港鐵上環站 E1 出口, 步行約12分鐘 繼續閱讀
Vivo 設計以現代意大利餐廳為藍本,旨在為賓客創造富親切感的時尚舒適餐廳。 Vivo室內裝潢以香港城市夜景為概念。垂直的手製燈罩模仿香港市內燈火通明的高樓大廈;大廈之間栽種了樹籬,為繁華城市增添一點綠蔭。 Vivo的設計精心運用了空間、光線及鏡子之間的關係,令整個空間變得更為實用及天衣無縫。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 23:00
10:30 - 23:30
10:30 - 23:30
Visa Master 現金 AE 銀聯
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
切餅費 詳細介紹
電話訂座 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Dragon Fire(雞尾酒) Hawaiian Spice(雞尾酒) Vivo Royale(雞尾酒) 甜品拼盤(朱古力軟心蛋糕、意大利芝士餅、意大利奶凍、雪糕) 意大利磨菇薄餅 意式薄切牛肉刺身
食評 (59)
等級4 2015-10-02
761 瀏覽
今晚約左我既好朋友HAPPY FRIDAY, 我倆都好鐘意SOHO, 今日我朋友揀左呢間, 佢六點到, 見到無乜人, 又好似坐得幾舒服, 咁就不如試下新野啦. 入到去好有酒店FEEL.餐前麵包, 有薄脆 + 香草麵包, 熱辣辣, 點醋食, 好味!WAITER 介紹我地叫CESAR SALAD, 賣相唔錯, D菜幾新鮮, 芝士咸度適中, 個沙津醬又夠味, OK喎!MENU唔太多選擇, 我地都想食海鮮既關係, 叫左個SEAFOOD PASTA, 味道OK, 不過感覺好似落左美極, 所以唔太突出, D海鮮就幾新鮮, 可惜少左D 鴨肉PIZZA, 嘩, 呢個PIZZA第一啖咬, 都幾得意, 好多鴨肉, 但再食, 超~~~~~多油! 我地食剩左一半.... 其實佢個味都有D怪, 有D腥味, 鴨都係烤好食D到差不多我地食完8點幾9點度, 先有一枱客入黎, 成晚比我地倆個包場, 感覺都幾好, 不過都唔明點解星期五D生意會咁淡薄, 野食質素又未至於差啫. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2015-09-07
387 瀏覽
提早替男朋友慶生日,從一位openrice食評家的收藏餐廳中,找到了這間。全賴有TableMap,可以迅速的在網上訂了位這間餐廳的位置坐落於SOHO區,餐廳門前的裝潢很出眾,所以並不難搵。因為訂了枱,一到餐廳已很快被安排入座。這間餐廳的裝潢並不像一般意大利餐廳,它帶點中國色彩。餐廳分兩邊,一邊是Bar Table,另一邊則是一張長沙發及一排桌子。枱與枱之間尚算寬敞,可保持一點私人空間。沙發後的牆身都是充滿中國色彩的裝潢。原來6:00-8:00pm 是Happy Hour 時段,除了酒類飲品有特價外,晚餐都有優惠!Happy Hour 時段有set dinner 供應,$260/person 包 2 courses (starter and main),main可以選pasta or pizza。最後,我選了 Soup of the Day (今天是 mushroom soup) 及 Duck leg confit risotto.男朋友選了 Chef's recipe crab cake 及 Signature Seafood Linguine.點餐後,餐廳同時捧上餐前麵包。餐前麵包有軟和脆兩款,送上時還暖暖的 跟隨麵包送來的亦有 olive oil and vinegar。唯一不足的是應該讓客人自我調校 olive oil and vinegar 的份量及比例。此外,每位客人亦應各自 being served with olive oil and vinegar,始終 share 用不太合乎衛生吧!值得一讚的是軟麵包,很喜歡它的軟綿綿。脆麵包其實都做得很好,脆卜卜很新鮮!男朋友望了望Wine List, 點了兩杯White Wine - Reisling ($60/glass, HH)由於8:00pm前都是HH, 所以每杯只是$60,很優惠呢!男朋友知道我喜歡味道不太濃的酒,所以點了這個,如果你喜歡再淡一點的,可以試試 Pinot!其實,餐廳還有多款餐酒及cocktail可選,影了個wine list及cocktail list, 可以慢慢研究Mushroom Soup我的頭盤是磨菇湯,很喜歡這個磨菇湯,煮得很好,很足料,湯亦很濃,喝每一啖湯都充斥著強烈的black truffle,簡直是我的大愛Chef's Recipe Crab Cake這個是男朋友點的 Crab Cake,男朋友分了少少給我。從切出來的一小塊當中,可以清楚看到這個蟹餅很足料。早前跟男朋友到過諾士佛臺一間餐廳,同樣點了個著名的蟹餅,相比之下,我覺得這個蟹餅做得較出色,除了足料,這個蟹餅的蟹肉是鮮甜的,廚師亦把蟹餅的外圍煎得很好,金黃色的,鬆脆且不油膩!再配上清新的 cirtus,味道ICHIBAN 到主菜啦!Signature Seafood Linguine男朋友的主菜先送上,送來時已嗅到香噴噴!哈哈,男朋友見我虎視眈眈的樣子,自動自覺分了小部分給我試試,當然還分了整粒帶子給我這個帶子迷這個 Linguine 很彈牙,不過醬汁的味未能滲透到 Linguine 當中。海鮮都很足料,可以找到青口、蜆、蝦和帶子。男朋友說海鮮的味道不錯,但我倒覺得那帶子稍微欠缺味道,不過幸好都沒有雪藏味Duck Leg Confit Risotto相比下,我的主菜出色得多,這個 Risotto 煮得相當好,飯的質地剛好,不太硬亦不太軟。Duck Leg 肉被撕得碎碎的,與 Risotto 飯粒的 size 相近,很匹配,不得不提的,Duck Leg 的肉汁更是完完全全地慘入了 Risotto 當中,飯中充斥著 Duck Leg 肉的味道,濃而不膩今次,輪到男朋友先後幾次「飛象過河」夾這個飯食不過這個飯份量真的很大,我和男朋友兩個人合作都不能把它K.O.正當我們飲飽食醉,準備埋單時,侍應很細心的提提我還有一個 pre-order 的 tiramisu哈哈, 是咁的,我一早用 TableMap 訂枱時,在special request 一欄寫了想 pre-order a slice of tiramisu cake with words "happy birthday, XXX" on the side of the dish.我見餐廳沒有打電話跟我 double confirm, 又沒有跟我「打眼色」,我已經打定輸數。最離奇的是侍應還遞了dessert menu給我們,幸好沒有double order果然 tiramisu 是這裡的皇牌甜品,雖然我和男朋友已經吃得很飽,但仍然覺得它的味道很好,哈哈,可能食甜品真的是用第二個胃Tiramisu 很軟綿綿,咖啡和朱古力混合得很適宜,還有很足的雲呢拿香油味呢!總括之言,男朋友對這餐生日飯很滿意。我都覺得這餐廳的食物有驚喜!值得推介一下! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2015-02-16
1313 瀏覽
