23 瀏覽
Yesterday, friends and I went to Cheung Sha for swimming, the youngsters were very hungry and we saw there was a nice western restaurant, we went inside and wanted to sit down & have something to eat.However, when I stepped into the restaurant, one mid-age chinese woman already talked to me in very rude manner: ' we are a WESTERN restaurant'.'Of course I know you are serving western food! not chinese food! Could you please give me a menu to review first?'And then that woman replied me in a v
Yesterday, friends and I went to Cheung Sha for swimming, the youngsters were very hungry and we saw there was a nice western restaurant, we went inside and wanted to sit down & have something to eat.
However, when I stepped into the restaurant, one mid-age chinese woman already talked to me in very rude manner: ' we are a WESTERN restaurant'.
'Of course I know you are serving western food! not chinese food! Could you please give me a menu to review first?'
And then that woman replied me in a very rude way...'did you reserve a table? if not, we can't offer you...' But it was empty inside the restaurant! Only some outdoor tables were occupied by foreigners.
I was so angry and left that restaurant right away.
I never thought such western restaurant could have such staff with bad manner.
I beleive they wanted to serve foreigners, but with these staff, I guarantee no people would like to have food there.
So I decided to leave a true comment and warn the Chinese People not going there.
I have also informed all my foreign & local friends, not going to this restaurant. I don't know about the food, but if you want to go to a restaurant, you want to enjoy the good food together with the services, right?
昨天, 一行10幾人去長沙游水, d 細路肚餓, 諗住去呢間餐廳食野, 因為都幾多外國人係度, 同有d氣氛, 我地四個女仔先入到去, 有個中年亞嬸已經毫不客氣黑起塊面話: 我地係食西餐架wor.
我超嬲,就回應, 梗係食西餐啦, 唔通食中餐咩, 唔該你俾個餐牌我睇...
佢跟住就仲衰...'你地有無book 枱架...無book唔做你地生意wor...我地無枱wor'.
嘩...有無攪錯...果時早上11點幾,只有d外國人坐哂係沙灘上既枱, 入面既枱一個人都無...有無攪錯, 今時今日咁既服務態度超唔掂, d 野食唔方好食啦, 係d外國人收'tum'姐. 狗眼看人底, 真係佛都有火, 我即刻走兼通知哂所有人, 千祈唔好去果間野食野.
我食野咁耐, 第一次遇到咁既餐廳, 老闆真係多得個亞嬸唔少, 不過我相信近朱者赤.