港鐵中環站 D2 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
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食評 (38)
等級4 2016-04-08
2672 瀏覽
This is an old review and the menu seems to have changed according to their Facebook.Anyway, I had the blacken catfish which was really silky and soft.I also had the soft shell crab with delicious black-eyed pea puree beneath it. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-03-17
1908 瀏覽
It's Foodies11 again!! Time for $1:1mile again!! Need to give a pause on Chinese cuisine~ (Without having a chance to do searching before leaving office and there we randomly picked this place while we're almost arrived admiralty and there we walked over to LKF). Pretty surprised that the review on openrice was quite obsolete and realised the menu has changed~ The baby back rub is juicy and tender with hint of spicy! But too pricy! The mushroom fusilli with rose sauce is another good pick! Can't finish the rosemary chips and we packed home. Another super full meal for the night. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Went to Restoration for the all you can eat fried chicken and ribs on their Tuesday night special.  Was greeted by a very aloof hostest, waiting staff was efficient, but not very friendly either.  There was only 3 tables occupied that night.I came here for the fried chicken, so I can live with that sort of service level.  My partner and I ordered the all you can eat fried chicken and ribs.  It comes with a soup and bread.  The soup was very good, it was sort of a tomato based puree soup with a strong hint of smokiness.  However, they could be less generous with the salt.Chicken was freshly fried, and has a very crunchy batter.  The meat was also very moist.  I have to admit the fried chicken was very good, but would appreciate it if its less salty alsoRibs comes with all you can eat fries too.  Ribs was just ok, a bit dried, and would be nice if it comes with a dipping bbq sauce.Since the all you can eat special only comes with fries, we ordered an extra side dish of mac and cheese.  Again it was very salty, but portion was generous.  Cost of this is an extra HKD$88All in all, it was a decent meal.  But would I come back, most likely not.  Bill comes out to a total of HKD$1,100 (we had 6 budwisers @ happy hour price), which I think is way over priced for what we ate.  Tip to owners, perhaps you can offer two free side dishes with your all you can eat chicken instead of just fries.Honestly, I think Jollybees or Popeyes have simialr quality of fried chicken (if they are freshly fried) at 1/8 of the cost. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2015-05-20
3437 瀏覽
週末最幸福的事,就是睡到日上三竿,才起身慢慢嘆個 brunch,然後下午有點餓又再來下午茶。上星期,很難得的做到了大半... 今篇介紹上半場在 Restoration 的 brunch 時光。   這次去的地點是 Restoration,約年半前剛坐完月的甜魔媽媽也曾帶剛滿月的妹妹來過!那時抱著她,未能拍下充滿懷舊典雅佈置的店內,今次就來補拍幾張吧。喜歡小店帶古典美,同時又有自然日光投射,可惜是日天暗有雨,不然拍的照片會更棒。吃 Brunch 怎少得了 Egg Benedict? 然而一般的貨色吃得多,這天改試了變奏版的 Catfish Lyonnais ($168),魚子醬水波蛋下加增煎香了的鯰魚柳,又以 Lyonnais 來取代了英式鬆餅。 Lyonnais 即是薯仔配洋蔥,當水波蛋切開蛋汁流下,蛋香與香脆薯絲交融,吃來既鮮又香、嫩滑脆口兼有之,口味豐富繽紛,而且比傳統的 Egg Benedict 更飽肚~另外點了 Chicken and Waffle ($158),三大件以 Cajun 香料醃香的微辣香口炸雞,配上三大件 waffle、庶糖漿以及香口煙肉,邪惡度滿分,不過也實在好吃令人滿足。  多得妹妹幫手清掉其中一件 waffle,我們才有胃納在下午茶前,散點多一款甜品。這 Key Lime Pie ($58) 面層忌廉輕香不膩,中間青檸吉士十分軟滑、口味酸甜清新,原來好好吃!這頓慢慢吃慢慢傾了兩小時,同行妹妹再也不是舊日的小人兒,開始忍不住要走動了!還好店員都很體諒這位八卦好奇的小人兒,特別讓她參觀了 VIP 房,就算她爬上沙發也不介意。那甜魔媽媽也不客氣,趕緊拍下兩張妹妹沙發照了~特別一提,這裡歡迎 BB,但不算 baby-friendly 餐廳,店內不設 High Chair。這次沒有 Entertainer 優惠了,埋單 $422,然後就赴 C'est La B 的精緻下午茶。下文再續~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2015-03-08
3164 瀏覽
同friend book 左restaurant week,成日都聽人地講呢間,今次第一次試  呢度既waiter同經理好friendly,我地叫完野,話想知道下佢平時個menu,個經理好有耐性逐樣同我地講,仲教我地兩個女仔點食先最抵。講真,今時今日呢類親民既服務好少見喇,俾個讚佢 AppetizerCup of GumboNew Orleans 野,本身已經好鐘意。呢個gumbo比較辣,都幾豐富,有蝦、腸、okra等等。香料味可以多少少,落多些少飯仲好食。Crispy pork belly呢個好好味! 四四方方既豬腩肉,香脆既外層充滿辣辣地既香料,內裡既豬腩肉少肥膏唔油膩,配埋佢地既barbecue sauce,除左個邊位有D肉炸得硬左少少之外,整體真係幾欣賞。份量亦比想像中多,如果一個女仔可以當main喇...Main courseStuffed Blackened Catfish煎釀鯰魚。本身鯰魚係無乜味既魚,亦都係加左香料煎香。塊魚下面其實有蟹肉,有D似煎魚+crab cake。味道配得唔錯Beef Roulade煎牛柳配雜菌火腿汁,旁邊果個係整粒燒蒜頭。對塊牛有少少失望,生熟度OK煎到medium,唔知係咪我切到果個位,我果塊好多筋,亦唔香牛味,食到少少發脾氣。反而D雜菌幾好食。Dessert雖然已經食到好飽,但係對甜品滿懷希望。Key Lime Pie將兩塊青檸批疊起,個批底好好食,加左椰絲,好鬆化唔會死實實。D餡青檸味好開胃,即刻無咁滯White Chocolate Bread Pudding徹底地失望,我同朋友都係食左一啖已經放棄。舊野唔凍唔熱,又甜又實。另外一人叫左杯酒,所以每人$550整體覺得一般,但原來佢平時係all-you-can-eat,或者會再黎試下佢個ribs 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)