10:00 - 18:00
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食評 (3)
等級4 2014-11-01
415 瀏覽
從網上看到跑馬地開了一家小咖啡店,以鑽研麵粉為名,主打蛋糕、甜點及輕食。蛋糕沒花巧外表,都是樸實簡單的模樣。是日閒來沒事幹,便特地走進跑馬地一訪。地址不是很顯眼,在小巷裡Subway旁。門前也沒有大型宣傳牌,感覺簡約。小店外有桌椅數張,店內只有四張高椅,一角有木櫃擺放了少許雜貨供選購。桌的一端還放了好些書籍食譜,當中有些還貼了標籤,不肯定是否能讓客人翻閱。對著門口的櫃檯除了蛋糕,還有發售自家製的早餐燕麥片。玉桂紅莓蘋果撻,圓撻底薄薄的卻不鬆散,盛載著的蘋果粒香甜夠軟,跟紅莓乾一唱一和的演繹出酸甜變奏,玉桂味不過重。算是平實的口味,不錯吃,但也沒啥特別之處。厚切多士午餐,多士選了搭配自家製蘑菇醬配香草忌廉芝士。富牛油香的酥脆厚多士味道當然好,但自家製蘑菇醬更搶鏡,鹹辛鹹辛的香味突出。隨餐還附日式芝麻醬野菜沙律及有機乳酪配乾果燕麥,是感覺輕盈平衡的午餐。Matcha latte,沒加糖的抹茶拿鐵抹茶甘苦味濃,但除了表面與牛乳混和的一層,下方的喝得人有滿口抹茶粉漿的感覺,有點噁心。想喝甜還是可以自行加入放在桌上的黃糖,但看到那稠稠溶不掉的抹茶粉我便喝不下了,猜是泡抹茶的水不夠熱。野莓烤班戟‧香草雪糕,點的時候店員便說烤班戟會需時較久。上來的時候樣子確實挺吸引,班戟軟軟的蛋香也足,伴上香草雪糕、杏仁片、紅莓及紅桑子汁,甜甜酸酸的錯不了。但七十八元一份,實在不便宜。整體帶日風的喫茶店,但店的大小局限,令座位有限,要是四個室內座位都坐滿了人,大概會有點擠且大家都沒有空間放隨身物。冷氣機冷風也朝著座位頭上猛吹,坐得人不舒服。但冷氣機冷風再冷也不及女店主態度冷,令人吃畢也不敢久坐,速速離去。食物不算很值得一試,加上以上種種,基本上沒有理由特地走來一訪,要是人在跑馬地倒可以考慮來。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2014-06-21
550 瀏覽
Happy Valley was one of my neighbourhood that I always come by fetching some groceries before going home. While I was fetching some groceries on the other day, I was walking pass this narrow alley and saw this little shop next to Subway. Then I saw a food menu standing in front of the shop saying "All day Menu", then I realised it was a cafe. Being a foodie, of course I won't miss any opportunities of trying new stuff. So I went in to check it out. It was a small shop which mainly sold japanese style cakes,  tea and coffee were available as well. Though the choices of cakes weren't a lot, I was still having difficulties in selecting one of them because all of them look so tempting . So I finally made my decision to try the green tea black bean first.Referring to the sitting area, there was only a few seats available which facing the window for indoors and those who like to seat outdoors, you don't have to worry about the weather outside because there's a shed covering the entire sitting area. Well, unlike most of the green tea cake that I had so far, it had three black beans on the surface which was an interesting combination. Also, the black beans were surprisingly soft, chewy and the fragance of black beans flavour were pretty strong as well. In addition, the texture was kind of spongy and slightly dense in between, yet it was moist , buttery with a matcha aroma flavour and was slightly sweet. I doubt it was the best apple pie that I had so far, it was freshly baked every day and it was still very hot when it was served. The pastry crust was very flaky and light with a golden brown colour after baking. Also, the diced apple fillings were chewy, soft and chunky which produce a natural sweetness with no artificial flavoursWell, I loved the cakes which had a combination of banana and chocolate flavours, so I decided to have a go at this. This banana and chocolate cheesecake had a pretty strong flavour of banana yet with a hint of chocolate flavour, texture was moist, soft and creamy with the fluffyness of japanese style cheesecake and richness in cream cheese . Also, you will find banana bits hidden inside the cake. Chocolate red bean cake was the lightest chocolate cake  I have had so far. The texture was so similar as the green tea cake except that you will find the additional chocolate crumbs flavour which was totally different from those fudgy, rich, heavy chocolate cakes served in most of the cakes shop. Though the chocolate flavour was very mild, As a result, this made you feel you have more room for dessert and it wasn't sweet at all. I came back a few weeks later purposely to try this Matcha Latte since it wasn't available when I visited last time. I was told that they used the matcha powder from Uji Marukyu- Koyamaen- a well known matcha brand in Japan. As a result,  the texture was pretty smooth with a hint of mellow matcha flavour, not so sweet , rich or strong in flavour than Via Tokyo. Hence, a small jar of sugar syrup was given for those who might want more sweetness. Overall, I was so impressed about this little cake shop delivered hight standard of cakes and the environment was comfortable and relax though the sitting area was a bit small. Also, the location might be slightly inconvenient to some of you but I thought it's definitely worth a visit. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-06-12
406 瀏覽
終來一嚐,但... ...比想像中差!Lunch time時間,只有lunch set包括飛碟,一件cake及一杯drink。而cake只有兩款。飛碟可選兩種或三種料,但"旱"咗等如冇"旱"咁,兼且唔夠熱。柚子cheese cake,質地ok,柚子味有,但整體只係一般。抹茶黑豆cake尚可,幾鬆軟,微暖,抹茶味欠奉。最敗筆係咖啡,tea latte同caffe latte都係稀冧冧,味道啖,而且好唔夠熱。總括而言,$82-$85/set,試一次就夠,失望! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)