table was filled with interesting looking small bites for us to whet our appetite. Leaving us in no doubt that The Ocean was a fish restaurant, our amuse bouche were presented on artefacts from the sea, including a conch shell and rock corral. Highlights of the small bites were the lobster tartare wrapped in oyster leaf, crispy rice arancini ball and the beet and vinegar tart.
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We made a huge faux pas with the Pure-Berlin amuse bouche! There was a half dome of uni cracker that had been coloured with squid ink which we failed to notice amongst the black pebbles that the bites were presented on. As a consequence we scooped up the uni mousse and grade A uni in our fingers, wondering why the dish was so difficult to eat. The 'ah-ha' moment came when our waiter let us know that the cracker was edible too! Needless to say we were embarrassed by the revelation!
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Quickly overcoming our embarrassment, it was time for the tasting menu to commence.

Our first course was from Pure-Berlin's Miles Watson and was a beautifully presented and ultimately delicious dish of king prawns in an XO sauce with chorizo and surrounded by tofu gnocchi and sous vide scallop. The scallops were cooked slowly at 42 degrees and had a soft texture that mirrored the tofu, with the soft textures offset by the firmer prawn flesh and the crunchy deep fired prawn head. I'd normally steer away from prawn heads, but the crunchy texture was simply perfect when combined with the softer textures. The combination of the sweet chorizo and XO sauce was exquisite against the softer flavours of the scallop and tofu.
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On our first visit, I could only watch with a quiet jealousy when the girl consumed the tuna tartare, so I was so pleased when I was able to taste the whole dish for myself. The slight heat from the dijon and miso was offset by the cool of the tuna and incredibly thin slices of cucumber that were arranged so delicately around the tartare. A hit of dill was detected every few bites, which added an appreciated extra layer of flavour to the dish, as did the perfectly julienne apple. It certainly was a very interesting take on tartare!
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It was interesting to see how insanely creative the mind of Chef Watson from Pure-Berlin worked with the next dish of soft-shell crab and coconut. The fully formed soft-shell crab was peeking out from a sheet of compressed coconut and surrounded by citrus pieces and thai style herbs. The insanity started when a blow torch came out to melt the compressed coconut sheet over the crab, the partially liquid coconut mixing with a caramel sauce hidden at the bottom of the bowl. The combination of ingredients sounded a little insane and watching the drama unfold at the table, I wondered how the ingredients would work in unison. The sweetness of the coconut and caramel was supremely offset by the Thai herbs and the acidity from the citrus - all combining with the soft crunch from the sweet crab. Yeah, it sounds insane, but it worked. I'm not sure how, but it really did.
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We were back the the relatively sane offering from Chef Balbi and his red smoked snapper served with a sweet paprika emulsion and the contrasting bitter leaves from the frisee. An earthy undertone came from some mushroom and a slight heat from the thinly sliced radish and curl of a pickled onion, all working beautifully with the fresh-from-the-sea and lightly smoked snapper. It was nicely presented with lovely colours and textures melding together to deliver a light and fresh dish.
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Our next offering from the mind of Pure-Berlin stepped over that thin line of genius to insanity, and it didn't really sit well on my palate. It was supposed to be a unique take on fish and chips, and while I could sense what Chef Miles was trying to achieve, it fell a little short for me. It was a shame, there was a wonderfully cooked piece of sea bass hidden underneath deep fried lotus root that had been dipped in five secret spices and coloured with squid ink. A peanut sauce, also tricked out with the five spices and squid ink surrounded the plate in ever reducing circles of puree finished off the plate. There was a certain beauty in the black and white ingredients, but the deep fried lotus root was very difficult to eat and I didn't really see how the peanut sauce worked at all. For me, it was a case of one step past the point of sanity.
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Like a yo-yo, we were back on safer territory with Chef Balbi's signature dish of mushroom tortellini with a confit lobster and maitake mushrooms. The wonderfully presented dish had vibrant colours that were enhanced when the bright orange of the lobster bisque was poured over the dish at the table, contrasting nicely against the ocean blue of the bowl. The exquisitely cooked mushroom tortellini had a completely earthy flavour that danced willingly against the sweet lobster bisque. You'd not normally call the tortellini and lobster dish safe, given the complexity of the flavours, but compared with our previous dish, it was just what we needed to get a sense of balance to our meal.
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It was time for desserts and we were expecting a crazy dessert from Pure-Berlin's Miles Watson, and we weren't disappointed when the rice pudding beach was presented. It was simply stunning with a quenelle of basil, ginger and coriander ice cream sitting on a tuile that looked just like a sandy beach. Underneath the tuile was a black rice pannacotta, which was essential to the balance of the dish, given the twang from the ginger in the ice cream. My first test of the ice cream left a harsh feeling on my palate, but once combined with the pannacotta, was sensational. I loved the detail in the dessert, the perfectly arranged yellow leaves a great example of the attention to detail on the dish.
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Final dessert and last component of the collaboration dinner was a bread ice cream, covered in goat's cheese foam and accompanied by spiced wine gel and caramelised walnuts (also giving a sense of the beach). I was worried about the spiced wine gel, but the sharp sweetness of the gel was just what the dish needed to enliven the lightly flavoured goats cheese foam. The toasted and caramelised walnuts gave some much needed texture to the dessert and blended nicely with the sweet bread ice cream.
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We were left with one treat before the meal finally finished and it was quite a surprise as it was a new element to dining at The Ocean. A cart laden with little petite four was presented to us, with the option of marshmallow, macaroon, truffle and other little sweet bites. We were pretty full by the time it was wheeled over, but I found room for some of the marshmallow and macaroon!
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Once the meal was over, we were lucky enough to have a chat to the architects of the collaboration dinner, getting a sense from Agustin and Miles how much they had enjoyed working together. It was clear that the two had very different styles of cooking but had (largely) been able to build a cohesive meal that worked really well.

