2020-10-27 1089 瀏覽
呢間一星Michelin🌟餐廳一直Booking 都好Full🚶🏻‍♂️主打英國菜 🇬🇧 晚餐有Tasting Menu 主題係Farm-to-table 👨🏼‍🌾 有新鮮同埋本地種植既農作物🌾 見到餐廳周圍都有一排排既溫室 🎋種植緊自給自足既有機蔬菜🥬 餐廳佔地雖然不大🏠 但係昏暗既環境同好多木造的設計🌳 令到環境唔會太焗促⭐️ Tasting menu 👅($980)⭐️ Ragstone tart, Pickled onion, Shallot confit 🧄 芝士味好Rich 🧀但唔會太Overpowering 同飽 洋蔥同蒜既點綴恰到好處🧅⭐️ Buttermilk waffle, Whipped parfait, Cranberry, Hazelnut 🧇同樣作為小食 好輕盈同香脆💥 榛子Nutty既口感🌰配上紅莓既澀好豐富🍓⭐️ Hong Kong pea, Elderflower and radish 🥗一碗用有機本地青豆打成既Puree💚 好Fresh 可能有人會覺得草青味重🤔Radish 蓉似Sorbet 既口感🍧 好清爽⭐️ Dry aged beef & Oyster,
呢間一星Michelin🌟餐廳一直Booking 都好Full🚶🏻‍♂️主打英國菜 🇬🇧 晚餐有Tasting Menu 主題係Farm-to-table 👨🏼‍🌾 有新鮮同埋本地種植既農作物🌾 見到餐廳周圍都有一排排既溫室 🎋種植緊自給自足既有機蔬菜🥬 餐廳佔地雖然不大🏠 但係昏暗既環境同好多木造的設計🌳 令到環境唔會太焗促
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⭐️ Tasting menu 👅($980)
Ragstone tart, Pickled onion, Shallot confit
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⭐️ Ragstone tart, Pickled onion, Shallot confit 🧄
芝士味好Rich 🧀但唔會太Overpowering 同飽 洋蔥同蒜既點綴恰到好處🧅
Buttermilk waffle, Whipped parfait, Cranberry, Hazelnut
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⭐️ Buttermilk waffle, Whipped parfait, Cranberry, Hazelnut 🧇
同樣作為小食 好輕盈同香脆💥 榛子Nutty既口感🌰配上紅莓既澀好豐富🍓
Hong Kong pea, Elderflower and radish
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⭐️ Hong Kong pea, Elderflower and radish 🥗
一碗用有機本地青豆打成既Puree💚 好Fresh 可能有人會覺得草青味重🤔Radish 蓉似Sorbet 既口感🍧 好清爽
Dry aged beef & Oyster, cep, Caviar
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⭐️ Dry aged beef & Oyster, cep, Caviar 🦪 ( +$200)
額外加左呢道菜 牛肉好嫩🥩 加上蠔 同埋魚子醬 整道菜既鮮味好滿😋
Late season tomato with cod roe, Linseed, Farm offerings
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⭐️ Late season tomato with cod roe, Linseed, Farm offerings 🍅
自家農莊種既花同草好精緻🌸 番茄感覺食緊Jelly 咁
Soda bread and whipped cultured brown butter
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⭐️ Soda bread and whipped cultured brown butter 🍞
係呢度既招牌菜😍 鬆餅入口暖暖地 好香燕麥味🥯 好鬆化唔會太Dense
Dill brined Cabbage, Mussel and wasab
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⭐️ Dill brined Cabbage, Mussel and wasabi 🥦
比較Asian 既口味🏮 青口好新鮮 👍🏻 而白菜調味有點鹹 同埋口感太腍
Maitake mushroom, Whey, Celeriac, Salted egg
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⭐️ Maitake mushroom, Whey, Celeriac, Salted egg 🍄
好簡單調味既舞茸 😚本身已經有好Earthy 既味道 加埋泡沫好Delicate☁️
Salmon, Leek, Roasted walnut and baked potato
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⭐️ Salmon, Leek, Roasted walnut and baked potato 🐟
煮三文魚看似平凡 🤨但係用左慢煮既方法 每一梳魚肉都係Silky Smooth💓
Three yellow chicken, Sweetcorn, Garlic and Chilli
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⭐️ Three yellow chicken, Sweetcorn, Garlic and Chilli 🐔
本地既雞肉瘦得黎又嫩又唔會柴👍🏻 香濃既肉汁同清新既粟米🌽同豌豆既味道互相配合🤗
Caramelised yogurt and dill cornet
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⭐️ Caramelised yogurt and dill cornet 🍦
來一口刁草乳酪清一清味蕾☘️ 好清新 中和返雞汁既濃郁 🍲
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⭐️ Roganic 🍮
裡面係白朱古力Mousse 🧁 甜得黎唔膩 外面用梨汁浸住 🍐 酸度恰好令朱古力無咁漏🤗
Bee pollen and chamomile cake, Hay with strawberries
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⭐️ Bee pollen and chamomile cake, Hay with strawberries 🐝
花粉加上洋甘菊味既蛋糕味道好Unique 同Complex 🌻 唔係普通既甜味🍭 亦都完美呼應返農場同植物既主題💐
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Ragstone tart, Pickled onion, Shallot confit
Buttermilk waffle, Whipped parfait, Cranberry, Hazelnut
Hong Kong pea, Elderflower and radish
Dry aged beef & Oyster, cep, Caviar
Late season tomato with cod roe, Linseed, Farm offerings
Soda bread and whipped cultured brown butter
Dill brined Cabbage, Mussel and wasab
Maitake mushroom, Whey, Celeriac, Salted egg
Salmon, Leek, Roasted walnut and baked potato
Three yellow chicken, Sweetcorn, Garlic and Chilli
Caramelised yogurt and dill cornet
Bee pollen and chamomile cake, Hay with strawberries