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食評 (164)
等級2 2024-10-27
362 瀏覽
朋友就嚟移民,佢想食韓國嘢,於是就去咗尖沙咀嘅Pizza Maru食韓菜首先,佢嘅蟹肉麵係超級好食,份量就一般啦,唔算好多,都足夠兩個人食然後就到佢嘅炸雞舖頭聲稱蜜糖炸雞係最好食,我食落去,就覺得普普通通,因為啲醬汁冇淋到落每一隻雞度去到最後啲雞係冇汁,就好似普通無味嘅炸雞咁之後再叫咗個炸魷魚圈呢個係敗筆!啲魷魚食得出有雪藏味同埋嗰個炸法我唔鍾意每夾一舊魷魚圈,啲炸皮就會甩晒😫個炸粉完全hold唔住魷魚🫠我一個咁鍾意食魷魚嘅人,都話唔好食整體來講,佢嘅麵係好食,雞係一般,魷魚係唔得早知我就嗌多碟麵!(魷魚同麵嘅價錢差唔多)P.S. 如果好彩揀到坐窗邊位,個景係靚嘅 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-10-22
404 瀏覽
Ordered a Margherita 10” with gold edge ($39 extra) on a lazy weeknight. It’s been a long while since my last visit and I have been missing their stuffed sweet potato mousse crust. They really got a special way of making the crust extra tasty. So I had high hopes for this order. Unfortunately takeout was a bad decision. By the time I got home within 30 minutes, the pizza had already gotten cold. The presentation was still lovely with the cherry tomatoes and rocket salad on top. However it was obvious that the cheese has set. As soon as I tried to take a piece, I noticed that the pizza was quite greasy and the bottom has gotten soggy. Perhaps they had use a lot of olive oil or the grease came from the cheese. Either way, it didn’t taste refreshing as one might expect from a Margherita. The seasoning was fine with the balsamic glaze and the sweet potato mousse inside the crispy cheese crust was still to die for! The mixing of savory and sweet was heaven! By the time we finished the meal, we realized how greasy it really was. I won’t write off Pizza Maru but my recommendation is to best enjoy their food at the restaurant. 繼續閱讀
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尖沙咀海運大廈連鎖海景韓式料理餐廳。平日晚上完全不用排隊,餐廳主打韓式薄餅和炸雞,今次與朋友試了兩款經典韓式食物,分別是韓國烤肉芝加哥薄餅和首爾醬油咖哩粉炸雞。韓國烤肉芝加哥薄餅望落十分邪惡,有雙倍馬蘇里拉芝士,芝士條,牛小排,辣肉腸,番茄,巴馬臣芝士,糖帶,意大利香芹,和番茄醬,配料十分豐富,滿滿的芝士,薄餅口味整體偏甜。首爾醬油咖哩粉炸雞主要是醬油的味道,咖哩粉有少少分離,炸雞香脆但肉質比較一般。餐廳地點方便,食物不錯,價錢合理。-🔘 韓國烤肉芝加哥 Bulgogi Chicago | hkd$223/regular🔘 首爾醬油咖哩粉炸雞 Curry Soy Gangjeong Chicken | hkd$128/6pcs-🍽️ 食物 | Food: 4/5🌅 環境 | Environment: 4/5💆🏻‍♂️ 服務 | Service: 4/5💰 價錢 | Price: 4/5📝 總結 | CP Value: 4/5-A foodie documentation of dining experience in restaurants based in Hong Kong 🇭🇰. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-09-22
625 瀏覽
今日經過見到唔係太多人就入去食叫左個韓式海鮮泡菜薄餅薄餅醬好好食平時唔食芝心批既我都覺得佢地個芝心批好正蟹肉忌廉意粉忌廉汁好濃食到女女停唔到口玫瑰汁炸雞年糕炸雞好食就唔駛講,配埋個汁辣辣地甜甜地真係好正 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-09-07
856 瀏覽
依家基本上都係一間排隊困難店,次次經過海港城,都排緊隊,望落普普通通都係Pizza炸雞點解咁吸引呢?今次嚟呢就試咗佢嘅招牌菜芝加哥pizza ,其實個概念同Pizza Hut嘅芝心批差唔多,但係佢好明顯黐線呢就真係落得足好多,令到成個Pizza一種好濃郁嘅感覺。同時呢佢個批邊亦都係比較甜,我懷疑係可能落咗少少肉桂同埋糖之類去焗,去平衡返整體嘅味道。如果食得辣嘅朋友呢都不妨試吓佢個玫瑰炸雞,雖然玫瑰味就唔係好食得出,但係呢就係一份甜辣年糕,後尾嘅炸雞都唔錯。如果唔食得辣呢芝士粟米炸雞我覺得都幾好食。 繼續閱讀
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