Peccato在意大利文中解作罪惡,在中國人的社會,用罪惡來做店名,感覺不太吉利,Peccato卻百無禁忌,店主認為客人吃得愈覺罪惡感,代表食物愈美味。餐廳裝修精致,fine dining 格局,供應簡約、正宗意大利北部菜。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 現金 AE
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
田園香草螺絲粉 杏仁鮮奶酪 阿拉斯加蟹肉扁麵 意國海鮮蕃茄汁拼麥多士
食評 (24)
I don't know if the people here who left comments for this restaurant went to the same restaurant my friends and i went to. We've just been here yesterday evening and I thought the food and service were great! Decoration was romantic and thinking to book for my boyfriend on our next anniversary already! We ordered mixed dishes - pasta, meat and seafood as mains. I ordered lobster for myself and shared with one of my friends as it was a big portion. We all tasted each other's mains and we thought they were all great! Ravioli is a must! The Scallops risotto, baby pig and Italian seabass were also delicious! But special mention to the Grilled king prawn one of my friends had and lobster pasta (didn't regret ordering this!) yeah, would definitely recommend it for romantic dinners. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2012-08-05
108 瀏覽
My sister and I were in the soho area looking for a new restaurant to dine in. i have tried almost all the restaurants in Soho but we walked by Peccato and I haven't tried it before. The decor looked nice so we thought why not give it a try. We were greeted by friendly wait staff and when we entered there was only one other table in the whole place, the place is not big with about 10 tables max on the inside. I started my dinner with a glass of chardonnay and my sis a cup of hot water. After our drinks they brought us a bread basket served with olive oil and vinegar which was expected. The bread was a bit on the hard side and didn't taste that fresh. We both starred at the menu for awhile pondering what to order when the mozzarella caught my eye. I had been craving a cheesy dish. THe mozzarella was served with parma ham. Being a cheese fan and mozzarella in particular I thought the cheese was very bland and the presentation was mediocre. the only thing that added taste was the saltiness of the parma ham.My sister choose the salmon carpaccio. This dish was also a dish I would not recommended. It was served with rocket leaf and parmesan. The presentation was also lacking... and the taste was also soso. As we were not that hungry we asked the server to recommended a main for us to share and he insisted that the lobster linguine was a top favorite, so we took his advice. I was overly disappointed with this dish, it was a bit fishy and didn't have much taste like both the appy's we choose. There wasn't much lobster in the dish but was served with a lobster head. I wanted something sweet to end the meal I choose the tiramisu because this is such a classic Italian dessert that you can tell how good this and judge the restaurant. Good thing we were quite full as this dessert came and it was so SMALL! The taste is not bad though, very creamy! I finished most of the dessert.I must say the waiters are very attentive and always quick to suggest dishes but I'm not so sure I would return again for the food maybe just a quick drink on their front patio before dinner.. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2012-06-10
37 瀏覽
吃,在乎心情,在乎菜式視覺賣相,在乎環境氣氛,是一項 total experience,不單只是「吃」東西那樣簡單,這也是「eat」與「taste」的分別。是日試吃的是位於中環的意大利餐廳「Peccato」,它位置開揚,有室內有戶外,單看環境就已給人很寫意的感覺。這次「Peccato」也加入了「Restaurant Week」的行列,提供一款有四道菜的晚餐,人均 $438+10%。試吃過後,感覺是色香味與服務俱佳,是一項很棒的 total experience。「Citrus cured salmon carpaccio with crab, avocado and Prosecco vinaigrette」 現時正值初夏,實在需要一些提神醒胃的菜式,踢走那厭悶的胃口。頭盤的薄切三文魚,賣相顏色亮眼;加上用橙汁、檸檬汁調製的汁料,帶起了整體的食味,魚肉的味道即時變得立體化,令人不禁胃口大開,是很聰明的配搭。「Pumpkin soup with fava beans and ricotta」第二道南瓜湯是意式什菜湯 (Minestrone) 的變湊版。它用蔬菜湯作基底,加重南瓜的份量,再加入 ricotta 芝士用以提高香滑度,喝時味道是慢慢佈滿舌頭,比想象中清甜,是清新可喜的一道西湯。蠶豆的參與則提升了湯的層次感,更有咬口。第三道的主菜,是二選其一。「Pan-seared sea bass with warm lentil salad and lobster emulsion」智利是擁有豐富海洋資源的南美州國家,它天然的條件如降雨量、水溫等都孕育出美味的天然海產。這道來自智利的海鱸肉厚、油潤,就這樣亁煎的做法就更強調了魚肉的嫩滑質感。此菜的亮點是那用龍蝦殻、蕃茄、洋蔥、甘荀等熬成的汁,已呈現泡沫狀態,好看之餘,味道是鮮甜到不得了,伴魚同吃更是鮮上加鮮。「Black Angus sirloin with roasted fingerling potato and asparagus」來自美國的安格斯西冷扒,從外表看來好像是烤焦了的模樣,不過內裡約莫是五成熟。大廚烤牛扒的生熟程度掌握得很好,外圍的焦香與內裡的肉嫩平衡得宜,牛味亦很濃郁。除了煮功外,好吃的其中一個主因當然是肉的本身質素好。汁料是典型 steak sauce 再加少許黑松露吊味,個人覺得其實不用點汁,光吃那塊靚牛肉已是品嘗它的最佳方法。「Chocolate Tiramisu with chocolate crumble and chocolate sorbetto」 Tiramisu 是這裡的名物,杏仁酒與咖啡酒的味道頗濃郁,口感也做到幼滑細緻;另配的是朱古力雪芭而不是雪糕 (所以比較快溶掉啊),不會過甜,口感亦更輕盈。最後不得不提那店方自家製的檸檬酒「Limoncello」,在飯後侍應會熱情地免費奉上,味道超酸,一杯到肚,飽滯的肚皮彷彿得到了解藥,感覺舒服得多,這項是非常好的 value-added service。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2011-07-16
27 瀏覽
Booked through Internet restaurant week website. Environment and seats are found.Table bread so so.No Asti or sweet sparkling wine. Ordered rose, very dry.Soup portion small but lots of seafood. Taste good. Starter pie tasty!Mussel salty. Lamb so so.Tiramisu cream tast good but cake layers soaked with no taste fluid, ? Diluted by water on plate? 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2011-01-28
