59 瀏覽
🤗餐廳新開張唔夠一個月, 主打日本牡蠣料理, 係結合左洋食屋➕酒場而成既蠔吧. 我地早兩星期book定位, 😮入到去發現多過一半係日本客, ✈️佢地每日嚮日本空運時令食材到港, 👨🏻🍳加上日藉主廚親自主理, 所以提供既食物夠曬新鮮同地道, 吸引唔少日本人幫襯🇯🇵🦪熊本 天草生蠔 ($128/1隻)🦪⭕️一坐低就發現餐紙已經圈起左今日供應既生蠔, 當日有四款選擇, 💁♂️店員推介呢款黎自熊本天草既岩牡蠣, 因為佢比較甜, 適合女生食. ☀️岩牡蠣盛產期係夏季, 多為野生蠔. 💪🏻呢隻蠔肉質紮實, 食落有微甜同濃厚蠔味, 唔錯!😉🗾北海道 厚岸生蠔 ($99/1隻)🗾🏯跟住揀左隻黎自北部既真牡蠣. 真牡蠣當造期為冬季, 大多係養殖蠔. ☃️佢既肉質超肥美, 大隻差D到漏出個殼, 認真誇張! 🤤食落濃郁又creamy, 仲有回甘添, 所以要比佢停留嚮口腔一段時間先捨得再食其他野🤭🧀三重芝士燒牡蠣 ($88/1隻)🧀🎌餐廳所有烤焗牡蠣都係用兵庫姬路蠔, 呢個雖然係三重芝士, 🔥但芝士味唔算好濃, 配埋本身鮮甜既蠔食係正既!😎🧈香草牛油燒牡蠣 ($78/1隻)🧀😏呢隻食落有淡淡既牛油香之餘, 👀又唔會
⭕️一坐低就發現餐紙已經圈起左今日供應既生蠔, 當日有四款選擇, 💁♂️店員推介呢款黎自熊本天草既岩牡蠣, 因為佢比較甜, 適合女生食. ☀️岩牡蠣盛產期係夏季, 多為野生蠔. 💪🏻呢隻蠔肉質紮實, 食落有微甜同濃厚蠔味, 唔錯!😉
🗾北海道 厚岸生蠔 ($99/1隻)🗾
🏯跟住揀左隻黎自北部既真牡蠣. 真牡蠣當造期為冬季, 大多係養殖蠔. ☃️佢既肉質超肥美, 大隻差D到漏出個殼, 認真誇張! 🤤食落濃郁又creamy, 仲有回甘添, 所以要比佢停留嚮口腔一段時間先捨得再食其他野🤭
🧀三重芝士燒牡蠣 ($88/1隻)🧀
🎌餐廳所有烤焗牡蠣都係用兵庫姬路蠔, 呢個雖然係三重芝士, 🔥但芝士味唔算好濃, 配埋本身鮮甜既蠔食係正既!😎
😏呢隻食落有淡淡既牛油香之餘, 👀又唔會遮蓋到蠔獨有既鮮味, 值得一試!👏
😋總體 (味道, 性價比, 環境, 服務態度) : 7.5/10
🤗The restaurant is a newly open oyster bar, 😮they ship fresh ingredients from Japan✈️ by air everyday and their head chef is a Japanese👨🏻🍳 We make the booking 2 weeks prior and we find out more than half of their customers are also Japanese🇯🇵
🦪Kumamoto Amakusa Oyster ($128/1 piece)🦪
⭕️They offer 4 types of oyster on that day and 💁♂️the waitress recommend us to try this Kumamoto Amakusa Oyster as its sweet and suitable for ladies. ☀️The Iwagaki oyster is in season during summer time and most of them are wild species. 💪🏻The oyster is firm and has a rich oyster taste😉
🗾Hokkaido Akkeshi Oyster ($99/1 piece)🗾
🏯We then choose a Makaki oyster from the north of Japan. ☃️They are in season during winter time and their size are huge! 🤤Its creamy and juicy and the after taste is memorable🤭
🧀3 kinds of Cheese Baked Himeji Oyster ($88/1 piece)🧀
🎌They use Hemiji Oyster for all the grilled oysters. 🔥Though there are 3 types of cheese on top, the freshness of the oyster are not covered😎
🧈Butter Herb Baked Himeji Oyster ($78/1 piece)🧈
😏I recommend this flavour as 👀it taste buttery and sweet!👏
😋Overall (Taste, CP value, Environment, Service): 7.5/10