港鐵中環站 D1 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
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18:30 - 22:30
12:00 - 15:30
18:30 - 22:30
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食評 (45)
等級4 2024-06-15
2194 瀏覽
I was attracted by their promotion of picture of the menu and upon reading in detail, I found that this dinner was served as the China-France State Dinner and this definitely drawn my attention.  You can choose their 3-course menu which only includes the dishes of the China-France State Dinner but if you want to try their other signatures, you can order their 6-course menu. However, if you order their 6-course, please prepare an empty stomach as even I found the dinner fulfilling(you know I have a large appetite). You need to prepay for the menu at least 24 hours prior.The restaruant is mainly and ocean theme and really down to the detail to even their olive oil which has a hint of seaweed to it.Even the bread was introduced in detail, which was actually the Chef's Grandma's recipie and there was a poem attached upon serving showing its simple ingrediets yet still being delicious.Their servie continue to shine. When my olive oil was nearly used up, instead of just helping me to add more, they asked whether I would like to try another olive oil, which was seasoned with ginger. I loved this one even more.Stunningly there was 4 amuse bouche, which I loved the abalone taco the most.The Fish Rose came first and it was really stunning. It was made with sea bass and radish with zest on top. Besides looking stunning the flavor and texture combination was outstanding with each bite due to the combination.Next was the 1st dish from the State Dinner. Actually this was the dish Chef Mauro Colagreco made as he was only in charge of making 1 dish for the whole menu. The aesthetics continued to wow me and no wonder it impressed many during the dinner including China's First Lady. The lighter flavors of the crab and stronger flavors of the caviar already made an extremely stunning combo but the citric honey sauce was what elevated the dish even further.Next came the Turbot. What I am impressed is that Turbot is known for its firm consistency yet this turbot was cooked just right and almost tender, which I could guess how precie the cooking had to be.The Bresse chicken was an absolute delicacy. It was slow cooked to keep its tenderness with the sauce and morel on the side. Next came the dessert and thoroughly impressed by the wine pairing for this one. The previous dishes wine pairing was good but not up the the point of elevation as it is difficult to elevate something that is great(food/wine) already. For this dessert, the elderflower was not that prominent while the wine itself, despite being a dessert