Apart from the sea bass and deep fried lotus root, we had really enjoyed the collaborative effort between the very talented chefs. It certainly helped that we were in a completely luxurious setting with wait staff that should be the envy of any restaurant in Hong Kong. From the moment we were picked up at our front door in the super cool Tesla Model S, the conversation with our really interesting driver and the cool and friendly staff, we were treated like the most important people in the world.

What was great to see was that everyone in the restaurant (that we could see) were receiving the same brilliant service.

As I said, we've been to The Ocean a number of times now and it's just continued to build and build, and now rates as one of our favourite places to hang out. The only problem? Every time we've been it's been raining and cold....

We really need to figure out how to get there for a gloriously sunny and warm day. After all, there is a cool outdoor area resplendent with cocktail bar and cool DJ spinning tunes (at least there will be in summer).

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Beautifully presented and delicious
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So many options for Amuse Bouch!
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Stunning presentation
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Bread is alway a treat at The Ocean
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Love the crazy art in the dining room
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Post dinner chat with the collaborating pair

Chef Agustin Balbi and Chef Miles Watson Planning the collaboration event
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1200.00 (晚餐)
2015-12-28 1775 瀏覽
今年九月尾係Repulse Bay經過間餐廳, 見到門口既裝修好靚,已經比佢吸引住,好想立即入去試,但點知未開業,唯有等到而家先試到。平時只係睇食評既我,今次第一次寫食評,因為真係唔可以唔同大家分享 ~由外到內,成間餐廳我會用驚喜黎形容, 洒店式既服務, 去洗手間都有人serve,好靚,好乾淨一入門口,有個水母水族箱, 同間餐廳既主題一樣色調, 好舒服既藍色我地book 左7pm, 因為平日, 所以唔太多人, 8pm左右d人開始入黎,大部份都係外國人手工麵包, 好好味, 好有口感 醒胃小食我地每人享用左五道菜 (The First Dive $888), 分別係 sea breeze/first waves/blue lagoon/great reef/coastal view 每項選一.我地選左:Sea Breeze- Homemade tofu, walnut, uni, chives, ponzu 佢地既自家豆腐, 好重豆腐味, 入口如豆蓉, 加上有d核桃香味, 同海膽, 簡直係perfect match, 好驚喜First Waves- burrata, tomato co
今年九月尾係Repulse Bay經過間餐廳, 見到門口既裝修好靚,已經比佢吸引住,好想立即入去試,但點知未開業,唯有等到而家先試到。平時只係睇食評既我,今次第一次寫食評,因為真係唔可以唔同大家分享 ~
由外到內,成間餐廳我會用驚喜黎形容, 洒店式既服務, 去洗手間都有人serve,好靚,好乾淨

一入門口,有個水母水族箱, 同間餐廳既主題一樣色調, 好舒服既藍色
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我地book 左7pm, 因為平日, 所以唔太多人, 8pm左右d人開始入黎,大部份都係外國人
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手工麵包, 好好味, 好有口感
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我地每人享用左五道菜 (The First Dive $888), 分別係 sea breeze/first waves/blue lagoon/great reef/coastal view 每項選一.

