餐廳: | 權八居酒屋 (北京道一號) |
優惠: |
於此國泰夥伴餐廳用餐賺里 ! 國泰會員於夥伴餐廳消費可賺高達HKD4 = 2里數。受有關條款約束。 |
11:30 - 00:00
11:30 - 00:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
餐廳: | 權八居酒屋 (北京道一號) |
優惠: | 國泰會員於夥伴餐廳消費可賺高達HKD4 = 2里數。受有關條款約束。 |
Spending my family lunch gathering here was quite a surprise. Wasn't expecting the beautiful Victoria Harbour view at a Japanese restaurant. Restaurant was spacious and bright. Feels comfortable when seated. Staff were polite and efficient, diet/ coupon restriction reminders were given. Lunch menu was surprisingly in variety, covering most of the Japanese food options. As we have ordered too many food types, I would focus on my own mains. i requested their char-grilled assorted skewers & Mentaiko udon set. First came the salad. Light sauced with fresh greens. Half a cherry tomato was a bit too little. Soup was typical miso one. Nothing special. Cold spongy tofu was also served. Soaking in soba sauce. As it was absorbed all the soba sauce, it was on a salty side. Moving on to the mains, neat and brightly served. Pretty appetising. Mentaiko udon was mixed right after cooked. It was still warmly served. Not sure if serving in cold, the noodle will be less sticky. Udon was very gluey. Mixed with the mentaiko, texture was similar to carbonara. Love the big dollop of roe. Sadly when nearly the bottom, it became thicker and thicker that was too rich and salty. Sprinkled seaweed definitely gave a hint of fishy flavour while hoping for some toasted sesame lightly sprinkle.Four skewers were given. Pork slice rolled with asparagus, aubergine, beef skillet and ox tongue. Ox tongue was tender and grilled to perfection. Love the coarse salt on top. Beef skillet was juicy and moist. Cooked to medium rare. Aubergine was alright. Prefer to grill a bit longer for some charred and smoky flavour. Pork asparagus was nothing special. Asparagus was slight old and rough.It also came with a scoop of ice cream which I picked black sesame. Very rich black sesame and on a sweet side. Love the nuttiness but easy to melt. A drink was also included. Lunch menu was quite a good deal but the view was definitely worth it. Not bad.
.【 9月壽星⭐️|尖沙咀遠眺維港日式下午茶🫖 】.Savour The Meticulous Sukiyaki for An Afternoon Tea Indulgence2:30pm - 5:30pm daily.日式下午茶 🫖 全名 【 海畔和牛壽喜燒下午茶 】🟢 冷盤 🟢 熱食🟢 湯🟢 鍋物🟢 甜點五連擊 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻.事隔有d 久遠.🉐 🍲 和牛壽喜燒🍲 係的確有印象因為 可生食蛋漿 同 8成熟壽喜燒醬汁 有層次 蔬菜🥬菇類 提出鮮味小小一鍋 很不錯.🉐 姬松茸柚子雞茶壺湯🫖清甜 雞肉十分嫩.🉐 孃雞翼 外面醬油入味 內有肉碎糯米 口感很特別.🉐 甜品非常出色 有3️⃣款🔺 脆餅 ➕ 🟢 十勝紅荳抹茶雪糕 🍦🔺 大福 草餅 ➕ 和菓子🍡 🔺 玄米茶 🍵 奶凍 ➕ 布甸🍮微甜 有層次 絕對適合🈴 有年紀 要控體重之人.海景望到 💯 尖沙咀文化中心 及 維港兩岸為慶祝生日 $498 兩人很不錯.
ᵕ̈ ᑋᵉᑊᑊᵒ ᵕ̈ ᑋᵉᑊᑊᵒ 講到大分縣,梗係諗起佢嘅自然風光同優質食材啦!今次權八團隊親自飛去大分縣搵食材,將當地嘅特色美食帶返香港,等大家唔使飛去日本都食到正宗嘢!😍必食推介 Top 3:1️⃣ 炭炊三色大入島生蠔新鮮直送嘅大入島生蠔,用三種不同調味方式炭燒,每啖都鮮甜多汁!生蠔控一定唔可以錯過!🦪2️⃣ 香印提子酸橙平目魚薄切沙律大分縣嘅香印提子真係爆甜!配埋新鮮平目魚同酸橙,酸甜清新,開胃一流!🍇3️⃣ 炭燒大分和牛京蔥串大分和牛嘅油花分佈勻稱,肉質超嫩滑!串燒過後個香味仲要更香~配埋京蔥,絕配到爆!🥩食完正餐記得試下佢哋特調嘅大分燒酎雞尾酒,好有新意又好飲!🍸🍸Blooming Blossom帶有濃郁大麥甜香的麥燒酎與新鮮西柚汁。🍸Passion Delights熱情果盛載少量燒酎後燃點火花,酒精被燒過後散發著迷人果香。🍸 Jade Mountain以權八招牌雞尾酒Fuji Mountain為靈感,採用新鮮菠蘿打成沙冰,頂層淋上蜜瓜利口酒。🍸 Kabosu Highball採用新鮮壓榨的大分酸橙,配上麥燒酎及梳打水。權八居酒屋📍尖沙咀北京道一號28樓
我呢個閨蜜好錫我,就算我生日過咗一段時間,都堅持要補返俾我,今日要多謝佢老公幫手Book枱安排咗window seat , 我哋開咗支梅酒睇住靚景傾偈一坐低就送上鱈魚絲,俾我哋送酒,跟住叫咗啲壽司,茶碗蒸壽司就不過不失,茶碗蒸反而出色飲酒飲到咁上下,竟然咁啱撞正勁鬥快飲啤酒遊戲,男女分開比賽,所以我參加咗女子組😂仲要俾我贏咗個rou好啦,飲完之後返嚟繼續食嘢食吓串燒、泡菜鍋最後佢竟然安排咗個生日surprise俾我真係好開心🧡🧡總括今晚食得好愉快