港鐵中環站 D2 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
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食評 (4)
等級1 2015-06-11
5588 瀏覽
放lucnh諗住同女友去hardrock舒服坐下食西餐,上到去見到對面有間韓國野都幾多人,一於轉下口味。入到去見到有位女人應該係老板講韓文同班客人有講有笑,心諗應該都正宗掛,(因為而家好多韓國餐廳都係偽韓式)同女友叫左一個牛肉什錦碗飯同一份炸雞。先講下個飯,老細叫我地撈勻先食,第一啖食落口已經覺得同出面既韓國撈飯唔同,個汁好香好好食,唔係得個辣字,d牛肉一d都唔un, 個味醃得唔錯,另外d蔬菜都好新鮮,岩晒女友要食得健康d.炸雞方面,一份有7件,大大件,有d部位唔算多肉,但好脆好juicy, 同老細傾傾下原來係用新鮮雞,食落真係唔同d ,同連鎖店果d真係差好遠順便講下佢地d餐包泡菜野飲, 泡菜係老細自已醃,唔會太咸太酸,食完仲問佢地拎多小小,野飲就要左杯青檸梳打水同紅「早」蜜,仲加左粒青檸,食完炸雞飲一流,感覺好refresh. 下次係屋企可以試下自已溝。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
(非會員) 2009-09-13
3362 瀏覽
I went to this Korean restaurant for lunch with my colleague last friday. After we sat down, a Korean old lady served us with a very friendly and passionate manner. I think she is the boss in there. We were pleased in the begining...The old lady recommended us to eat there favourite dish - 'Korean Spicy Noodle'. My colleague is allergy to MSG, thus he asked the old lady if the noodle is MSG free. She emphasised that it is traditional home made noodle with no MSG!!!! The taste and appearance of the $85 noodles is actually not nice (No different from the Doll Noodle). There are some small prawn on it. But obviously they are frozen small prawns. When we nearly finished the noodle, we realised that there are some hair twisted with the noodle. They are CURLY HAIR 蜷曲的毛!!!! We asked the old lady what that is. She is embrassed and explained it is..... it is the prawn's hair.... Come on! we are not primary school kids. We know what that is! The old lady still need us to pay for the curly hair noodle.... After 1 hours my colleague feeling disgusted, he needs sick leave immediately. It is because of the MSG allergy.... 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
I know it is a chore to find new taste in Central @ a reasonable price lately; and Sugardolls had been my favorite of the month so far....The price is reasonable: 65 for a lunch with drinks and Kimchi is very nice in LKF, and it is worth mentioning the food tastes completely home-made (in a good way, of course). The food is fresh and made-to-order and it is a nice break from all the fast food that constitutes my main diet for the longest time.....We ordered a Bibimbap ($65) and a Korean beef BBQ set (also $65). served with Kimchi & drinks. a good lunch with a very authentic Korean taste, reminds me of the food i had in Korea.Only minor compliant is that as it is primarily a bar at night the venue is not exactly good for gatherings, but if you want to go for a quick bite then you will not be disappointed. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)