港鐵銅鑼灣站 D1 / E 出口 繼續閱讀
位於香港怡東酒店頂層三十四樓,擁有二百七十度的全面景觀,可盡覽維多利亞海港及兩岸景色,享受時尚餐飲體驗。於2009年加添了室外露台餐飲區,提供一系列全新拉丁風味的雞尾酒及精選的小吃。 繼續閱讀
*Happy Hour: 星期一至六: 17:00-20:00; 星期日: 18:00-20:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 00:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 01:00
18:30 - 01:00
11:30 - 15:00
18:30 - 23:00
Visa Master 現金 AE 銀聯 JCB
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
切餅費 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
生蠔 海鮮拼盤 燒烤海鮮 燒烤肉眼扒
食評 (130)
一早 book 定今日 Sunday brunch 😆黎到才知道今日係最後一天了 😚平時未必捨得食 $538 加一兩個人要 $1200 左右 😅食物款式有生蠔,長腳蟹,凍蝦,青口 海鮮不錯但壽司款式比較少 ,不是好選擇🤪🤪但朱古力鬆餅很喜歡💕我吃了三個🤩🤩🤩🤩甜品其實有很多款,普遍不錯,但我不太喜好 😌😌雪榚味道有四款 ,movenpick 係重點,吃了雲呢嗱同朱古力,朱古力味超推 💕💕💕💕離開這洒店,非常唔捨得,又是一個時代結束 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🤪🥺 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
This restaurant is located on the top floor of The Excelsior Hong Kong, the hotel going into its 46th anniversary but would be closing in March. Paying homage to this hotel in Causeway Bay, we visited a few of its restaurants, and today came the turn to go to ToTT's and Roof Terrace. With a panoramic view looking at the Victoria Harbour, our table offered a fantastic background for us to enjoy the meal, with the tables spaced quite well apart so enabling good privacy. The lighting was a bit dark though for me. We ordered the special 1973 Menu ($1973 for two), recreating some of the dishes the restaurant started offering upon opening. The first course was CEufs Brouilles a la Truffe, or Egg with Truffle and Vodka Cream. The egg was rich and quite nicely done, with the truffle adding great fragrance to it, though I was not particularly impressed by the vodka cream as there was nothing I could differentiate versus just a normal cream. But still not a bad start for the meal. The second course was Cocktail de Crevettes Rose, or Prawn Cocktail with Marie Rose Sauce. The shrimps are small and you could tell they were the frozen ones, with only a crunchy texture but not much taste. As a result it would need the sauce to really provide the taste of the dish but unfortunately the sauce was rather light and lacking in flavour. The rocket salad underneath was fresh but was a bit too bitter to pair with the sauce itself. The third course was Bisque de Homard au Cognac Fine Champagne, or Lobster Soup with Cognac. Certainly intense in aromas and flavours, the soup was quite good, served with the right temperature, with a piece of cracker on the side. Considering its name and the fame, I was a bit surprised on how little seafood they had added to the soup. Is it because the restaurant wanted to maintain the price so they are compromising on the ingredients? I hope not. The fourth course was Filet de Sole Amandine, or Sole with Brown Buttered Almonds. The first impression I got tasting this dish was 'SOUR!'. While I know the butter sauce needed the lemon to acidify and reduce the heaviness of the butter, the overall taste was just too sour for me and my wife. On a positive note, the almonds could create a bit of crunchiness on the skin along with its unique aromas. Still a bit disappointing. The fifth course was Carre d'Agneau aux Herbs, or Roast Lamb Rack with Herb Crust.This one I had learnt and prepared at home before, so knowing that the pesto sauce on the meat was really the determining factor for the quality of the course. Good that this one met our expectation, with the lamb roasted to medium level and the pesto crust giving herbal notes which I found good in complementing the meat. Lastly came the dessert, which was Tarte aux Pommes et Glace Vanille, or Apple Tart with Vanilla Ice-Cream. Decently done, the dessert was not too sweet, with the tart having a nice crust and the apple fillings rich in cinnamon. Adding the highly complementary vanilla ice-cream further enriched the flavours of the dish. Despite we were quite full I still managed to finish this dessert completely.With a bottle of still water and a cocktail, the total bill was $2332. On the price it was not overly exaggerated, offering reasonably good deal on the money spent. Service was acceptable, but I would prefer the staff could share more introduction of the dishes and its components.Overall I would not say the meal impressed me, and compared with the Chinese restaurant in the same hotel this apparently was less sophisticated and tasty. So if you could only visit this hotel once before it was closed, I would recommend Yee Tung Heen more. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-01-29
1913 瀏覽
數年來成了朋友飯後喝杯的去處今天飯後時間尚早女生間又總有說不完的話題朋友提起Totts 原來怡東酒店3月31日一切都結束了記得上次去還是人很多今天去變得冷冷清清暗暗角落 小小燈燭外藉的侍應很有禮貌的放下伴酒小吃跟餐牌今天就不點食物了因為駕車還是不喝酒精被問到為何不沾酒可恨酒鬼今天沒酒喝會跟客人聊天的才是好侍應這樣的體驗不太多地方做得到了大家都不講話小吃是任添的點了mocktail的我sweet melody 心想會是strawberry藥水味但果味濃 很喜歡其他cocktail朋友說還好lemon breeze 好像說也ok希望3月前再跟朋友在此聚聚吧 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-01-06
2585 瀏覽
同朋友食完飯,當然要飲返杯啦🥂大家都冇特別想去邊,傾傾下就提起excelsior就黎close所以就決定黎tott's成班friend gathering Nice View & Place 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2018-10-25
5901 瀏覽
睇到新聞話excelsior就快拆,拿拿聲寫返篇食評,記低可能係最後一次既經驗。話說國慶當日同朋友喺銅鑼灣食飯,除左一心諗住要避開自遊行之外,根本唔記得國慶有咩特別慶祝活動。早早食完飯,諗住去間有海景既bar,去到門口見到有minimum charge,先記得國慶有煙花睇!上到Excelsior 34樓,進入室內餐廳/bar之前,左面有一道門通去Roof Terrace,如果冇黎過可能唔知有呢度!Roof Terrace望向尖沙咀,而室內餐廳/bar就係望另一面,係睇唔到煙花既。要達到minimum charge,每人大約要消費2杯cocktail或者紅白酒。我地8:15左右去到,但可能大家都等睇煙花,已經冇位坐,要企了。當晚比較多人,但等拎本menu睇,直至可以落order,再到杯野飲黎到都起碼等左半個鐘…睇煙花的話,呢個位置係幾正。不過當晚開始放煙花後唔少人(大部分都係國內遊客)不但冇叫野飲,重要推開其他人sip去最前面不停影相,放完煙花之後就走左。To be fair,當中有啲人可能係喺入面餐廳食完飯過黎terrace,但見好多一早黎左等既人反而比佢地迫左去後面,令人覺得之前既等待同埋比minimum charge失去意義。總括黎講,呢度係唔錯既睇煙花位置,但野飲價位都偏貴,又唔太多位,所以如果下次有心睇煙花,應該會搵一間海景餐廳。但如果平日同朋友放鬆一下,可以望到海景,又喺正銅鑼灣中心,都算係可以既選擇。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)