港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 N5 出口, 步行約1分鐘 繼續閱讀
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精品咖啡店,用的是自家烘焙的咖啡豆。亦有供應沙律、意粉、漢堡及意大利飯等主食。 繼續閱讀
08:00 - 19:00
08:00 - 19:00
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食評 (618)
等級4 2024-06-19
330 瀏覽
🌟Urban Coffee Roaster (Tsim Sha Tsui)——A trendy restaurant that not only satisfies your coffee cravings but also fills your stomach with delicious food! This is the perfect place to explore gourmet flavors and relax your mind.🌆Today, we had:🍔Mains:1. **Handcrafted Angus Beef Burger🍔 with Fries**: This burger features handcrafted Angus beef, juicy and tender, bringing unparalleled satisfaction with every bite! Paired with golden, crispy fries, it's simply irresistible.🍟2. **Pappardelle with White Mushrooms and Spinach Sprouts**: This pappardelle pasta is infused with white mushrooms and fresh spinach sprouts, offering a delicate texture and rich flavor, bringing a double treat of health and taste.🍝🍟Snacks:1. **Black Truffle Fries with Black Truffle Aioli**: The unique aroma of black truffle combined with crispy fries, dipped in special black truffle aioli, makes every bite a luxurious taste experience.🖤🥤Drinks:1. **Iced Matcha Latte**: A refreshing matcha latte, with a fresh matcha aroma and smooth texture, is definitely the best drink to cool off in summer.🍵2. **Higherthan Yuzu Gin Highball**: This canned drink perfectly combines the refreshing scent of yuzu with the slight intoxication of gin. The fresh taste is invigorating.🍹🍰Desserts:1. **Caramel Apple Cheesecake**: This cheesecake has a solid texture, with the sweet caramel apple perfectly complementing the rich cheese, making every bite a feast for the taste buds.🍏2. **Orange Earl Grey Tart**: The fresh aroma of orange combined with the unique flavor of Earl Grey tea perfectly merges, offering a delicate texture that leaves a lasting impression.🍊Whether enjoying alone or sharing with friends, Urban Coffee Roaster provides a delightful dining experience!📸 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-08-16
80 瀏覽
前排同朋友睇完戲去搵間cafe坐下,上openrice搵到K11附近呢間cafe幾高評價,又近地鐵站所以決定去呢間!星期日下午入到去接近坐滿哂,好彩去到岩岩有位,唔洗係外面熱住排隊。間cafe幾有英倫工業風特色。我地因為岩岩睇戲飲完汽水,所以無叫飲品,就係叫咗個意粉同法式焦糖pancake。意粉無咩特別,味道正常ok。法式焦糖pancake就因為見到有幾枱都有叫,個樣望落都吸引就叫一份share。焦糖味唔係好甜,pancake好似有4片,係平時熱香餅個種pancake,食完2樣嘢都幾飽肚。食物整體都ok,下次有機會再來就試埋飲品! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-05-18
328 瀏覽
想試呢間cafe好耐,終於試左叫左Angus burger同埋mussel.各有各好食!餐廳除左食物好食味,氣氛都好重要呢間唔錯,服務員唔會摧,啲客人質素又好唯一有啲扣分就係本身諗好食咩諗住落單叫一叫個服務員,個服務員一句得埋黎「個qr code落唔到單咩?」其實無留意到係qr code落單係我唔岩,但都唔洗一句得埋黎咁問返轉頭成件事就係呢度扣左分不過佢應該唔係有心但慣左咁講野依然會推薦俾朋友,而且會提醒朋友係qr落單 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
我最近到Urban Coffee Roaster用餐,但我必須說他們的食物品質和味道讓我感到非常失望。以下是我對他們的評價:首先,食物的質素非常差。無論是主菜還是配菜,它們都沒有達到我對一家餐廳的期望。作為一個食客,我希望有充分嘅時間用餐。可是他們會趕你走 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-03-19
267 瀏覽
French Caramel Pancake:           Each bite was a symphony of flavors, with the caramel sauce oozing out and complementing the subtle hints of vanilla in the pancake. The presentation was impeccable, and the portion size was generous, making it a delightful start to my meal.New Zealand Mussels:       Served in a savory broth infused with herbs and spices, the mussels were plump and tender, bursting with flavor with every bite. The broth itself was a masterpiece, with layers of complexity that tantalized my taste buds and left me craving for more. It was a true testament to the culinary prowess of the chefs at R-Urban Coffee Roaster.Green Tea Latte:     A refreshing beverage that provided the perfect balance of creaminess and earthy green tea flavor. Served piping hot, it warmed both my body and soul, making it the ideal accompaniment to the rich and indulgent dishes I had savored thus far. The subtle bitterness of the green tea was offset by the creamy milk, creating a harmonious blend that left me feeling rejuvenated.Matcha Mousse Chocolate Cake:            Chocolate Cake. Visually stunning and decadently delicious, this dessert was a feast for the senses. The rich chocolate cake provided a perfect contrast to the delicate matcha mousse, creating a flavor profile that was both indulgent and refreshing. Each bite melted in my mouth, leaving behind a lingering sweetness that left me craving for more. 繼續閱讀
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