45 瀏覽
Thursday Jan 27, 2011 // Conclusion: Don't waste your money!We walked around the major area around SOHO, and decided to try something with a pretty decent interior design. This one had a patio. Since the weather wasn't cold today, we've decided to take a seat outside. The restaurant got sufficient amount of heater to keep us warm so don't hesitate to take a seat outside instead. (and to also make their restaurant look like there's lots of customer)We got seated and I was offered two menu. We've decided to stay sober and asked for tap water. However, they just outright said they don't have it. Although its a trend in Hong Kong these days, I've decided to take tap water due to environmental impact. We want to limit our carbon footprint, Well, that wasn't a choice here and was forced to drink sparkling water... and we aren't the only one here with the same concern.http://eatinghk.blogspot.com/2007/09/walking-out-of-peccato.htmlAnyway, we ordered 4 items for 3 people. We evenly split all 3 entree among 3 person by ourselves. However, before we start on our meal, we were given the choice if we wanted parasan cheese. We said okay. The waitress stood at one spot and just spray cheese onto our food. We wouldn't normally make a big fuss but they kinda made a mess spreading the cheese outside the plate as well as all over the table. We thought that wasn't too professional and could have been avoided if they walked around, which was only 3-4 steps. The mess also wasn't cleaned up so the table was rather cheesed up.Onto the food.First started off with a Beef CarpaccioThis was an alright appetizer. The beef wasn't as salty as the ones Ive eaten. It was reasonably seasoned.Portion was just right.Then comes our Entrée. One for each person Gnocchi alla caprese with Minced Beef on Tomato SauceThe minced beef sauce tasted good, however the texture of the gnocchi was way to soft. Size was okay considering price but could always use a slightly larger plate.. Risotto agli asparagiThe risotto was the best out of all 3 entrée. The sauce was perfect, not too creamy. Portion was just right. Prepared perfect! Linguine alla vongole with clams and white wineThis was the linguine with clams and white wine. Although the plate looked very appealing, I must say, I was very disappointed with the taste of this dish. The sauce and the clams were extremely salty. I felt like I was putting salt in my mouth..it was very disgusting...I wish it was less salty because the texture of the linguine was cooked perfectly..The sauce just completely ruin the dish. The portion was bigger than the others but since it taste horrible, it was probably one dish you wish you had less in terms of portion.Customer ServiceWAs stated, we were seated outside / patio. The waitress and the boss does look outside from time to time to ensure we are good but never asked if we need anything else but never came out in person to ask if stuff are alright. The attitude of the waitress and boss itself wasn't very professional. Back to the parasan on cheese incident. Those cheese was served across the table while we were talking. Waitress just stood at one spot and start spraying those cheese. That's okay but if you make a mess out of it, then they should have probably walked a few step and serve the cheese on the right side of the customer. What ended up was cheese all over the table and it wasn't cleaned up. Not much a big deal if its in some low-end restaurant but wasn't expecting this.The boss was around as well but he was more busy standing outside getting more customers than asking us how was our meal. In fact, he never asked us that question, nor did the waitress. We wanted to express to him about the salty-ness of that spaghetti but that question was never asked. Never said goodbye when we left, but more busy luring customers. Lets just say once our meal was ordered, the boss never said a word after to us lol.The BillHere's the last blow Our bill... was kinda expected until we saw "Charity". $3 isn't a lot, but we'd like to be at least be informed Rather they donate that or not is... up in the air (though I think they will). But being informed is always better than just surprising customers. You're only clue was the little pamphlet / leaflet that was on the left when the bill comes. We looked inside the phamplet/leaflet and nothing was said about donating 1 dollar per person. If anything, it should have been from the profit of the restaurant, and not from us since... if we waned to donate, we'd donate money to a registered charity company and would do it at our own discretion..So yea, we got sold on their decorations. The food wasn't up to par/ was just medicore. The boss didn't seem like he cared after we walked in. We had better meal at this price around SOHO. So no, we won't come back again and won't recommend it to people. We aren't the only one 繼續閱讀
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