港鐵西營盤站 B2 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 23:30
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生蠔 多款日本清酒 羊扒 串燒 和牛 特大花竹蝦
食評 (21)
這是我第一次寫食評, 但不寫不得, 以告誡各位!如其他食評, 佢地會自動送上每人$20沙律前菜, 但佢地都有寫明如果唔要, 請早揚聲, 這點我可以接受。一去到, 叫左5罐可樂, 見個 侍應(一名阿伯) 係枱後面鬼鬼崇崇準備開晒5罐可樂, 但其中兩罐係 coke zero (可能佢為客人健康好, 不得而知) 之後禮貌告之我地要普通可樂(佢可能隻耳聽唔到) 嗱嗱聲開左罐coke zero.  之後話只有這些雪涷左。最後只好要了。問題是為什麼不要先問人呢? 為什麼做d鬼崇嘢呢?! 食串燒牛舌, 肉質普通, 不會太乾, 想問佢地要d介辣, 今次輪到個女侍應"黑面" ?? !!燒白鱔, 肉質彈牙, 新鮮, 合口味....豬鞍架, 有肉汁, 嫩滑, 不錯...食品水準ok, 但以咁既價錢, 是應該有的水準但最離普又係服務....想要一個匙羹食白飯,個阿伯玩野問: "你要鐡羹, 膠羹定木羹?!?!?"- 明顯對客人無禮及有玩弄客人之嫌!!! 但總之服務就係差極! 前所未有之差!小心!!!!總結 : 廚師ok, 待應不合格!! 令人不怏!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-07-13
798 瀏覽
舖頭細細,得幾張細枱同bar枱,週末午市好快滿座。廚房接近用饍區,好在油煙味不大。 午市套餐抵食,七十五蚊有串燒拼盆有前菜有飯有麵豉湯有凍檸檬綠茶。另外叫咗燒鯖魚定食,六十八。 前菜係撈咗甜醬嘅魚仔,甜甜地又香口,幾好味。麵豉湯正常水準。檸檬綠茶味淡到似有味水,但食完熱氣嘅串燒飲又唔錯。 主角串燒水準合格,肉同魚燒完香口又唔乾身,魚亦無腥味,只嫌鹽落得略重手。 無論價錢同水準都屬合理水平,難怪得到街坊支持。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-04-22
720 瀏覽
在復活節假期光顧了他們的三文魚魚生定食($68,不加一),面豉湯和沙拉不錯,冷飲酸酸甜甜的很開胃,三文魚魚生飯很大碗,有三種不同的切法:魚蓉加蔥、角切和厚切,都沒味,很新鮮,魚鋪在紫蘇葉上,很漂亮,還有美味甜玉子,很用心,服務也到位,相比臨近的西餐廳多是$98一個set lunch,算很值得了。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2013-01-15
1010 瀏覽
This Japanese restaurant has been in the area for nearly 6 years. At lunch it caters to students seeking a fixed price set lunch and it's more a mad house in this tiny establishment (handful of tables and acceptable setting, it's not fast food, more of a casual eatery) Sai Ying Pun has been changing with more Westerners (and other foreigners) and this restaurant is changing with it.We dined here on very slow Monday night (typical for all HK restaurants) and had great service and we were initially the only patrons in the restaurant. Their happy hour is until 8 pm and includes Japanese beer and various yakitori. Complementary edamame beans are served.Our first dish was an assorted sushi platter that was nicely presented with fresh fish. Wasn't the BEST sushi in the world, but quite reasonable. We then went thru the assortment of yakitori skewers including various chicken, pork, scallops and vegetables. All were of good quality and very tasty. We particularly liked the chicken skins which were nicely presented, crispy with a very slight glaze and just the right amount of flake salt. All are recommended. We ordered cold soba noodles with a nice tea sauce slightly flavored with wasbi and soy. The noodles were attractively presented and very tasty. A special bar dish of roasted Japanese ginkgo beans, roasted and served on a salt bed were on offer. These were Japanese quality and fairly expensive, however the manager commented on the much improved taste over Chinese variants, which often have a bitter taste. Special of the night were "Japanese tacos" served in a soft flour tortilla, it had a spicy mixture of ground pork/beef with shredded cabbage and carrot. The perfect bar food, inexpensive, hot and the right amount of spice. Excellent! The restaurant has a good variety of vegetarian offers and as it was a "slow" night, the manager prepared a special vegetable roll for us, very tasty with roasted veggies and some crunchy cold veggies for that perfect snap. We also had salmon rice rolls sans the salmon and these had a nice citrus sauce.SUMMARYThis is a good neighborhood joint in an area of improving restaurants! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2012-11-19
463 瀏覽
我女朋友生日唸住同佢去食日本野,跟住咪打比住係西環既師兄問下有咩介紹.佢話高街有間叫福爐端燒,佢LUNCH成日都會去,夜晚就去得過两次都唔錯咁話.好咁我就打電話去訂位2人7:45一入到去過環境暗暗地好有日本居酒屋的味道.開始叫嘢食4隻南非生蠔:2隻燒,2隻刺身,非常肥美,鮮甜.什錦刺身:三文魚,白身魚,牡丹虾,北寄貝,海膽,三文魚籽,八爪魚,帶子..扺食不過每枱只可以叫一客羊架 非常野味豚肉露荀卷 豚肉香~露荀趣白鱔 軟滑皮香日本銀杏 唔係個個都啱食鵝肝 燒得啱啱好燒廣島蠔 表面 燒得乾乾地但都好juice日本蕃薯 OK 粟米 好甜 盛岡冷麵 唔知咩麵加咗D泡菜一齊,好清涼 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)