Although I am not big on sweet treats, my mom loves desserts particularly to Chinese sweets or non-chocolate items. With the recommendations from my foodie friends, I went to 大記攦粉糕點專門店 in search for the best sweet pudding 甜糕 for my mom. I tend to somehow go extra miles when it comes to anything for my mom, so without having any of the sweet treats myself before, I decided to get everything! They included 桂花糕 x2 , 桂花桂圓糕 x2, 芝麻糕, 眉豆糕, 忌廉南瓜糕, 紅豆糕, 綠豆糕, 馬蹄糕, 客家茶果(豆沙), and 砵仔糕. I also purchased

Although I am not big on sweet treats, my mom loves desserts particularly to Chinese sweets or non-chocolate items. With the recommendations from my foodie friends, I went to 大記攦粉糕點專門店 in search for the best sweet pudding 甜糕 for my mom. I tend to somehow go extra miles when it comes to anything for my mom, so without having any of the sweet treats myself before, I decided to get everything! They included 桂花糕 x2 , 桂花桂圓糕 x2, 芝麻糕, 眉豆糕, 忌廉南瓜糕, 紅豆糕, 綠豆糕, 馬蹄糕, 客家茶果(豆沙), and 砵仔糕. I also purchased a bottle of 桂花茶 as my mom likes the fragrance from 桂花. So with the whole box of puddings, I asked her to try a small slice of everything and tell me which ones she like the best. Here is her verdicts:

桂花糕 = 馬蹄糕 > 眉豆糕 > 客家茶果(豆沙) > 桂花桂圓糕

Comments: 桂花糕 and 馬蹄糕 are both very light and refreshing (清甜) without being too cloyingly sweet. The texture of the 茶果 is pleasantly chewy and not too sweet. The dried longan (桂圓) flavor isn’t profound and seems redundant.

芝麻糕 = 紅豆糕 > 砵仔糕

Comments: The sesame flavor is strong and the pudding is smooth, but my mom is just not very big on sesame (my sister, on the other hand, loves it). Both 紅豆糕 and 砵仔糕 are alright but didn’t standout from what she gets in other places.

Don’t Really Care:
桂花茶, 忌廉南瓜糕, 綠豆糕

Comments: Surprisingly, my mom found the fragrance of 桂花 too strong in the tea, making it too floral in taste. She prefers a diluted version by adding water. The pumpkin pudding has too little pumpkin taste and she doesn’t like the creamy taste from whatever they added the pudding. The green beans are too coarse in texture which affects the mouthfeel.

So, now I know that next time I will get extra slices of 桂花糕, 馬蹄糕, 眉豆糕, and 客家茶果 (may be of different flavors). I think she will enjoy 雪耳紅棗糕 too, and hopefully next time the store will have it in stock!

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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$40 (其他)
  • 桂花糕
  • 馬蹄糕
  • 眉豆糕
  • 客家茶果