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作為一個三年多的食客,一直捧場的原因,是因為這裡有最好吃的紫菜卷,最有家的味道的熱湯,還有每次韓媽媽熱情的招待!所有的前菜都很新鮮!特別是韓媽媽自製的泡菜!As a three-year regular patron, the things that make me come back are: the best ever rice roll, the homey soup, and the most sincere service from the boss here!All the appetisers are fresh, especially the home made kimchi from the boss!
As a three-year regular patron, the things that make me come back are: the best ever rice roll, the homey soup, and the most sincere service from the boss here!
All the appetisers are fresh, especially the home made kimchi from the boss!