Sea Breeze
- Homemade tofu, walnut, uni, chives, ponzu

佢地既自家豆腐, 好重豆腐味, 入口如豆蓉, 加上有d核桃香味, 同海膽, 簡直係perfect match, 好驚喜

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First Waves
- burrata, tomato collection, berries, tiger prawns, paprila fuile
我會用虎蝦salad 黎形容, 口感好fresh
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- sliced cumcumber, tuna tartare, Dijon mustard, crème fraiche, dill

一片片既青瓜, 每一片既青瓜內包住唔同既餡料, 分別有吞拿魚, 青蘋果, 牛油果等等……. 簡直係藝術品一樣, 好有層次
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Blue lagoon

- Octopus, carrot gnocchi, copers, chimichurri
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- Scallop, corn puree, miso, fennel, orange
普通, 但都好味
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Great Reef

- Grey mullet, baby carrots, eringi, snap peas, clam & herb sauce
烏頭, d汁好特別, 但我食到雪味, 有d唔新鮮, 我感覺上烏頭唔應該咁整

- Pan seared sea bass, wild rice & carnaroli, vegetable jardinera
煎海鱸魚, 外脆內軟, d飯帶酸
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Coastal view
- Passion fruit, coconut foam, rum granite, meringue
百香果雪巴+蛋白餅, 好清新

- Chocolate pearl, yogurt ice cream, tonka, pickled blackberries
通花既朱古力外殼, 加上入面係乳酪雪糕, 好味
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用餐到最後大廚出來同我地打招呼 ~~ 問我地d食物好唔好食 ^^  好nice ~
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1000 (晚餐)
  • -Homemade tofu
  • -sliced cumcumber
I should have known something was up. We'd just placed our orders and one of Hong Kong's hottest new dining spots and I wasn't feeling the love from our waiter. There had been a level of enthusiasm from our waiter as he'd taken down SC's entree and main choices, in fact, he'd enthused that they were exactly the choices he would have made. I'd received no such assurances when I'd placed my order. As I said, I should have known something was up.But I get a head of myself.We'd picked probably the w
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I should have known something was up. We'd just placed our orders and one of Hong Kong's hottest new dining spots and I wasn't feeling the love from our waiter. There had been a level of enthusiasm from our waiter as he'd taken down SC's entree and main choices, in fact, he'd enthused that they were exactly the choices he would have made. I'd received no such assurances when I'd placed my order. As I said, I should have known something was up.

But I get a head of myself.

We'd picked probably the worst day imaginable to check out the new fine dining seafood restaurant over at Repulse Bay. The sky was angry that day my friends, stormy clouds abounding and precipitation falling from the sky. By the time our taxi dropped us off behind the Pulse Shopping centre, it was definitely anything but a great day for the beach.

Arriving for our 1pm lunch sitting at The Ocean restaurant, we were walked to our table in the middle of the restaurant. I noticed a couple of things, there was an immense feeling of space in the dining room, with huge comfortable seats, arranged facing floor to ceiling windows, that in summer would provide spectacular views of the beach and islands further out. There was a decent amount of space between the seats too, giving the feeling that we were alone in our own little paradise.
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Our conversation with the wait staff commenced, whom I will admit freely, were possibly to most engaging and professional we'd come across in Hong Kong to date. That conversation led to details about the menu, and a recommendation to pursue the tasting menu and a very good discussion between the staff member and SC about the wines on offer. It made a lot of sense to check out the tasting menu, which was split into four sizes, ranging from the simple 'Horizon Lunch' three course, all the way to a ten course monster called 'Ultramarine'. We thought the five course 'The Deep Dive' represented the best value, so made our choice.

