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真係估唔到會有咗咁出色嘅中東菜。我已經唔係第一次去,每次店員都會甜心介紹食物。仲提意我哋食野啲程序。雖然未必跟晒但呢個行為我覺得很窩心。證明佢想客人了解多啲自己國家啲食物文化。食物又大件又好食,唔好睇價錢就覺得好貴 。真心希望香港有多啲呢種服務,唔好搞到唔想做生意咁。All the food and service is so good and it'll be a fantastic meal to try either for lunch or dinner. Service was so good and they explained the food culture to us. This ks is seriously a good recommendation. Both lunch and dinner has big portions, taste is great as well
All the food and service is so good and it'll be a fantastic meal to try either for lunch or dinner. Service was so good and they explained the food culture to us. This ks is seriously a good recommendation. Both lunch and dinner has big portions, taste is great as well