1865 瀏覽
同朋友在中環食完 lunch,醒起仲未去 Vission 打卡,即刻衝上中環行人電梯,離遠見到人龍唔長,心唸啲香港人真係去曬旅行/北上!?🥜Pistachio Custard Danish HKD$68 開心果係近期大熱,酥皮勁鬆脆,開心果醬做到流心爆漿又唔甜冇得輸👍 🍵Matcha Mochi Brioche HKD$50 綠茶味極濃,內餡有麻糬中和了苦澀味,亦增加了Q彈煙韌口感,正😋🧀Tiramisu Tart HKD$58 味道合乎期望,記住要即日食,芝士太濕會令餅底變淋。。。一買餅完出黎就見到人龍排到出轉角😨 仲偷聽到有人話黎咗幾次終於食到 Pistachio Custard Danish,我第一次黎就買到喇✌️ 原來幸福唔係必然嘅🥰 不過大家要衡量吓咁嘅價錢值唔值得排隊等🤔 Super flaky Pistachio Custard Danish has lava filling which is amazingly good. Matcha Mochi Brioche has a very strong matcha taste with chewy mochi and so
🥜Pistachio Custard Danish HKD$68 開心果係近期大熱,酥皮勁鬆脆,開心果醬做到流心爆漿又唔甜冇得輸👍
🍵Matcha Mochi Brioche HKD$50 綠茶味極濃,內餡有麻糬中和了苦澀味,亦增加了Q彈煙韌口感,正😋
🧀Tiramisu Tart HKD$58 味道合乎期望,記住要即日食,芝士太濕會令餅底變淋。。。
一買餅完出黎就見到人龍排到出轉角😨 仲偷聽到有人話黎咗幾次終於食到 Pistachio Custard Danish,我第一次黎就買到喇✌️ 原來幸福唔係必然嘅🥰 不過大家要衡量吓咁嘅價錢值唔值得排隊等🤔
Super flaky Pistachio Custard Danish has lava filling which is amazingly good. Matcha Mochi Brioche has a very strong matcha taste with chewy mochi and soft matcha filling. I think the mochi is too thick but its subtle sweetness is a good compliment to the strong matcha taste. Also like the Tiramisu Tart which has the right level of sweetness.