When I sat down. found the chair was quite uncomfortable. I booked n somebody brought us to the table. then he left n never came back.  there weren't no menu on table and nobody came over to serve us for 5 mins till I asked for drink menu n told them we haven't ordered food after another few minutes.all staffs were nice thowe had set dinner menu.  for valentines day. I hate set menu for festivals. big chance to have lower quality food than usual n they dun let u pick what u really wanna eat. This time tooDesert: vanilla ice cream with god damn defrosted strawberry, texture was awful.   there was also some crunchy chocolate liked thing underneath but taste like truffle. both of us did not like it and only had a bite. a 3 course dinner1. we didnt eat one of our entrees. 2. only ate half of our mains3. and the ice cream toodisappointing!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2014-11-11
2750 瀏覽
The bae & I wandered around Soho for a good twenty minutes after going to Brunch Club to see that massive queue outside. We happened to find this fancy Italian place, Vivo on Elgin Street.First of all, the inside looks quite nice and modern but not very Italian (just saying). It was rather quiet for a Saturday afternoon, there were only a few customers. We ordered ham & cheese omelette and eggs benedict; raspberry iced tea and apple juice for drink. The raspberry iced tea…hmm..imagine Arizona raspberry iced tea (which I'm obsessed with!) diluted with water, yuck! AND it costs $58 which I found kinda expensive for a glass of not so yummy drink.The apple juice was just apple juice.The omelette was good, I mean omelette could never go wrong, very cheesy!The eggs benedict was alright. One of the yolks was on point yet the other one was slightly overcooked; sadly the hollandaise sauce was kinda tasteless and the consistency was a little bit watery; the spinach was real fresh tho!I would say the price of Vivo is reasonable (except for that glass of raspberry iced tea!). It's standard-soho-restaurant pricing. The meal costs $282: omelette $98; eggs benedict $98; apple juice $28; raspberry iced tea $58. One little note- there is no service charge for this restaurant which is quite rare.Came home and read some of the reviews of this fancy pancy Italian place on Openrice, most of them were very positive. I think this restaurant is kinda overrated, I wouldn't say this place was terrible but I'm quite certain that I wouldn't come here again, well, at least not for brunch again.I almost forgot to mention the smoke that came out from the kitchen. It was pretty frightening. They need better exhaust fan ha! 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2014-09-02
2793 瀏覽
Had a wonderful meal with good friends at Vivo. We started with very good cocktails at the bar followed by an assortment of starters and mains (including a pizza). All I can say is that the mussles were excellent, as was the beef carppacio and the pizza. The staff was great too. Friendly, helpful and good humoured. I'll be definitely going back and bringing more friends. Thanks to the Vivo team, I had an excellent experience. 繼續閱讀
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