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食評 (3)
等級3 2024-04-18
396 瀏覽
今日過開嚟金鐘做facial早左到所以喺附近行吓街口痕想搵啲甜嘢食吓就過咗嚟呢度睇啦本身俾佢嘅曲奇同埋小蛋糕吸引咗過嚟後尾睇多兩睇先發現原來佢有好多味嘅芝士蛋糕總共有六隻味:原味焦香芝士蛋糕焙茶焦香芝士蛋糕抹茶焦香芝士蛋糕斑蘭焦香芝士蛋糕70%特濃黑朱古力焦香芝士蛋糕柚子焦香芝士蛋糕我自己個人嚟講,最鍾意食原味同埋斑斕原味食得出嗰個芝士濃香斑斕嘅話好清新可以一件件咁樣單買亦都可以原個咁訂蛋糕同埋問咗職員唔止櫥窗見到嘅size可以WhatsApp佢哋詢問價錢同埋蛋糕有冇其他尺寸如果要訂蛋糕嘅話,提早兩日就可以㗎啦 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-03-23
391 瀏覽
Tried the cakes from this shop several time since it had had a pop-store and now a physical store in Queensway Plaza. .For my first trial was their Chocolate Basque Burnt Cheesecake, which was bought by my supervisor to award me for my hard work😂. The cake was firm, and the chocolate flavour was rich. It was a little bit heavy though.In return, I bought her Matcha Basque Burnt Cheesecake. We still appreciated the firmness and creaminess of the cake, but we felt like the matcha flavour was not that strong enough.Later on, we tried the Basque Burnt Cheesecake. We both agreed that this flavour tasted the best among all their cheesecakes. The slight bitterness of the burnt surface matched the sweetness of the cake nicely. Its creamy interior made the dessert fulfilling to have. We tried their Tiramisu Mousse Cake as well. The dessert looked delicate and cute. The mascarpone cream was smooth and silky. .Really appreciated the creaminess and firmness of their basque cheesecake! Although the desserts were a little pricey, they definitely brightened up your days. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
3月有幾個朋友生日, 要買咩蛋糕真係好煩腦。 十幾人唔可太多Cream加上自己都要卡路里控制🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔無意見到金鐘有間少見嘅蛋糕,見到巴士克芝士蛋糕,心諗「正」 仲係朱古力加上「流心」😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍一諗要分成十幾件就唔太好,6寸蛋糕8個人分食就開心😂改買斑蘭咖吔慕絲蛋糕,16個人分每人細細件又滿足大家都唔想得太甜同太多Cream嘅蛋糕。 又唔怕太夜食甜野會肥🤭開始見到椰絲係我唔鐘意食嘅嘢,但食味道唔呃人🤤我啲為食嘅小朋友都愛上。 有個長輩對食有要求都話好食,要求下次再買🤗個蛋糕層次分明,各層有唔同口感。 斑蘭有斑蘭味,咖吔有咖吔味,有蛋糕又有餅底。真係好好味😋 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)