2023-01-02 3279 瀏覽
ᰔᩚ Mushroom Risotto $185蘑菇意大利飯同我想像中有啲出入🤯 我以為食落係好香既松露蘑菇帶香草味🍄 點知食落係好綠好青草既味道🌿 真係食到我個樣都變成咁🤢 Wild mushrooms cooked with truffle, parmesan, fresh herb was little bit far from my expectations🥹 It’s so green and healthy while the aroma of truffle was absent🫠評分: 5/10🌟 ᰔᩚ House Mussels 1kg $425 本身仲擔心叫咗1kg既青口會食唔哂😳 點知黎到之後個個食到停唔到口😋 白酒洋蔥蒜蓉酸蕃茄忌廉汁真係錦上添花🌸 青口食落啖啖肉又鮮甜🤍 烘得香脆既麵包配埋個汁真係輕鬆清哂😻 薯條炸得香脆加埋蛋黃醬都100分🍟Australian Kinkawooka Mussels with garlic🧄, onion🧅 , diced tomato🍅, white wine🍾, fresh chive🌱, light cream sauce
ᰔᩚ Mushroom Risotto $185
蘑菇意大利飯同我想像中有啲出入🤯 我以為食落係好香既松露蘑菇帶香草味🍄 點知食落係好綠好青草既味道🌿 真係食到我個樣都變成咁🤢
Wild mushrooms cooked with truffle, parmesan, fresh herb was little bit far from my expectations🥹 It’s so green and healthy while the aroma of truffle was absent🫠
評分: 5/10🌟

ᰔᩚ House Mussels 1kg $425
本身仲擔心叫咗1kg既青口會食唔哂😳 點知黎到之後個個食到停唔到口😋 白酒洋蔥蒜蓉酸蕃茄忌廉汁真係錦上添花🌸 青口食落啖啖肉又鮮甜🤍 烘得香脆既麵包配埋個汁真係輕鬆清哂😻 薯條炸得香脆加埋蛋黃醬都100分🍟
Australian Kinkawooka Mussels with garlic🧄, onion🧅 , diced tomato🍅, white wine🍾, fresh chive🌱, light cream sauce was fresh, sweet and divine🤤 I was surprised to its gorgeous taste😍 Crunchy bread dipped in the mellow sauce was appetising too🥖 Fries served with mayo was fantastic👏🏻
評分: 9/10🌟

ᰔᩚ FRITES Fried Chicken $80
FRITES Fried Chicken was pretty good🍗Chicken was super duper crispy and served with the hot bbq sauce✨
評分: 8/10🌟

ᰔᩚ Wake Me Up $110
Wake Me Up飲落好重咖啡味 仲有vodka同liqueur既味道🤫 啱哂愛酒人士🍸
For people who keen on cocktail / alcohol would love this Wake Me Up🍹 Strong coffee flavour with a touch of vodka & liqueur🥃
評分: 8/10🌟

ᰔᩚ One More Please $65
呢杯由桃、菠蘿同蔓越莓整成既one more please真係冇改錯名😎 飲落好fruity又唔會太甜 真係想飲多杯添🤪
Peach mixed with cranberry and pineapple was really “One More Please”🤩 It was really fruity, fragrant but not too sweet yet🍑 The pinky pinky presentation was attractive too💖
評分: 9.5/10🌟

ᰔᩚ Monk-ie Business $65
Monk-ie Business用上冰茶、檸檬、可樂製成🥤 飲落同平時既檸檬茶一樣 冇乜特別😌
Iced tea with coke, lemon and sugar tasted like a simple lemon tea🍋 I’ll say Nothing Special😂
評分: 7.5/10🌟
FRITES Belgium on Tap (海濱匯) (觀塘)

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House Mussels 1kg
70 瀏覽
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House Mussels 1kg
46 瀏覽
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House Mussels 1kg
53 瀏覽
0 讚好
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Wake Me Up
35 瀏覽
0 讚好
0 留言
One More Please
113 瀏覽
0 讚好
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Monk-ie Business
99 瀏覽
0 讚好
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FRITES Fried Chicken
27 瀏覽
0 讚好
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Mushroom Risotto
35 瀏覽
0 讚好
0 留言
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
House Mussels 1kg
$ 425
House Mussels 1kg
$ 425
House Mussels 1kg
$ 425
Wake Me Up
$ 110
One More Please
$ 65
Monk-ie Business
$ 65
FRITES Fried Chicken
$ 80