港鐵香港站 C 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (1)
這海鮮酒家多次獲得必比登美食餐廳殊榮,以新鮮食材製作中式懷舊小菜,適合和家人或朋友聚餐。 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮必比登推介 (2023-2024)
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 AE
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
切餅費 詳細介紹
電話訂座 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (126)
等級3 2024-05-25
1957 瀏覽
閨蜜生日飯因天雨關係一改再改,終於約定日子到來,可惜燉湯要預訂,唯有比一個完美藉口再來飲燉湯😁😁未到七點已經差不多滿座了,walk-in多數無得食,第一次來這間米之蓮中菜代表,環境乾淨舒服,服務員樂意推介菜式。花膠螺頭煲雞~湯料十足、金華火腿好甘香、花膠好滑,湯水黏嘴椒鹽大尾魷~好新鮮,好厚身,好軟嫩,同啤酒絕配蒜蓉粉絲蒸北寄貝~新鮮,惹味輝哥煎咸雞~咸香豉蒜炒雷公涼瓜片~好香豆豉味,雷公鑿甘香厚身,選料好重要馳名鳳梨生炒⻣~酸甜好和諧 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
🍚星記海鮮飯店🍚作為米芝蓮中菜,同朋友嚟食,完全冇失望✨每一樣嘢都好好味,但係就覺得侍應有啲hard Sell😂🙏🏻呢間餐廳成日都好full,記得一定要預約呀! ————————————————覺得好好食嘅有:❆ 輝哥煎鹹雞 $230❆ 金榜醬四季豆安格斯 $238❆ 馳名鳳梨生炒骨 $188❆ 椒鹽大尾魷 $178❆ 魚香茄子煲 $138❆ 砂鍋金華四寶炒飯 $188❆ 雜菌紅燒豆腐煲 $138❆ 赤小豆粉葛豬骨湯❆ 番薯糖水 餐廳仲有免費開瓶費free corkage!鍾意飲酒嘅點可以錯過!!🍾 難得同一大班朋友食飯,餐廳啲侍應仲好好人咁樣俾我哋一路飲酒一路坐好耐, 係一個好好嘅用餐體驗🫶🏻————————————————整體:✦ 價格: 4.1/5✦ 味道: 4.5/5✦ 服務: 4.0/5✦ 環境: 4.0/5✦ 再訪指數: 4.1/5 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-05-18
1394 瀏覽
香港有好多好食,有心做落去嘅餐廳,星記就係我心水嘅其中之一耐唔耐就會諗起星記,家常菜得黎味道又唔尋常,最難得係咁多年都keep住個水準,每次都必定會encore招牌鳳梨生炒骨、椒鹽大美魷拔絲般嘅生炒骨,傾完一輪偈再食依然脆口肉嫩 ,唔怕佢走樣一碟厚肉到遠睇似足年糕咁嘅椒鹽大美魷,無魷魚鬚俾你,只有大大嘅肉身,好食到我encore 到下世紀唔油膩嘅煎藕餅新鮮唔過火嘅龍蝦伊麵,龍蝦熟得啱啱好,係個伊麵淋咗啲梅菜肉鬆蒸菜心,呢個名咁得意,叫嚟試吓,又幾啱送飯唔記得介紹返夠晒火候嘅是日例湯赤小豆粉葛紅蘿蔔豬肉湯,湯渣另上(冇影到相添) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
We brought our artists and crew here for a celebration dinner, it's Sunday night but the restaurant was surprisingly not packed. Our team of 14 was comfortably seated and the table was under one of the brass chandeliers at the room corner. Reservation is recommended if you would like to try the famous crispy fried chicken. The deep fried skin was ultra thin and the chicken meat was tenderly succulent. Two other signature dishes mentioned by the staff: sweet and sour pork with pineapple, and soy sauce stir-fried noodles. Both were scrumptious, and the noodles were top-notch, perfectly tossed with the basics: spring onions, bean sprout, soy sauce and sesame. Not gonna lie, their stir-frys are SUPERIOR. My favourite dish of the night goes to the four-delicacy fried rice served in casserole. This fried rice was BOMB, very fragrant and meticulously intertwined with dry-cured Chinese ham, dried shrimps, egg and scallion. Each spoonful was a sheer bliss. It's a feast and we ordered a lot more: chives stir-fried with cashews, squid, dried and fresh shrimps; salted egg braised tofu and shrimps; pan-fried lotus root pork patties; wasabi angus beef cubes and mushrooms in fried egg basket (one of our foreign guests liked this very much); garlic steamed baby squid (this was so FLUFFY and good); Chinese cabbage with salted and preserved eggs in chicken broth; Chinese yam with black fungus; braised egg plants; stir-fried longevity noodles with mushrooms; last but never the least- boneless spareribs baked with preserved plum and black olive (this is so incredible as well because the pork was full of flavour and very juicy). The grand finale: a hot bowl of sweet potato soup complimentary for everyone. Very gingery with ripe and soft sweet potatoes. Every dish was a satisfaction, this restaurant has honestly nailed a wide variety of staple Cantonese cuisines. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-02-25
2829 瀏覽
同同事一齊諗吓中午食啲乜,決定食呢間星記海鮮飯店。我覺得佢餐牌中午嚟講呢都算係差唔多價錢啦,都算係中嘅。咁我哋就嗌咗一個炒飯啦,咕嚕肉,同埋呢個嘅椒鹽鮮魷咁樣我哋四個人share一個飯咁每人大概$100左右。個咕嚕肉同埋個肉餅都唔差嘅咁個炒飯都還可以啦。我見到隔籬位嗰啲食海鮮啊海鮮蝦都好似好正,下次一定要再試過! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)