港鐵佐敦站 B1 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
此藝術咖啡店由四位熱愛咖啡、藝術文化的女生創立,並以復古感覺的擺件作裝飾,主打足料的泰西fusion菜。 繼續閱讀
*最後落單時間: 18:00/20:30
09:30 - 19:00
09:30 - 19:00
09:30 - 19:00
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食評 (229)
等級3 2022-09-13
267 瀏覽
文青Cafe就食得多泰式Cafe真係第一次試🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭佢嘅all day breakfast 真係同普遍嘅好唔同最欣賞係佢有個菠菜菇玉子🍳仲有個細細嘅乳酪沙律😻打破千篇一律嘅All day Breakfast🥓而且超級豐富💗另外佢個泰式蝦蝦青木瓜沙律(自己改嘅名)😹成個感覺好Fresh🥗雖然本身個多士比較肥但係夾埋一齊個配搭又中和返最後覺得最最最最最好味嘅就係佢杯嘢飲😹雖然真係有啲貴💸但係覺得當中好有心思🫶🏻佢係一粒泰式奶茶嘅波波冰🧊配上打熱咗嘅椰奶🧉椰奶嘅口感非常濃厚夾埋一齊真係好好飲到落去嘅時候又好玩$60係俾佢嘅心思嘅! 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2022-09-03
122 瀏覽
Any rice burger fan?Still remember that horrible so-called rice burger by a famous ff brand……. rarely do I give up on food even they don’t taste that great… but I had to ditch half the tiny “burger” last time I tried. The bad experience caused me to believe that “rice burger” isn’t a thing for human living in this century. But here, is a shop that does the food right 🙂That’s how rice burger should be made. The chicken was tasty, and the rice was seasoned and pressed and roasted just perfectly to sandwich the fillings. The rice even stuck on my teeth — 飯焦 is truly the point of real “rice bun”. I believe that even it’s served alone it still doesn’t bore people.The chicken filling was in such good size.The portion is gigantic — I could hardly finish a meal. It’s a “hungry man’s” portion, rice patties are stuffing. The set can indeed feed 2 girls well.The sausage and the sauces and the salad and the iced orange chocolate are all done the great way with decent presentation. A lot of ppl come ordering their TongYum pasta, gotta try it some day. The coconut milk tea wasn’t available, it’s on my bucket-list, too. Peach yogurt sounds awesome as well ^^ They have a new branch in Mongkok (though I kinda like it staying as a hidden gem in Jordan!), I found them on Wolipay map 🙂 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2022-08-24
127 瀏覽
名字好特別既餐廳,完全睇唔出係泰式cafe首推泰式冬陰功海鮮意粉冬陰功味好出,辣左少少但味道真係好好青木瓜沙律配蒜蓉包沙律醋係酸酸辣辣好開胃泰.鴛鴦泰式奶茶配咖啡,好特別嘅配搭本身麻麻哋泰國奶茶,但係呢個配搭一d都唔討厭仲好夾添! 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2022-08-05
225 瀏覽
勁鍾意食呢到嘅飯堡😍兩層飯嘅面頭都煎到金黃色 脆卜卜💛中間夾住大大塊嫩滑juicy雞扒🐔配埋個千島拉差醬 夠晒惹味🔥旁邊仲有酸酸甜甜嘅乳酪水果同埋清新沙律菜🥗好豐富✨ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
《啱啱好全日早餐系列》$128話就話岩岩好但其實好豐富 乜都有- 丹麥多士 香口酥脆- 菠菜蛋餅 好香蛋香 嫩得黎又紮實- 花花由多塊煙三文魚砌成 真材實料- 乳酪沙律 裏面有士多啤梨🍓蘋果🍎青蘋果🍏口感爽脆清甜 感覺好light - 沙律菜- 火腿 Lunch 黎講真係好豐富好飽.《千島拉差雞肉飯堡》 $118兩塊底面都金黃色既脆卜卜飯堡🍙夾住大大塊雞扒 香口惹味大滿足奶橙色既千島拉差醬 味道幾過癮都係有配 乳酪水果 同 雜菜沙律㗎唔係淨係得肉 食埋沙律好清爽一點都唔油膩 繼續閱讀
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