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由得獎名廚主理的中菜廳,以新鮮食材炮製一系列色香味俱全、足料的中式美饌及點心,款式琳瑯滿目,照顧不同食客口味。 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 21:30
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 21:30
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食評 (77)
等級1 2024-04-19
2531 瀏覽
一直都聽講這唐宮小菜好吃,今日終於有機會一試。傳統的酒店中菜廳設計,枱與枱之間的位置夠寬廣,唔使擔心影響到隔離枱,很適合與舊同事邊吃邊笑當年。服務到位,年輕既服務員或有經驗的姐姐都很有禮貌和耐性,需要詢問詳情的時候他們總會很快便出現。隨意點了幾款自己想吃小菜的,味道都無可挑剔。鯪魚球,嫩滑香口,鱈魚鮮香,食到我停唔到🤤乳豬亦很脆很香口。甜品方便,點左焗布甸,燉奶,無論賣相或味道都很優秀。已決定要再幫襯。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-03-12
2589 瀏覽
之前拎左「香港夜饗樂」既唐宮中餐廳港幣$100餐飲消費券,下午6:00後適用,收工去岩岩好唐宮@九龍維景酒店,酒店較舊式,樓底唔高又冇華麗裝修,中菜廳坐位闊落,員工服務好有禮貌。兩個人食除左可以用兩張$100餐飲消費券,餘額用匯豐卡仲有 85折,真係好抵!酒糟香浸明蝦$88:淡淡酒糟香味,一客有6隻份量好足,yummy蝦籽冬筍 $68:布咩賣相,不過冬筍清脆細嫩幾好味瑤柱醬烤茄子$68:瑤柱醬好香濃,好邪惡球野菌燴原條海參 $88:一客有成條海參,仲要唔細條,炆到好入味黄金流沙脆蝦球(半例)$128:都係布賣相,但係咸蛋王份量十足,又保持濕潤,蝦好大隻叉彈牙,超正珊瑚龍皇鍋塌豆腐(半例)$108:第一食鍋塌豆腐,原來係將豆腐浸漬調料,醮蛋液再油煎,再加雞湯微火塌制,手工野,鍋塌豆腐外層有d似麵筋,内裡好滑,龍皇汁有好多海鮮,夠鮮味生磨腰果露伴擂沙湯丸$48:份量十足!腰果露又滑又香,擂沙湯丸有4 大粒,流心芝麻餡勁香四$48真係超值,平時去糖水鋪,只叫一碗腰果露或叫一份播沙湯丸都幾甘蚊啦•川貝陳皮燉雪梨$48:成餐最有擺盤既一道菜,用左個星星碟,雪梨去左芯開左蓋,清甜滋潤又有果皮香,正送蕃薯糖水:蕃薯好棉好好味整體所有食物都實而不華,真材實料又份量十足,環境舒服、寧靜,服務又好,相信短期内會回訪 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-06-30
3347 瀏覽
Big reunion in the private room. It’s been so long since the last group yum cha- so many dishes, like a buffet!Server explained they just changed the menu, so some new dishes and missing some old ones. Here’s what we had.鮮果明蝦沙律Steamed:-香茜鳳冠餃- not a fan of coriander. So I passed. -小籠包-蝦餃-豬潤燒賣- they didn’t serve the normal 燒賣 anymore. 蘿蔔絲酥餅焗叉燒餐包羅漢齋春卷- very good 甘筍蓮藕餅蔥花炸兩陳皮牛肉腸雞蓉粟米羹- (or what’s left of it)乳豬全體- someone was disappointed thinking they ordered the one wrapped in the little white pancakes. But this was good.蟹鉗More Carbs:-福建炒飯-肉絲炒麵-星洲炒米-乾炒牛河Dessert: -香麻雞蛋散-蛋黃蓮蓉菠蘿酥餅-古法千層糕- already very full; couldn’t bear to look at all the layers of salted egg yolk.-燕窩馬豆糕In summary: old school dim sum lunch. Yummy. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2020-11-10
5124 瀏覽
I've been here a number of times, but the most recent one was horrendous beyond measure. They used to be a lot better. I cannot speak for the dinner menu, but our experience during lunch hours would require borrowing your hands as well, because face palming with two hands isn't sufficient to show the distasteful dissatisfaction I have for this restaurant. Of course, most people come here for dim sum isn't expecting extravagant dishes, but somewhere that is easy to book, and family friendly to bring young and old family members for a lunch gathering. Though that doesn't relinquish my perspectives of their food's quality. I'd be direct, most of the dim sums here are average. As long as they're acceptable, I really wouldn't be asking for too much. Unfortunately they made 3 big mistakes on our visit. I truly hope it is an isolated incident. 1. Carrot strips Cake (蘿蔔絲梳餅): Tasted horrendous. The carrots were supposed to be stripped to small pieces for aesthetics and taste, but it failed to do either. It's like a blob of carrot inside.2. Crispy Fried Eel Part 1 (脆善): Can't find the full name for this dish. Not only was it not crispy, as the name suggests, its frighteningly cold. It's as if it was made for a previous customer, and given to us due to some complications with them. We let the waiter know of this, and hoped for a new dish. We're not asking for much, just give us something that is hot and crispy as the name says. Yet the waiter suggested we cancel it. Thus we agreed on that option instead.3. Crispy Fried Eel Part 2 (脆善): We asked for the bill when we were done only to be charged for the crispy eel. No matter, we let the waiter know of the situation that her colleague has canceled it for us already. It should be simple logistics to talk it through with your colleague first before giving accusations. Not only were we accused of lying, but they outright refused it. This hassle took quite some time to resolve. I'm actually quite shocked at such appalling service. It has definitely caught me off guard. 4. One minor thing that you may find interesting. Most Dim Sum restaurants have chili sauce provided. Usually these chili sauce comes with the oil itself and mashed up chili accompanied with it. This hotel restaurant only offers chili oil without chili bits. I consider this a game changer and a little disappointing. This is probably the first Dim Sum restaurant I have been that only offers the chili oil. I can't even call this restaurant a Chinese restaurant anymore. I don't know what it is. Overall it was a traumatizing experience. Most of the foods were average. A few outright horrible ones. No service whatsoever. Sure, you may say it's a great venue for families since its easy to book. Well, I'm not going to sacrifice taste and service for a bit of comfort. I can't speak for the dinner menu, but if the service is similar to the afternoon, I'd shy away from this restaurant at all costs.   繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2020-03-18
4942 瀏覽
呢間中式飲茶嘅地方就喺我嘅工作地點附近 ,呢間餐廳喺酒店入面 環境就唔使講,一定係比普通嘅茶樓舒適 ,相對地價錢一定比出面嘅普通茶樓貴啦 ,不過佢所有食物嘅水準都比一般嘅茶樓好好多 平時呢度下午時間 ,喺weekday 係book到full曬冇位淨, 喺宜家疫情咁嚴重嘅日子 ,好多茶樓都好吉 呢間嘅茶樓都, 比平時少咗好多人 大概有一半人倒啦 !所以為與為之間嘅距離都可以有一張枱以上, 大家唔使擔心, 我特別介紹呢度嘅菠蘿叉燒包 ,比出面嘅更加豐富嘅餡料同埋結實 ,真材實料嘅感覺 另外佢哋呢度嘅牛筋都好冧! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)