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🍪【#荃灣】頭檔大排檔💥大天台大排檔 食物一般氣氛搭救💥.🍪 記得以前中學對面有幾個冬菇亭,近年經裝修後有趟門同冷氣,大排檔嘅戶外特色欠奉🥲而家大部份大排檔都喺熟食街市可以揾到,當中荃灣呢間大排檔別有一番風味😆!✧ Speaking of Hong Kong culinary heritage, there is no way not to talk about the traditional open-air restaurants — dai pai dongs. Now most dai pai dongs can be found in public markets, but this one in Tsuen Wan is particularly cool!😍.🍪 頭檔位於香車街街市熟食中心天台,地方特別開揚,可以睇下四周圍大廈嘅景色,空氣又更加流通~☺️✧ Tau Dong has a superb location— the rooftop of a cooked food market, securing the privilege to overlook the bu
💥大天台大排檔 食物一般氣氛搭救💥
🍪 記得以前中學對面有幾個冬菇亭,近年經裝修後有趟門同冷氣,大排檔嘅戶外特色欠奉🥲而家大部份大排檔都喺熟食街市可以揾到,當中荃灣呢間大排檔別有一番風味😆!
✧ Speaking of Hong Kong culinary heritage, there is no way not to talk about the traditional open-air restaurants — dai pai dongs. Now most dai pai dongs can be found in public markets, but this one in Tsuen Wan is particularly cool!😍
🍪 頭檔位於香車街街市熟食中心天台,地方特別開揚,可以睇下四周圍大廈嘅景色,空氣又更加流通~☺️
✧ Tau Dong has a superb location— the rooftop of a cooked food market, securing the privilege to overlook the buildings around and get extra fresh air.
🍽 蜜椒薯仔牛柳粒 Diced Beef with Pepper and Honey $98(3/5)
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✧ Failed to finish all the beef as it is tough and stringy… the potato has gone stale a bit. Overall the taste is too sweet.
🍽 蝦醬通菜鮮魷 Stir-Fried Water Spinach and Squid with Shrimp Paste $98 (3.5/5)
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✧ Bland taste due to inadequate shrimp paste.
🍪 雖然食物味道不過不失,但份量多,而且坐喺天台食嘢都係好特別嘅體驗。見唔少人叫一個個煲嚟食,可能質素會好啲~ 😊
✧The food is nothing to write home about except that the portion is generous. Yet the opportunity to dine at the rooftop and immerse in the local food scene is phenomenal! The quality of hot pot could have been better as many diners were having it.
味道 Taste:🍪🍪🍪/5
環境 Ambience:🍪🍪🍪/5
💸消費 Spending:$103 /人 Person
🔥推介度 Recommendation:3/5