港鐵銅鑼灣站 F1 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
10:30 - 22:00
10:30 - 22:00
10:30 - 21:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (15)
等級1 2022-01-04
2229 瀏覽
Makcik (read: middle-aged lady) greeted me with a friendly "sit" while ladling steamed rice from a massive white rice cooker at the far corner of the restaurant. Ordered the nasi goreng (choice of spicy or non-spicy, I chose the former) and iced milk tea, which was incidentally called 'es teh susu' instead of 'teh ais' in Malaysia - I speculate it could be the difference in the order in which said drink is prepared (ice first, then tea, then milk as opposed to tea first then ice) but I digress.Nasi goreng is reminiscent of the sort one would expect from a standard street-side stall (e.g. warung, mamak stall) complete with plastic plate and glass. Was momentarily transported through a culinary portal back to Malaysia. If I may be so daring to say, the food is authentic enough for me to engage in a Malay chat with aforementioned makcik for well over 10 minutes post-meal (which I did)Would recommend to anyone in a heartbeat 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2021-10-21
1358 瀏覽
Review in English and MandarinI was a little bit nervous to go inside since I thought the shop staff wouldn’t be able to speak English, but they can understand english very well ☺️ The shop is very cute and has a wide variety in their menu, the food is affordable as well. There is also a small section near the entrance with many Indonesian snacks and noodles. The shop owner was very cute, always smiling and very kind. There was even a Indonesian customer who helped me choose what side dishes I want😭💕I ordered the nasi campur with fried potato, beef, egg and some kind of vegetables looks like bean sprouts. You can choose two types of meat, chicken or beef. IT IS SO GOOD!! It is spicy.. and if you want you can also get chilli oil 🤤🤤🤤. It is $55 and I think it’s very good price 🥺I will come back here again 👍👍👍👍👍进去之前我有一点儿紧张因为我以为里面的工作人不会说英文,可是他们讲的英文很好☺️这个餐厅很小很可爱,有各种各样的食物,饮料和零食,食物也很便宜。入口附近有很多印尼的面和零食。店主太可爱了,一直在笑,很善良。也有一个印尼的顾客帮我选我想要吃的小菜😭💕我点了nasi campur跟炸土豆,牛肉,鸡蛋和一些青菜。你可以选择两种肉,鸡肉或牛肉。这太好吃了!鸡蛋有一点儿辣,你也可以选这放辣椒🤤🤤🤤这是$55,我觉得是个很好的价格🥺我下一次会再来👍👍👍👍 繼續閱讀
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we tried their satays and it was as good as it gets ,but once we looked around the restaurant hygiene we saw a baby cockroach crawling up the kitchen wall. I sincerely would like to see them propser but shop hygiene can't be compromised 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2020-10-08
1498 瀏覽
It's small and tucked away on the 2nd level but I kid you not, this is the best and the most authentic Indonesian restaurant I have ever been to. For those of you who can have experience real indo food and flavor, this is it. The spices and peanut sauces reminds me of back when I visited Indonesia!My favorite dish is defined the Siomay! I can keep eating those for days... portions are generous and the price is so good. 繼續閱讀
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理論上係要做會員先可以去嗰度,唔知係唔係牌照所限。坐低侍應都喺咁意叫你填啲嘢跟住俾張會員證你。食物只可以話 ok 咁喇,我諗你去印尼當地嘅普通印尼人幫襯嘅食肆都係咁上下嘢。唔好諗住會係印尼華僑開嗰啲,嗰啲係印尼都唔係基層人士幫襯嘅餐廳。老實講,當所有客人都係印尼外傭/南亞人,得你一兩個係香港人時,其實都幾古怪。但抱住獵奇心態想試下香港另類餐廳嘅人都可以一去嘅。仲有20個字就可以用笑喊臉,容許我寫埋。剛好。 我應該係 18年頭咁上下去嘅。 繼續閱讀
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