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從工作坊到銅鑼灣地舖,ふわふわ珈琲一直保持著推廣深焙咖啡的初心,繼續以其技術及手法,令深焙咖啡擁有變得萬千的風味,既可剛烈,亦可溫柔。店舖亦因應每個月引入的咖啡豆款式,創作該月限定的甜品。三月限定的意大利芝士蛋糕 Tiramisu 選用了 house blend 咖啡豆突顯酒感,並以上層的啫喱增加層次。無論是單獨品嚐還是配搭咖啡享用,都教人一試難忘。Fuwafuwa Coffee has landed in Causeway Bay, continuing to promote the attractiveness of dark roast coffee with the owner’s brewing skills and passion. Don’t miss the monthly special dessert, which is inspired by the bean selection of the month, just like the winey Tiramisu that is only available in March.