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和式(蒲燒鰻魚) 全日早餐Japanese Style (Grilled eel) All day breakfast (HK$128)洋式(煙三文魚) 全日早餐European Style (Smoked salmon) All day breakfast (HK$118)Ranking: 5/5 ⭐食材超高質,主打無味精食物同精品咖啡。和式全日早餐件鰻魚堅係肥美肉厚多汁彈牙,食完會微笑果種。煙三文魚都係肥美同埋係食得出係優質。麻麻地南瓜嘅我都覺得個南瓜溶清甜質感好好,炒蛋滑得嚟都有蛋香但松露味唔算出。裝修係木為主,和式帶點北歐簡約風,播住日文歌曲,真係一個鬧市中慢活嘅好地方,坐到唔想走😅This cafe /restaurant focuses on gourmet food (no MSG) and single origin coffee. The grilled eel in the "Japanese style breakfast" made my day, it was meaty, juicy, and flavourful. The smoked salmon wa
洋式(煙三文魚) 全日早餐European Style (Smoked salmon) All day breakfast (HK$118)
Ranking: 5/5 ⭐
This cafe /restaurant focuses on gourmet food (no MSG) and single origin coffee. The grilled eel in the "Japanese style breakfast" made my day, it was meaty, juicy, and flavourful. The smoked salmon was also quality fish imported from Norway. The mashed pumpkin was also a delight, the sweetness was so natural, despite i am not a pumpkin fan. The scrambled eggs were cooked well and silky-smooth, yet the truffle flavours weren't strong. The highlight is actually the vibes of this place, decorated with wooden furnishings, the minimalism (a bit Japanese /Scandinavian style) makes you feel like you have escaped from the crowded city and busy life.
和式(蒲燒鰻魚) 全日早餐Japanese Style (Grilled eel) All day breakfast (HK$128)
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洋式(煙三文魚) 全日早餐European Style (Smoked salmon) All day breakfast (HK$118)
37 瀏覽
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