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It’s funny how I used to live in a city where there’s maybe 5 or 6 red lobsters and for the whole decade I was there, I’ve never been to any of them. Now that Hong Kong got our own red lobster, I’ve been dying to try it out since it’s opening 🤣. I would say it exceeded all my expectations. Given it’s a chain restaurant with rather affordable pricing, I thought the seafood would be quite tasteless and maybe not that fresh. But the lobster, prawns and crab legs here are better than the ones in mos
講到red lobster,其實我以前住嘅城市有成五六間red lobster,10幾年都未去過。反而前排香港開咗間,竟然令我好想去試吓。其實佢作為一間連鎖餐廳而個價錢都算幾平,本身都冇乜期望。但去完我反而覺得佢超出左我嘅期望,質素唔錯。好似我叫嘅拼盤有蝦,龍蝦同蟹腳。三種海鮮都好新鮮,俾我喺好多五星級酒店自助餐食到嘅海鮮新鮮好多,肉質都係彈牙又多汁。當然佢哋好多菜式都加上大量牛油,咁當然就更加好味啦!就好似免費送上嘅車打芝士鬆餅,牛油同芝士味都好香。最後不得不提嘅就係龍蝦湯,我略嫌個湯太細,但係味道唔錯,好滑同埋真係