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位於銅鑼灣希雲街嘅呢間Poke Bowl絕對係想出街食飯,同時又想食得健康啲嘅好選擇!🤤呢度可以自選配料又或者唔知點配搭好,都有組合選擇,自選方面可以免費揀三種配料,例如雞蛋絲、青瓜、蟹籽同豆腐等等,升級配料係$15一款,例如有牛油果、八爪魚、三文魚子等。最貼心係可以揀半飯半菜,想keep吓fit但又驚唔夠飽,就可以咁揀😋呢度嘅加州風味組合主要材料係三文魚刺身,厚肉又新鮮,啖啖肉!😋其他配料有青瓜、雞蛋絲、牛油果同埋三文魚子,帶點Refreshing嘅感覺😼!配上香濃麻油味嘅果仁芝麻醬,一啲都唔寡!而山葵乳酪醬山葵味幾出,辣辣地幾開胃🤤調味料方面亦可以加芝麻、木魚絲同紫菜等~同時亦揀咗牛油果奶昔,飲落帶濃郁嘅牛油果味同奶味,飲落超有飽肚感😆Have you checked out "Peek-a-Poke" in Causeway Bay? You can either pick your own toppings or go for their preset combos. And get this—they even let you do half rice and half gr
Have you checked out "Peek-a-Poke" in Causeway Bay? You can either pick your own toppings or go for their preset combos. And get this—they even let you do half rice and half greens! Perfect for those days when you wanna stay on track but still need a decent fill-up, right? 😋
Bowls with California are all about that fresh, thick-cut salmon sashimi that's just so tasty!😼And they've got all these other goodies like cucumber, shredded egg, avocado, and salmon roe that give off this super refreshing vibe! Plus, that nutty sesame sauce with that rich sesame oil flavor🤤 It just ties everything together perfectly, making it a real flavor explosion!🥑