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聽聞由灣仔搬過來,餐廳設計清新,應該會受文青垂青(包括我🤣) Lunch 時間會比較多人,揀咗下午茶 tea set 去幫襯,試咗 Basque Burnt Cheesecake,奶味較重,雖然我鍾意濃厚芝士嘅口味🧀 但又想要零負擔的甜品選擇。。。女人咪就係咁矛盾囉🤷A new and popular cafe in Taikoo Shing, I tried their Basque Burnt Cheesecake. Its texture is creamy but it tasted less cheesy as I expected.
A new and popular cafe in Taikoo Shing, I tried their Basque Burnt Cheesecake. Its texture is creamy but it tasted less cheesy as I expected.