餐廳: 廣場飯店



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Mickey's Chocolate Custard Puff Pastry
明爐燒鵝皇 鮮露筍炒安格斯牛 公主啫喱
食評 (86)
I have been going to Disney at lot recently and today I decided to try the Plaza Inn as they have some new and cute items.The restaurant was not too full that time as many people were outside waiting for the parade so I was escorted in straight away. However, the escorting staff did not ask which side I wanted to choose as you can see the plaza inn actually is hoted by both Jade and ChaCha Room. I sat down and didn't find the items I wanted and I was informed that I had to go to the other side (actually I find it a bit confusing as some items overlap at the same time). I guess they the staff at the entrance need to clarify before letting the customer inside.Finally got the menu and you can opt to skip the premeal snacks. I also order their special drink rather than choosing the hot tea. The tea costs $30 anyway so the drink is $48 if I skip the tea. (my irrational mathematics to order the Mickey Drink)The dim sum came they were all cute. All were crispy(not like the other restaurant I recently reviewed for Disneyland). For the 2 desserts, I would prefer the chocolate custard pastry as the Winnie the Pooh pastry was bit sweet for a strawberry based dessert.My favorite was their Donald Bun. It was really soft and it had the most filling out of all the dimsum and being the least expensive.For the drink, it looks quite cute and definitely you need to mix i well or it would be too sweet at the bottom. You can also choose to add the 2 pieces of lemon to the drink to give it a bit more acidity.With Magic Access Discount, it still costed around $400 though given my recent meal at their other restaurant, in terms of both price, quality and comfort, I would say this is my second favorite restaurant in HK disneyland. (Explorer's Club Restaurant is still my favorite)For service, almost all staff were polite, especially when they served the bun and offering to keep the lid on as I was still eating other things. However, one staff was slightly annoyed(nothing rude) when I had to transfer to other side(my guess is it happened many times already). I guess this is frustrating but I guess rather than appearing annoyed, maybe they can just simple remind their colleagues at the entrance instead. 繼續閱讀
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小朋友鍾意食中餐,所以最近每次入迪士尼,都係揀咗嚟呢度食lunch/dinner🍽️呢度嘅點心仲有迪士尼角色造型設計,小朋友自然食得特別高興~~Menu上有好多選擇造型可愛得嚟都好啱小朋友口味~!特別推介有:💙唐老鴨菜肉飽💛小熊維尼草莓夾心餅❤️米奇炒飯呢幾款可愛得嚟又好食,小朋友必食之選,仔仔女女都好鍾意~另外鮮果拿破崙都係我哋每次嘅必點,超巨型又足料,滿滿真鮮果又脆卜卜👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻加上呢度環境闊絡坐得舒服,有齊high chair + 迪士尼公仔小朋友餐具,都叫一應俱全~~ 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-11-12
0 瀏覽
入迪士尼最大獲係,行足全日,攰死阿爸阿媽。所以食飯呢啲休息時間,真係想坐得舒服啲,食得好啲。適逢Plaza Inn廣場飯店有全新餐牌,包括點心,主菜,飯麵,甜品,我哋就嚟試佢嘅新晚餐,食住咁等睇煙花🎆胡麻醬百合鮮淮山 (new)明爐燒鵝皇鮮百合蘆筍炒蝦鬆 (new)碧綠炒斑球蝦子米奇豆腐 (new)米奇炒飯 (new)布魯托芒果布甸 (new)鮮果拿破崙米奇梳打特飲芒芒椰冰菜式造型真係冇得頂,非常可愛,大人小朋友都鍾意,拿破崙真心正,超級大個,如果有六個人或以上可以叫一個share。呢度環境高貴舒服,真係樂園內少有專為家長而設嘅地方🤣🤣🤣 繼續閱讀
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開心萬聖節🎃迪士尼熱浪滾滾! 開胃菜醃蘿蔔+叉燒 點到即止龍蝦湯足料鮮甜幹燒大蝦超級Q彈原個南瓜金黃綿密嘩鬼派對飲品甜度恰到好處(上菜的時候👀掉到杯底要搞搞下才浮出來)驚青毒蘋果應該是「驚甜」毒蘋果 伴隨著各種小朋友的尖叫和哭鬧,萬聖節套餐整體感覺不錯 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-02-05
892 瀏覽
農曆新年前用annual pass 入園,小朋友知道午餐及晚餐也吃快餐大人會好辛苦,肯陪我中午嚟食呢度(非常感動!)。今日叫咗涼拌海蜇,例牌豉油雞,魚肚羹,茉莉花茶同埋橙汁,食完呢啲唔飽,所以叫多個例牌叉燒,一大一細路先至啱啱好。全部水準正常發揮,除咗開頭嗰碟花生唔係好新鮮。在園區內飲食有呢個Standard已經算收貨,唔使食多餐煎炸快餐。由於係農曆新年前特別日子,所以annual pass 金卡冇咗平時嘅九折。 繼續閱讀
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