The menu was a little different from your standard tasting menu, in that you were able to choose your preferences at key points throughout the meal, with only a couple of set pieces. It was a this point in our selections that I think things started to go so badly for me, yet so well for the girl.

Everything started off extremely well, when a section of amuse bouche were delivered on a piece of coral. There were four little bites for us to get the juices flowing, with the best of them being a skinned cherry tomato with a cream cheese, but the little pancake with caviar was not far behind. Then we moved on to the tasting menu.
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The first course was a set piece called 'Sea Breeze' and was a very pretty looking dish, presented in a ceramic bowl designed to look like a sea urchin placed on a rocky seabed. Pretty as it looked, I couldn't get excited about the homemade tofu with walnut, uni, chives and a ponzu sauce. I've never been a fan of tofu and I found The Ocean's homemade version to be much denser than the light tofu I've tolerated over the years. Not even the prospect of the salty sea urchin and sweet ponzu sauce could save the tofu for me and it was a struggle to finish off. Sitting across the table from me, SC thought I was decidedly crazy, as she finished off a dish that she claimed was light and delightful.
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It was not the first time that I asked myself if we were at the same restaurant!

There were four dishes to choose from in 'The First Wave', a reference to the first set of waves that crash on a beach. It was also where our waiter had complimented SC on her selection of sliced cucumber with tuna tartare, dijon mustard, creme fraiche and dill. The plating was spectacular, with the tuna tartare being delicately placed within thin slices of cucumber, arranged on a plate that bore a strong resemblance to churning water. There were dollops of the yellow mustard and white creme fraiche interspersed with flowers to complete the look. The tartare was a little spicy, enhanced by the mustard then cooled by the creme fraiche and cucumber. The dish was delicately balanced and was quite special.
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There was nothing inherently wrong with my selection of burrata with colours of tomato, flavours of berries, tiger prawns and paprika tuile. There was an earthy natural look to the plate, with slices of red and yellow tomato covering a mess of soft burrata cheese and a dark 'soil' that was topped with spiky tuile. Burrata is mozzarella that is combined with cream to form a runny cheese that should have been delicious, but was a little bland. Somehow, that creamy flavour of straight mozzarella was lost, it just tasted a little washed out. I did like the slightly acidic tomatoes with the cheese, but the classic combo didn't hit the highs that I was hoping for, even the sweet paprika tuile couldn't bring out the flavour of the dish. The pieces of tiger prawns had the potential to elevate the dish, they were quite nice, but there were just not enough pieces to really 'bring' the flavour.
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With two choices for the 'Blue Lagoon', we each chose a course to sample and the curse 'a tale of two lunches continued'. My selection of octopus with carrot gnocchi capers and chimichurri should have been a winner, I mean any dish with octopus and chimichurri should be a winner in my book! It started well enough with a lovely looking dish presented, quietly refined, I could see thin slices of octopus interspersed with the tiny gnocchi pieces. Overlooking that octopus shouldn't be sliced so thin, I gave the dish a sampling and I was actually pleasantly surprised by the garlic and parsley from the chimichurri and how well it worked with the octopus. What I didn't like was the carrot gnocchi, which was a little pasty for my liking and didn't really go so well with the chimichurri. I also thought there was not enough of the octopus, so the dish felt a little mean spirited.
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I loved the look of the girls choice, the Hokkaido scallop was beautifully presented in it's shell and was served with a corn puree, miso, fennel and orange. There was a lovely caramelisation on the perfectly cooked scallop, and although the miso, fennel and orange were an unusual pairing with scallop, the whole dish worked very well.
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We were starting to find it quite amusing that, at least to that point, had consumed very different meals, with the girl sitting with a self satisfied smile of a person who'd made all the right choices. I was really hoping that we'd turn a corner with our main course.

