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嚟到荃灣,就好鍾意食小廚媽嘅粢飯,同埋佢自製既回甘茶。最特別就係佢嘅自家製辣椒油。藥膳燒賣都係一流,買咗幾樣嘢喺朋友個辦公室食,大家都食得好開心如果有得堂食就一流啦!Whenever I come to Tsuen Wan, I love to eat the rice rolls and homemade herbal tea from Siu Chue Ma. The medicinal siu mai are also excellent. I bought a few things to eat in my friend's office, and everyone enjoyed them very much.
Whenever I come to Tsuen Wan, I love to eat the rice rolls and homemade herbal tea from Siu Chue Ma. The medicinal siu mai are also excellent. I bought a few things to eat in my friend's office, and everyone enjoyed them very much.