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朋友仔誠意推介,所以帶我哋老遠水路嚟到 Elements 食捷克菜!我哋一次過食咗好多嘢!Classic Bohemian Goulash Soup 農夫包番茄湯一眼望落去已經好有東歐風味。而食農夫包最正嘅當然係麵包沾滿咗湯汁~yumyumRoasted Pork Knuckle with horseradish and mustard 德國鹹豬手通常豬手都係配芥末醬,原來仲可以配 horseradish,感覺新奇,但始終芥末醬先係王道!Beef Ragu Pasta 慢煮牛肉意粉相對其他菜式,這個 pasta 顯然有少許遜色,或許淋多少少醬汁效果會好一點。Chocolate Tart with butterscotch and peach sorbet 朱古力撻睇住面頭嘅 chocolate dome 溶化果下真係好治癒,慢慢望清楚裡面豐富嘅材料。食落係有非常濃郁嘅朱古力味,揀咗呢個甜品係絕對正確嘅!Classic Trdelnik Pastry Roll with cream cheese and cinnamon sugar 紅莓忌廉芝士卷食到最尾聲再食呢個 pastry rol
Classic Bohemian Goulash Soup 農夫包番茄湯
Roasted Pork Knuckle with horseradish and mustard 德國鹹豬手
通常豬手都係配芥末醬,原來仲可以配 horseradish,感覺新奇,但始終芥末醬先係王道!
Beef Ragu Pasta 慢煮牛肉意粉
相對其他菜式,這個 pasta 顯然有少許遜色,或許淋多少少醬汁效果會好一點。
Chocolate Tart with butterscotch and peach sorbet 朱古力撻
睇住面頭嘅 chocolate dome 溶化果下真係好治癒,慢慢望清楚裡面豐富嘅材料。食落係有非常濃郁嘅朱古力味,揀咗呢個甜品係絕對正確嘅!
Classic Trdelnik Pastry Roll with cream cheese and cinnamon sugar 紅莓忌廉芝士卷
食到最尾聲再食呢個 pastry roll 係會有啲飽飽滯滯嘅感覺,不過裡面嘅紅莓忌廉芝士真係幾正。