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試咗好多款Yakitori, 最好食應該係牛柳,已經唔記得係咪和牛?仲有雞肉棒好有水準!其他雞軟骨,雞髀肉,雞翼,烤飯團,烤紫菜芝士年糕等,都係ok!其實呢間鋪都好方便,係正扶手電梯旁邊,閣樓可以座到20人,啱晒鐘意包場玩嘅朋友!I like this Yakitori place in Central, the beef and the minced chicken are very good. There are a lot of varieties which are also good, chicken thigh, cheese rice cake, chicken bones, chicken wings, etc. . It’s located next to the central escalator, you will not miss it.
試咗好多款Yakitori, 最好食應該係牛柳,已經唔記得係咪和牛?仲有雞肉棒好有水準!
I like this Yakitori place in Central, the beef and the minced chicken are very good.
There are a lot of varieties which are also good, chicken thigh, cheese rice cake, chicken bones, chicken wings, etc. .
It’s located next to the central escalator, you will not miss it.