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仲有唔夠一個月就中秋啦,唔知大家買左月餅未呢🤭 其實香港有好多本地嘅小店好值得支持,唔洗幫襯美x、東x堂嗰啲連鎖店啦💩 今次我就揀左倉上胃子聯成Circle Bakery推出嘅流心奶皇月餅禮盒🥮 上倉胃子係香港深受歡迎嘅零食網購平台,有齊曬來自世界唔同國家嘅零食、飲品同生活雜貨🤩 It’s almost Mid Autumn festival, which means time for mooncakes! Fillfullsnacks is an online platform that sells snacks and home essentials, and they have collaborated with Circle Bakery to introduce their mooncake gift set. 佢地嘅月餅禮盒好特別,無論係包裝、月餅圖案甚至佢背後嘅故事都與別不同😊 「人齊夠做」,相信呢幾年因為政治立場、移民、社交限制等等令到人與人之間嘅關係變得疏離,咁今年籍住中秋節就搵返佢地聚一聚,嘆返個月餅啦❤️ Their motto “Everyone’s here”
It’s almost Mid Autumn festival, which means time for mooncakes! Fillfullsnacks is an online platform that sells snacks and home essentials, and they have collaborated with Circle Bakery to introduce their mooncake gift set.
佢地嘅月餅禮盒好特別,無論係包裝、月餅圖案甚至佢背後嘅故事都與別不同😊 「人齊夠做」,相信呢幾年因為政治立場、移民、社交限制等等令到人與人之間嘅關係變得疏離,咁今年籍住中秋節就搵返佢地聚一聚,嘆返個月餅啦❤️
Their motto “Everyone’s here” implicates how drifted apart we are especially after events that have happened in the recent years. They hope that we can all come together again this Mid Autumn and enjoy mooncakes like we’ve used to do.
流心奶皇月餅禮盒 $188 (原價$208)
Lava Custard Mooncake Gift Set
四個月餅用左個木盒裝著,賣相唔錯之餘仲好有創意,因為後面印左遊戲比你同班朋友仔一齊玩架😎 佢地嘅月餅全部都係人手製作,上面印有唔同語句,好有港式風味🇭🇰 牛油味濃郁嘅餅皮包住細緻綿密嘅奶皇鹹甜適中,跟著指示叮30秒之後就會呈現出流心嘅狀態,簡直係色香味俱全🤤
It comes in a set of four, encased within a wooden box that has a game printed at the back for you to have fun with your friends. All their mooncakes and handmade with love, with a buttery outer shell and a sweet and savoury custard filling. After reheating it according to the instructions, the middle is very gooey and spills right out when it’s been cut open.
大家如果喺21/8之前預訂就可以以早鳥價$188 (原價$208)買月餅禮盒,想買零食嘅話就可以揀佢地嘅禮盒套裝,除左月餅仲包埋任選9款嘅零食添🥳 用埋獨家優惠碼「philic10」仲可以有額外9折‼️
You can get yourself a box at a discounted price of $188 before 21/8, or pick between another set which includes both mooncakes and 9 snacks of your choice. Enter “philic10” at checkout for an additional 10% discount!