wine, was a bit too acidic. However, when having it together, the elderflower become more aromatic while the wine's acidicty is much toned down becoming very palatable. If you don't go for the full wine pairing, at least try to ask(not sure if possible) if you can choose this dish alone for the wine pairing.Finally, came the strawbery and verbena and it was a perfect conclusion due with its tarty flavors and citric aroma.The petit four was equally impressive and they even gifted a box of chocolate which I loved the pistachio one the most.Service here was excellent (from reading past reviews, I guess they retrained their staff or the staff is new) and I would love to try their regular menu in the future. It is pricey but given the quality and experience, definitely worth the splurge. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-10-19
603 瀏覽
Chef Mauro和香港的淵源, 不只是與麗新合作開設這間以海洋為主題的法式Fine Dining餐廳, 他的徒弟Chef Ricardo在他來香港之前已經開設了Mono, 透過獨特的南美烹調風格, 在香港的Fine Dining間有一席之地. 他在芒通的Mirazur固然成為世界其中一間最出色的餐廳, 但不只滿足於此, 也在世界各地建立他的餐飲事業, 最為經典的也許就是當了中法國宴的主廚之一, 雖然在午餐中吃不到他的國宴菜, 但不用$500的價錢, 就能吃到經典的柑橘玫瑰海鮮刺身, 已算是物有所值. 這道經典最要留意的, 當然是不同顏色組合而成的美麗玫瑰, 今次不用魚, 而是用上北海道帶子, 再加上柑橘以及自家醃製的酸菜, 味道清爽, 完全沒有刺鼻或濃酸的惹人討厭, 味道口感調和得相當出色.作為以海洋為餐廳的主題, 海鮮在這餐構成了絕大部份, 從Amuse Broche的Taco以及炸紫菜魚肉碎, 在海鮮味與海水味, 以及酥脆和軟溶的口感中縱橫交錯. 另一道頭盤的就是甘鯛切成闊條麵的形狀, 再加上忌廉, 吃起來和之前的玫瑰一樣, 同樣的酸和鮮為主軸, 但味道和口感上卻大有不同. 主菜的金目鯛相比起來穩打穩扎, 炭香的烤魚皮和內裏紮實的魚肉口感, 也是令人飽足的一部份. 麵包和鴨肉應該就是少數和海洋無關的菜式, 前者除了自家製之外, 也不是現在在流行的酸種麵包, 味道甘香之餘也有鬆軟的口感, 吃起來有點像英式鬆餅, 印象也相當深刻. 鴨肉的醬料甘甜濃鮮, 是整餐味道最濃烈的一道菜, 因為厲害的是鴨肉完全沒有筋, 入口即溶, 令我想起Mono的乳鴿, 果然同系師門, 處理同樣出色. 唯一稍稍不滿的是魚子醬法邊豆, 吃起來兩者的好感相通配搭, 但醬汁的酸重了一點, 而且沒有貝殼湯匙, 很怕金屬匙羹會影響到魚子醬的味道, 幸好醬汁承托之下, 沒有如此的事情發生. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
呢個星期有D橫財,去食fine dining慶祝吓先☺️ 由訂位開始,已經感覺到優質服務☺️侍應生服務態度專業,細心介紹菜單,侍酒師配搭用心👍食物方面有心思,擺盤美麗,味道不俗😋Lunch menu包括頭盤,main course同甜品. 頭盤點咗kamachi同scallop. 清新鮮味💞第二度開胃菜,特別設計配搭Krug香檳的菜式,有蜆肉有魚肚有青口配煙燻過嘅魚子醬👍主菜點咗新鮮嘅魚,熟成咗五日嘅長尾鯛魚,香燒😋另外一個主菜就係乳鴿,主廚係做咗三食,一個食材做咗三種嘅口味😍甜品就係一個朱古力嘅配rosemary雪糕.之後嘅飯後小甜點都係好精彩🥰 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-10-01
796 瀏覽
restaurant Week book唔同嘅餐廳都中唔少伏,所以book呢間嘢嘅時候其實我一啲期望都冇淨係諗住幾抵食可以試吓,點知結果係喜出望外,不論係服務食物質素上菜嘅流程全部都100! 之後睇返原來先知個廚師係來自米芝蓮三星 haha。唔做功課都有唔做功課既好。Amuse Bouche開始已經令人驚喜。不過唔記得左個名😅 starter 係Hamachi & pumpkin,main:aged sea bream 朋友order左pigeon 。 我本身係一個超級鍾意食魚嘅人,呢個魚有小小乾,但係呢側邊嘅伴菜以及魚肉嘅tartare 即刻救返。pigeon方面反而係爭緊啲Gamy既味道,但係熟度等等都很完美。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
我最近有機會在一家由一位來自法國的三星米芝蓮主廚經營的餐廳用餐,但我的經驗讓我感到相當失望。很明顯,這家餐廳還沒有準備好達到其享有盛譽聲譽所設定的高期望。從一開始,我就對上菜方式感到困惑。廚師對前菜的方式有特定計劃,但擺盤亂七八糟,並沒有遵循預期的順序。這種缺乏連貫性影響了整體用餐體驗。至於口味,我發現它們令人失望地平淡。菜式缺乏從如此高水準主廚身上預期的複雜性和深度。更糟糕的是,服務團隊似乎缺乏訓練,進一步降低了用餐體驗。考慮到這家享有盛譽的餐廳和他們收取的高價,我期望更多。不幸的是,我的訪問沒有達到炒作,我懷疑我不會很快再回來。我希望他們可以完善他們的方法,因為有偉大的潛力,但這需要時間。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)