港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 L6 出口, 步行約3分鐘
10:00 - 22:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
尖東酒店林立,可供high tea的選擇眾多,位於尖沙咀廣東道「1881」內新開業的Pacific Coffee,質素及環境媲美各式酒店。這間Pacific Coffee和市區的分別,是其景觀及食物,這裡環境開揚,設有室外空間;飲品種類大致相同,不同的是這裡的飲品是one size;而可供選擇的食物種類亦多,意粉、薄餅……點了客「咖啡雪糕窩夫」,份量十足,賣相亦好,窩夫可配上花生醬、Cream或雪糕,個人喜歡將窩夫配上Cream,Cream入口幼滑,味道清新;而她的「咖啡雪糕」咖啡味濃,混合朱古力和花生碎,增強口感,喜歡咖啡雪糕的人不可錯過🍵🍵🍵牛奶抹茶,是我常在Pacific點選的飲品,這裡調較的味道和別間有些不同,荼味特別重,濃濃的抹茶甘香帶著淡淡的牛奶味,不錯。若對酒店high tea感到厭倦,「1881」的Pacific Coffee是個不錯的選擇。
今日同朋友一班人在1881影完相, 就去1881商場行一下. 原來有間 pacific coffee 嘅cafe 開幕了. 咖啡就飲得多, cafe 真係好期待, 仲要有1881 的靚景. 店鋪走殖民地風格, 都正好配合1881 Heritage維多利亞式建築既外觀. 初次踏入餐廳一陣陣香濃既咖啡味道再加上精緻既裝修, 完全感受唔到一點既違和感. 香烤麵包片佐蕃茄莎莎 侍應說, 這是店內既限定餐點, 麵包焗得香脆而金黃, 賣相漂亮. 連同蕃茄蓉為主既莎莎醬. 麵包入口鬆脆, 蕃茄醬口感清新, 最適合作餐前小食凱撒沙律配巴馬芝士及香草麵包粒除左凱撒沙律用料豐富新鮮,盛裝沙律既搖籃盤都突顯出餐廳由食材至外觀既精心設計. 果然有pacific coffee 水準.香脆雞翼配沙嗲醬及柚子汁 配炸薯角 雞翼炸既過程加入啤酒, 令雞翼外皮酥脆. l內面肉質鲜嫩. 美食當前, 急不及待咬第一口. 原來有特別調配既沙嗲醬及柚子汁, 我不好意思地用未吃過的一邊點醬. 柚子汁令人聯想到韓式食法律.至於沙嗲醬就當然係東南亞風味. 薄豬肉漢堡配爽脆薯片可能因口味關係, 對呢道菜印象唔多. 唯獨係佢既配菜薯片再點埋上一輪既沙嗲醬 -- 三個字 "爽脆"到我最期待既甜食. 一口氣點了香港經典窩夫配特濃咖啡雪糕 , 同埋凍朱古力牛奶咖啡雪糕特飲以一個甜品控黎講, 呢兩款點品可以話係星級之選窩夫製作過程加入麻糬粉, 令窩夫不至厚身但很鬆軟. 再加上份量十足配埋雪糕, 感覺一流. 如果嫌雪糕唔夠 可以飲埋凍朱古力牛奶咖啡雪糕特飲 送別即將落幕既秋天友人還點了 pizza, 我出了去影相沒有吃, 唯有等下次再來吧
今晚黎到尖沙咀既1881pacific coffee,我第一次入這間店鋪,一入黎就有員工招呼坐位及有餐牌給我以為會係一間高級店鋪,好彩都唔係貴^_^同出面價格差毛幾※雞翅佢炸得好脆口,雞肉又嫩滑,值得再order飲品就不用多說
We were seeing "Swan Lake" at the HK Cultural Center so it was just a good idea to visit the brand new concept store Pacific Coffee Monogram across the street at 1881 Heritage. We didn't even have to check the directory as the conspicuous red PC parasols on the second level were our signs. Once we were inside, we were asked to choose our seats and a menu was provided. The interior was designed tastefully with a woody PC signage, pictures of old time, and patterned tile floor that match well with the surrounding. It was still very Pacific Coffee with the overhead menus and counter although the comfy sofas were gone. We found it very comfortable to sit near the window to feel the sunlight. Food-wise, there were many light-meal items that were exclusive to this shop but they also offered the regular artisan sandwiches with additional tossed salad, Kettle chips, or potato wedges on the side for doubling the price. Drinks on the other hand were just a few dollars more than usual but with servers and no service charge, this was an upgrade. I had a Cappuccino as I loved drinking foam off the big red cup and shared a Mozzarella pizza with arugula salad with a friend. The pizza was baked with pesto sauce and drizzled with Balsamic glaze—the topping was delicious: sweet, tangy, and bitter—although the crust was soggy. Our neighbors ordered many different kinds of snacks and their Affogatto Floats and Waffles suddenly transformed the place to a chic ice-cream parlor. I thought PCM was a nice addition to the historical 1881 Heritage complex; indeed, this was "affordable luxury" among those luxury shops.