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其實兩天前我也在這間店買過糖水。兩次都是同一個女店員(兩次都是晚上8時以後),兩次都態度非常惡劣!我已經很有耐性地等她處理完其他客人後才說我想買黑糖薑茶,她首先是皺眉頭,然後是差不多罵人的語氣問要什麼大小(size)。她完全沒有告訴我有什麼大小(size)選擇。我問她有沒有熱的選擇,她沒有耐性地告訴我:”你要未幫你整熱囉!”。之後,她問我在這 堻僋椄O拿走,我說拿走,問她有沒有夠容量的紙杯可以載起。她根本不願意想辦法解決問題!幸好我有足夠容量的水樽。之後她把薑茶倒入我的水樽後,不理我就去處理其他客人!最氣憤的是我沒有做任何事得罪她,偏偏要接受這種惡劣的服務!不想受氣的話不要到這間店! To be honest I was buying from the same shop two days ago. Both time I was received by the same staff lady (both times were after 10pm), with horrifying attitude. I’ve already be patient, waiting till she
To be honest I was buying from the same shop two days ago. Both time I was received by the same staff lady (both times were after 10pm), with horrifying attitude. I’ve already be patient, waiting till she’s done with other customers before I raised my requests. This time I ordered a ginger tea. To started with, she frowned, as she didn’t want to do biz with me. Then, almost yelling at me, she asked what size I wanted, without giving me any options. I was forced to order the largest size (later I found I could have ordered a smaller version). I asked if I could have it hot, she replied with the rudest manner in the world, “If you want it hot I will heat it up for you!”. Ok got it heated up, she asked if I was staying or taking it away. I said take away, and asked if she’s a paper cup big enough to hold it. She didn’t even bother to find a solution for me! At the end, fortunately I’d my water bottle with me. She filled it up, left my water bottle and me behind, and then went serving other customers without saying a word to me! I’ve done nothing to offend her! So pissed off I have to be the receiver of the poorest service! If you don’t want your long day to end in the worst way, don’t buy from this shop!