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重陽節跟一大班朋友到赤柱一遊,中午選擇了吃地中海菜–WildFire,食物算是不錯,每人平均收費約$134,加上天高氣爽,原本應是不錯的選擇。可是. . . 到最後結帳時竟然要40分鐘才完成,原因是他們的電腦壞了,要人手計,我們總共八人,試想想八人的賬單,最多給予15分鐘計算應該可以罷,拜託…我們又不是吃「九大鬼」!!最後我們只剩下一人等待,其他比我們更遲入坐的客人都已一一離開,我們的賬單還未計好,店員並沒有試圖或企圖作出任何補救行動,要我的朋友主動跟他們要求,他們才「慷慨地」贈送3大張1小時拍車券!WildFire真的要好好檢討,機器可以壞,但既然這種事情時常發生,為什麼沒有較完善的應急計劃(contingency plan) 呢?我們大好的一天就這樣給破壞了!!!精明一族:下次大家去赤柱WildFire之前最好查詢他們的電腦是否修服了才好!!!We went to WildFire last Friday (Public Holiday) and the food there was ok. Except one of the dish is incredibly salty!!
WildFire真的要好好檢討,機器可以壞,但既然這種事情時常發生,為什麼沒有較完善的應急計劃(contingency plan) 呢?我們大好的一天就這樣給破壞了!!!
We went to WildFire last Friday (Public Holiday) and the food there was ok. Except one of the dish is incredibly salty!!!
But unfortunately when we were about the pay the bill, the waiter told us that their computer was down. And then you guess what…we waited for 40 mins for them to get the bill done. I could not imagine how come it took so long to calculate one bill. We have just 8 persons only! For lunch only! Our mood were totally ruined by them!!! And after we raised our concerns, their remedial action was ………giving us 3 coupons of 1 hour free car parking! Honestly, I cannot imagine how a great catering group –The Igor's Group can have this kind of contingency plan within their restaurant chain!!!