11:00 - 01:00
11:00 - 03:00
11:00 - 06:00
11:00 - 01:00
Visa Master 現金 AE Diners
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Hommos Kebab
食評 (14)
With a small and basic interior, pleasant Lebanese music and with the air con at a comfortably cool temperature, we were in the right mood for a good meal. The staff were pleasant to talk to and were very helpful and attentive when it came to ordering. Since my date and I were already hungry, we bypassed the appetizers and went straight to ordering the main courses. What exotic fare awaited out salivating taste buds? Assured that their lamb was "the best, number one!" we went with the Lamb and a Chicken Kebab platter. When the dishes came, it all looked very good... and large... but looks can be deceiving. Piled with fries (or rice, if you prefer), and bit of salad, and pita bread, it was all good, but I couldn't help but feel that given the price of the dishes, the sides were basically cheap fillers to take up valuable plate real estate. Perhaps the protein of choice would blow us away... aaannnnddd in a word, no. Portion-wise, it was spread out to look like a lot, but actually didn't amount to much. The lamb was chopped finely to a coarse mince and cooked until dry. Tasty, but literally moistureless. We needed a refill of water to finish our plates. The chicken was much the same but featured the added bitter hint of burnt meat. If this were a fast-food hole in the wall, I might be convinced to forgive the rough edges, but at $160 per person, I can't help but feel we were basically given a do-it-yourself pita sandwich with fries at a premium price. Add another $30 per soft drink... and service charges. Well, a bit of a gyp. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2011-02-21
419 瀏覽
起初本想相約老公去吃土耳其菜,怎料老公反提議去吃黎巴嫩菜,說這間店都是出名的。農歷年初四晚上,連我們在內,店內得 3 桌客人,和在身處中東、非洲的餐廳內一樣,得我倆是華裔。我們一早就想好要吃什麼了,三款食物都是我們懷念的中東菜,再加兩杯飲料。可惜拍的照片太黑,貼出來都看不到食物是什麼樣子。最先送到的是 falafel,我最愛吃的中東小食。我們用烤餅包著它來吃,再加些配菜和微酸的醬汁,熱騰騰的,和在叙利亞時吃的味道差不多。三種食物中,我最愛falafel,因為它很香口。烤餅不是我在叙利亞和伊朗時吃的紙皮麵包,中間是有位置用來放餡料的。烤餅不太硬,暖暖的,都ok。接著是 kebbeh,記得叙利亞的朋友介紹這小吃是「外面是肉,裡面又包著一些肉」,乾身的肉丸有不同的形狀,這裡吃的是隋圓形。從前我們吃過一個大圓形kebbeh,不過是給按扁了的,再十字切開成四份的樣子。最後送到的是烤羊肉 kebab,中東菜的羊肉好像是特別好吃的,平常我吃西餐很少會點羊肉,覺得水準可以很參差。但中東菜的羊肉基本上是安全之選,一碟 kebbeh 兩個人吃剛剛好,因為始終是啖啖肉,很飽肚。二人埋單四百多元,有點貴,但吃得到點點在中東旅行的回憶,都算不錯。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2010-10-12
333 瀏覽
Business set lunch @ $99, inclusive of a soft drink and service @ 10%… reasonable... for Central districtDécor: as much as Arabic feature as possible… lamps are Arabic… pictures are middle eastern… cozy small placeAmbiance: playing Arabic music… good; Sitting: Your neighbor style restaurantService: Courteous and quick. Wine list: did not look at it over lunch.Food: The Baba Ganoush could be a bit spicier… perhaps with a bit more raw garlic and paprika. The burnt taste of the egg plant is definite there and as required. The Shish Taouk is good… They used to ask what sauce you want to go with your sandwich … this time they forgot… may be too busy … too many customers. The sauce is on the mild side, perhaps catering to local palate. For once during lunchtime, the restaurant is full after I sat down... The portions are reasonable. General: Would I go back?... definitely… when I want a dépaysement in busy Hong Kong 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-06-09
146 瀏覽
本來是想要去試試「Jo Jo's Kebab Pizza Curry」,走在荷里活道上卻遍尋不著,後來才發現店鋪的原址正在裝修,不知是已經結業或僅是重新裝潢。「我一直以為你要食既卡巴係『貝魯特』,」顧老饕說。難怪顧老饕誤會,因為在荷里活道轉個彎到擺花街,轉角就是「貝魯特」,兩家店的距離也真近。「唔係啦!不過『貝魯特』同呢個『ASSAF黎巴嫩』係唔係一樣既?」我站在「ASSAF」的門口心中充滿狐疑。問了問「貝魯特」裡西方面孔的老闆,老闆以英文答道:「是同一個廚房,但是坐在『ASSAF』比較舒適。」原來黎巴嫩的隔壁,正是首都貝魯特。(這個gag真地蠻冷的……花哈哈哈哈)如同胖胖的老闆所言,坐在店裡頗為舒適,音響放著對我而言是極富神祕感的中東音樂,不一會兒可以容納二十多人的店裡已經座無虛席,雖然每桌客人聊天的音量都不小,但你也無須大聲叫喊才能與朋友溝通,我想是因為店裡具有一定的空間吧!Set Lunch算是便宜。「烤餅配上釀雞豆蓉醬或茄瓜醬、黎巴嫩沙律、任一口味的卡巴再加軟性飲品」,一共90元加一成。這是我第一次嘗試黎巴嫩菜,樣樣都覺得新鮮,不過在澳洲念書期間,幾乎各國菜餚都吃過的顧老饕則是熟門熟路,立刻就選好要吃的餐點。「食卡巴一定係食羊肉啦,」顧老饕說。先送上來的是「黎巴嫩沙律」。切成絲狀的高麗菜上灑著同樣切成絲的紫高麗菜,再點綴幾片番茄,淋上白色的沙律醬,吃起來新鮮,配色也不錯;沙律醬有點類似凱薩沙律醬,只是味道沒那麼濃,清清淡淡的極易入口。原來黎巴嫩的「烤餅」比土耳其的厚,顏色烤的很漂亮,略帶點焦焦的感覺;聞起來的香氣蠻像小時後在台灣吃外省老兵手工製作的「小時候大餅」,只是「小時候大餅」要厚上許多。「烤餅」的味道不錯,咬起來鬆軟,但又可以感受到外皮有點滑滑的結實口感;「雞豆蓉醬」則不知道該如何形容,有點乳酪味但不鹹,在「烤餅」抹上厚厚一層,如果再來半片烤餅,光這樣就足以當作我的一餐正餐。主角的「卡巴」包著錫紙送上桌,熱熱的有點燙手,於是小心翼翼的剝開錫紙一看,內餡相當豐富,隨後再大口咬下,餅皮、蔬菜與羊肉一同進入口中,感覺得到厚厚羊肉與羊肉特有的羶味。我是吃的極為滿意,厚切具羶味的羊肉配合著鬆軟的烤餅,口感與味道都屬於上等,但顧老饕卻覺得有點失落。「羊肉不夠肥,」顧老饕的表情頗為落寞,他的記憶可能飛回到20年前的澳洲了吧!後記:菜單上寫著kebab $158,問問女服務生,她解釋說是main course的價錢,蠻大一盤,是兩個人吃的份量。 繼續閱讀
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今年情人節去食竟然唔使被迫食情人節套餐加分 kebab酸酸地不錯加分 老闆娘幾靚滿分 叫左碟怪味葉米卷酸味雞羊卡巴 繼續閱讀
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