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冇得去韓國,唯有去韓風cafe!Earl Grey Milk Tea ($50): 本身有啲失望唔係一杯杯即叫即製嘅奶茶,但同朋友飲完之後都不禁驚歎好好飲!伯爵茶味非常濃,但唔會澀,反而好香。加埋冰仲非常消暑!Spam Box ($52): 影相好睇,味道正常。不過唔緊要,正如去飲嘢你都唔太在乎啲薯片好唔好食?(不是個好比喻 😂)Baked Dumplings ($65): 朋友肚餓,所以再叫多個餃子。我比較鍾意湯餃子,入面塞滿料,所以烘餃唔係好合我口味。The cafe serves a range of specialty drinks and their earl grey milk tea is really outstanding. Food-wise, the cafe could do better. still, I guess I will go back for another earl grey milk tea. Grab a cold drink there and have a walk along the promenade this fleeting s
Earl Grey Milk Tea ($50): 本身有啲失望唔係一杯杯即叫即製嘅奶茶,但同朋友飲完之後都不禁驚歎好好飲!伯爵茶味非常濃,但唔會澀,反而好香。加埋冰仲非常消暑!
Spam Box ($52): 影相好睇,味道正常。不過唔緊要,正如去飲嘢你都唔太在乎啲薯片好唔好食?(不是個好比喻 😂)
Baked Dumplings ($65): 朋友肚餓,所以再叫多個餃子。我比較鍾意湯餃子,入面塞滿料,所以烘餃唔係好合我口味。
The cafe serves a range of specialty drinks and their earl grey milk tea is really outstanding. Food-wise, the cafe could do better. still, I guess I will go back for another earl grey milk tea. Grab a cold drink there and have a walk along the promenade this fleeting summer!