Things continued in the same vein as the rest of the meal for our fourth course, the 'Great Reef', with SC's wild mushroom tortellini with lobster confit, maitake and bisque. It was an interesting and unusual dish, with some large mushroom filled tortellini sharing the plate with expertly cooked lobster pieces and then covered in a rich bisque. The deep orange of the bisque provided a shot of colour that matched the red of the lobster helping give the plate classic bouloubasis look. The pasta for the tortellini was perhaps a shade too thick, but it was extremely well cooked and was lovely with the earthy maitake mushrooms.
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I'd thought I'd made the perfect selection with my choice of sous-vide turbot with textures of cauliflower and zucchinis with a nori butter sauce. I mean, turbot is the king of fish and is usually delicious and I've never met a butter sauce that I didn't love. The presentation started off quite nice, with the turbot and textures of cauliflower sitting on a deep ocean blue plate, that set off a lovely contrast. The addition of the butter sauce at the table kind of killed the presentation by making the whole dish look a washed out pale yellow, and even the sharp green of the zucchini couldn't enliven the dish.
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I'm not sure what had happened with the cooking of the turbot, but it was completely lacking in flavour, totally bland. What was worse was when combined with the lovely butter sauce, the turbot somehow neutralised the impact of the sauce. It was amazing, I've never come across the effect before. When I had the sauce on it's own, there was bags of flavour, but the minute I combined the sauce and the turbot, there was just no flavour! I did like the crunchy florin of caramelised cauliflower, but the puree went the same way as the turbot, it just lacked flavour..
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It was time for dessert, which was called 'Coastal View' and for once, I'd chosen a dessert that may have come out as the winner. My thinking was that I couldn't possibly go wrong with lemon textures with soft meringue and mango, and thankfully, I was right. The trend of pretty dishes continued, with a half of lemon filled with diced mango pieces then topped with a lemon sorbet and a tuile of beetroot. I loved the contrast of the cold sorbet and the soft, sweet mango pieces, which were interspersed with even sweeter meringue. There was a great balance between sweet and sour which worked well. There was one moment that left me scratching my head, however, the beetroot tuile was a mystery as it really didn't belong with the dish and was bitter and unpleasant to eat.
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SC's dessert was also quite pretty on the plate and seemed to be one of the signature dishes of the restaurant. With textures of orange, hazelnut crumble, sponge cake and mascarpone, the dessert was really quite refreshing and light. The perfect quenelle of orange sorbet was light and tangy on the palate and the addition of the dense mascarpone brought the sweetness to the dish. The sponge was light and quite lovely, but there could have been just a little bit more to help balance out the dominant orange flavour.
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And so, the girl and I shared a space for lunch, but had two very different lunch experiences. Now, I'm not going to say that my meal was terrible, but it certainly wasn't memorable, which was a stark contrast from SC's very memorable set of dishes. Apart from my turbot dish, which just didn't work, there was something I could take out of most of the meal. But, I really want more from a meal from a restaurant that is touted as a future Michelin Star establishment. What I really wanted was SC's meal!

That The Ocean will be chasing a Michelin Star is clear, the setting, the experience, the service, were all at Michelin standard. The team behind Bibo, Tri and Hotshot have produced perhaps their most accomplished setting, which admittedly would be better on a day that was not raining 'cats & dogs'. They've pulled in a very talented chef, Agustin Balbi, who'd been rated as one of the ten finalists in Japan's San Pellegrino young chef of the year competition. The Ocean was also rated as one of Hong Kong's top 20 restaurants, and Chef Balbi won the Tatler award for best new chef!

We liked that Chef Balbi came out at the end of the meal to say hello to each of the guests, a nice little touch.

Where The Ocean really stood out though was it's service. At the end of the meal, our fantastic waiter asked us how we'd arrived and how we planned to get home. Not sure what he was getting at, we mentioned that a taxi ride was in our immediate future. The restaurant was having nothing of that, and given that it was still raining heavily, arranged for us to be ferried home in a Tesla, a first for us.

I see huge potential for The Ocean, but for me, there needs to be more consistency with the menu. There is no point having just a few dishes that really stand out, every dish needs to have that 'wow' factor. There is plenty of time for the team to sort that out though, the restaurant's only been open a few months, so I'm sure they will get it right.

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The bread was superb, and was topped up regularly. It came with a peppery olive oil and light and fluffy butter
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Beautiful presentation
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Very modern look to the plating
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With Hermes cutlery, there was a feeling of decadence in the restaurant
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Lavish ingredients
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Petite four of a berry tartlet and poppy macaroon
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Our seats were incredibly comfy and reminded us of clam shells
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So much space!
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Warm and inviting inside and cold and rainy outside

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$900.00 (午餐)
2015-11-16 1821 瀏覽


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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)