21 瀏覽
(English below) 當晚我地一行三人入去想飲杯野食少少野﹐店內一個客都無。由於三個人有兩個已食飽﹐所以只係order左一個餐﹐另外我order左一杯野飲。之前真係食太飽同埋D野飲真係order唔落﹐我地絞盡腦汁都落唔到第三個order。有個本地男侍應走埋黎落單﹐話要minimum order﹐要每人叫一樣野。我地又再努力研究menu﹐但仍然係無野叫得落。我半開玩笑問係咪叫唔齊三樣野要走人﹐個侍應晌廚房嗌出黎話“算啦咁。”我地繼續坐﹐以為佢指既係話我地叫唔到第三樣野唔緊要。點知佢過黎收menu時先至講句世紀金句﹕“你地可以走喇。”我簡直唔相信我既耳朵﹗﹗如果好多人等位或者係黃金時段我地有一個人唔幫襯﹐我都唔會入去。但係當時已經九點幾﹐入面完全無客﹐加上我地唔係運桔﹐只係真係差一樣野order唔落(每杯野飲都成三十蚊﹐仲要唔係好吸引)﹐成本menu刨過好多次都真係無計﹐咁就要趕客﹐真係天下奇聞﹐個waiter既態度真係型到震。奇到蟄伏晌openrice N年都未寫過一篇食評既我要出手用雙語寫低我既奇遇。I went into this completely empty cafe
如果好多人等位或者係黃金時段我地有一個人唔幫襯﹐我都唔會入去。但係當時已經九點幾﹐入面完全無客﹐加上我地唔係運桔﹐只係真係差一樣野order唔落(每杯野飲都成三十蚊﹐仲要唔係好吸引)﹐成本menu刨過好多次都真係無計﹐咁就要趕客﹐真係天下奇聞﹐個waiter既態度真係型到震。奇到蟄伏晌openrice N年都未寫過一篇食評既我要出手用雙語寫低我既奇遇。
I went into this completely empty cafe after 21:00 on a weeknight with one of my two friends feeling hungry, while me and the other very full from a big meal we've had earlier. We ordered one meal and another coffee, something I didn't even want but felt bad for not ordering. A local waiter came to take our orders and informed us that we had to order at least one thing per customer. So we studied the menu over and over again to squeeze something out but as the drinks were not too appealing and all around $30, nothing else could be ordered aside from the two things we managed. I asked if we had to leave if we cannot order a third thing and the waiter hollered from the kitchen, saying "Nevermind". We all thought he meant "Nevermind about that third order", only to find out we were totally wrong as he came out to collect menus, he told us "You guys can leave now." How outraging!
Can this be more absurd? Had we no intention of placing a third order or visited during peak hours with less than three orders, I would've felt bad enough and not entered in the first place. But asking customers to get out because we couldn't order a third drink? This experience was so incredible that it urged me to write my very first review on openrice after years of mere spectating.