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食評 (65)
等級4 2025-02-16
479 瀏覽
What a chance without a queue passing this famous bakery! We immediately checked on this bakery while their egg tarts just freshly baked out. We bought two mini egg tarts, one caramel pistachio roll and one Mont Blanc. The time we bought it was before 6pm. We didnt consume immediately but at night as late night snack.Mini egg tarts were quite let down. Pastry crust was lightly crisp but bottom part was soggy. Egg custard was very sweet. And one of the egg tarts was cracked. Meh...Caramel pistachio roll was again a let down. Caramelised pistachio on top was again too sweet and stick on my teeth. It was pretty doughy. Even it was stuffed with pistachio custard, it took me at least three bites to get to the stuffed part. Pistachio custard was quite mild. Again, meh...Lastly, the mont blanc was nothing special. I didnt quite understand the combination because pairing the chesnut cream and the egg custard, it was way too sweet. Chesnut cream was very very smooth and intense chestnut flavour which is absolutely delicious. Pairing with the egg custard it was too heavy. I had to finish them separately, otherwise I didnt think I can finish it all. Surprisingly the pastry crust this time was flakey and crispy. Overall, it was okay. Bake goods were alright, a bit overrated and pricey. Hopefully my next visit can be more surprising. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-10-06
4634 瀏覽
近年有不少麵包店都在賣法式蛋撻,大家又吃過邊幾間?最近朋友介紹這間 ✨Baker by Lubuds 說是性價比高。 剛好某天約了朋友在太古城食飯,看看有沒有機會買到。因為最晚的出爐時間是下午3:00,不過我7點多去到都還有。而且都要排一陣隊才買得到,排隊時看到其他撻之類好像也不錯。✨招牌蛋撻 (HKD 12/個)  買半打的話會有盒子,最多每人只可以買一打。千層酥皮的蛋撻外皮是幾酥脆,吃到裡面則是帶點煙韌感。放到第2天再吃會稍微有點硬,建議即日食或是翻焗一下。蛋漿很綿滑清甜,不會太甜這真的不錯。就是對比另一間經常排長龍又會有機會買不到的情況下,這間的蛋撻是可以買來過過口癮 (笑) 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2025-02-25
0 瀏覽
第一次食的是藍莓egg tart,十幾粒新鮮藍莓,表面塗上一層簿簿糖衣,混合糖果甜與天然甜,層層疊喺egg tart上。燉蛋滑滑的,被酥脆的皮包圍。第一口咬下,感受到清晰的層次分明,就如在吃可頌。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2025-02-18
383 瀏覽
Visited this bakery in Cityplaza with my friend after our Haikyuu movie day. .We ordered half dozen egg tarts, which were their signature dessert. The dessert had a crispy and buttery croissant tart base, filled with a luscious and rich custard that carries a hint of caramel flavour. The custard was extremely smooth, creating a harmonius and flavourful combination with the tart base. While the tarts were on the sweeter side, I personally enjoyed this level of sweetness. .In addition to the egg tart, the bakery offers a diverse selection of pastries, including scones, apple crumble, croissants, etc. .Their signature dessert, egg tart, is freshly baked at three designated timeslots, namely 9:30am, 12:00pm and 03:00pm. Due to its popularity, each customer can only purchase a maximum of a dozen egg tarts per transaction. 繼續閱讀
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不嬲都幾鍾意食呢間嘅蛋撻,但奈何對我嚟講真係太遠,搭車都要成個幾鐘🥲今日咁啱喺附近做嘢,特登過嚟睇吓有冇蛋撻🤣本身見冇人排隊都以為蛋撻冇,諗住買個牛角包就算,竟然買完蛋撻都出爐,真係好彩🥰蛋撻今次又係買咗六隻,熱辣辣然後蛋撻皮好酥脆,但香味很濃,依然都係好好食🤤🤤🤤另外仲揀咗個牛角包係俾佢嘅外貌吸引咗,佢係焦糖牛角包,仲沈咗金粉喺焦糖餅上面,好吸引,打卡一流!💖牛角包入面有朱古力同埋焦糖醬,焦糖醬感覺有啲似拖肥,不過我覺得甜咗啲,成個牛角包嘅味道比較複雜,因為佢牛角包出面都有朱古力嘅脆皮,所以整體就比較甜,個人比較鍾意食甜,所以都覺得呢個包都幾好食,但係我諗普遍香港人應該覺得呢個牛角包太過甜。 繼續閱讀
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