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今次要介紹嘅係位於旺角嘅廿人木糰子專賣店,係台日甜品、茶飲嘅專賣店,而抹茶、焙茶亦係依到嘅主打之一。與上一篇寫嘅中村藤吉唔同,依一間沒有舒適嘅環境,卻有掃街嘅另一番風味。Shiratam Dango is located at Mong Kok, serving Japanese dessert and Taiwanese drink with a particular focus at matcha and hojicha. Unlike Nakamura Tokichi, it does not provide a cozy environment, but the Mong Kok culture of having various snacks along the street.白玉抹茶 (Matcha Mochi) $26一碗甜品內包含抹茶雪糕、自家製抹茶凍、白玉以及紅豆。抹茶雪糕濃度適中,較為普通,反觀抹茶凍嘅抹茶味相比一般嘅更濃。白玉好大粒而且十分煙韌,紅豆粒粒分明,但個人口味認為若能減少一下紅豆嘅比例會令到整體上冇咁甜。總括而言,依個價錢咁足料,真係物超所值,途徑旺角不
Shiratam Dango is located at Mong Kok, serving Japanese dessert and Taiwanese drink with a particular focus at matcha and hojicha. Unlike Nakamura Tokichi, it does not provide a cozy environment, but the Mong Kok culture of having various snacks along the street.
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白玉抹茶 (Matcha Mochi) $26
The dessert includes matcha ice cream, home-made matcha jelly, mochi and red bean. The taste of matcha ice cream is quite normal, while matcha jelly is having richer matcha flavour than the ordinary one. The size of mochi is large with a chewy texture. Personally, we suggest lowering the portion of red bean to reduce the general sweetness. Overall, we didn't expect that much with this price, and we recommend you to try it.